Author Topic: New Ideas  (Read 1573 times)

Offline andrewegillott

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« on: June 22, 2001, 10:36:00 AM »
This idea spawned itself in my mind a few days ago and has grown into an idea that's tormenting me. So if anybody has any comments about this subject...write back and i'd love to answer any questions. OK!! First: Has anybody ever thought of bringing submarines into the game? Sure it would take some work to create them (and some other things like Catlina flying boats which have a special radar to find them, destroyers in CV groups that drop depth charges automaticlly, and the subs themselves along with a sub pen built into ports). What i think would be really awesome is this.
The submarine itself would only be able to stay under the water for a limited amount of time (from 20 mins-1hr maybe?) and have 2 guns (one AA gun and one bigger gun for destroying ships). The amount of torpedoes it carries would probably about 5-15. This allows for it to go a long time without having to reload. To control the sub would be much like an airplane is controlled. The periscope would be at the bomb-aimer position. The periscope would have crosshairs to aim the torpedo. Maybe 2-6 torpedoes can be launched at once. Then it would take a while to reload (like battleship guns). At the sub pens, submarines will be able to be kept there with considerable safety. In WWII, the german sub pens used to have over 30 feet of reinforced concrete. Only later when Wallis's tallboys and Grandslams (maybe add these in as well?) were put into action could the Allies knock them down. Until the game includes these bombs, i say that sub pens should be able to be destroyed by 4000 lbs worth of bombs.
To detect the submarines, a new branch of units would have to be used. One good way to detect them would be to have Catlina flying boats (able to fly from CV like a PT boat spawns from them). To detect the subs, a special instrument would have to be attached to the cockpit view. It could be a light that switches on in the vicinity of a sub (simulates a sub being found by radar) and then having to go to the bomb-aimers view where a little screen (much like a radar screen) shows a dot where a sub is. Then the aimer guides the plane to the area (by using the joystick much like dropping a bomb) and then a dark shape will appear in the water. This will be the sub. At first the shadow will be light. But as the plane gets closer, the shadow would grow darker and more into the shape of the sub. Then the bomb bay opens and depth charges or mines are dropped on the sub. A single depth charge could force the sub up or cause it to sink.
The automatic destroyers would be like gun sites on a cv. They would chase after any detected sub within 5 miles. After the sub retreats or is destroyed, the destroyer returns to it's group. The destroyer's depth charges would be able to be used like gun emplacements because it will use the same system as the catlina flying boat. There would be a limit of 50 charges.
Ok if you have read all this then i urge you to please send in your questions and comments. I would appreciate any. Thanks a lot if you read it.

-Manutd 12

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2001, 10:43:00 AM »
Lots of people have thought about Submarines, but they can't do nuffin 'bout dat.

HTC is da peeps that you gotsa talk to if you wants some Submarines.

Offline andrewegillott

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« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2001, 10:46:00 AM »
How do i get hold of them? I also got another idea to do with Lancs.  :D Like tallboys (6 ton bomb), and the grandslam (10 ton bomb).


Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2001, 10:49:00 AM »
Well, if it's gameplay enhancements, then posting this in the "Gameplay Feedback/Issues" with a subject title stating "New Ideas" (or whatever you want) and putting "HTC PLZ READ" at the end of the subject title will get their attention.

Offline andrewegillott

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« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2001, 10:53:00 AM »
Thanx a lot.


Offline hitech

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« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2001, 12:15:00 PM »
Subs: My father was a torpedo man in WWII on the Carbanaro sister ship to the Bull Head, the last US sub sunk in the war. Been thinking about how to implement them for quite some time. Have a basic frame work that I think will work for game play.

There are multiple other new game ideas to implement that take presidence over subs.


Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2001, 12:17:00 PM »
There ya go Manut, HiTech himself answers, and theres even a little tab to find out what to bribe him with in his BBS signature...when you do bribe him, ask him for the P61 Black Widow too while your at it   :p

Offline andrewegillott

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« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2001, 12:44:00 PM »
I'm only 14!! Not of legal drinking age!! Your being unreasonable! How about a teddy bear? :D

You know another thing you could add? hehehe

I have already posted one idea for adding a whole branch of units dedicated to subs and their hunting. The flaw of the subs is simple; many units and buildings must be created for it to work. This new idea (I call it new because I don't know if anybody has suggested it before) is to create a modified version of the Lancaster. The modified version would be the one that the famous squadron 617 used during WWII. During the war, 617 dropped the bouncing bomb, and the two earthquake bombs the Tallboy and Grandslam. The only building that would have to be created would be the dams. The fun in doing a dam busters mission on the dam's would be in the skill required to blow up the dam. How many of you can fly a Lancaster at 60 feet, going 240mph, and to release the bomb at the right time? The dams would also have some light flak emplacements as well as some heavier kindin the fields around the dam. There would be two towers on the dam wall. Two advantages of having the towers are 1) To be able to have flak there 2) During the "Dam Busters" raid,  617 used the towers to know when they had reached the point to drop the bombs. A simple piece of wood in the shape of a triangle was made by the carpenters. Two nails were placed on the triangle. At the other corner, there was a peephole. When the nails covered the towers, you then knew it was time to drop the bomb. To solve the problem of altitude, 617 had two lights aiming at the water. One was on the nose, and the other was on the tail. At 60 feet, the two lights would converge in a figure of eight. Then there is the problem of flying this Lanc. The bomb weighs 9,000 lbs. The Lancs can carry it, but you gotta be good. And imagine the perk points reward for blowing up a dam! People would be lining up all around the dams waiting to have a crack at them, which means there must be at least 20 dam's on the whole map.
The earthquake bombs are also a good idea. They are very powerful and leave enormous craters. In one picture, a single Tallboy (weighs 6 tons) smashed into the ground where a railroad tunnel ran underneath. It blew a huge hole in the tunnel and caused all the earth to cave in on it. I know some people will think that this is pretty damn cheap. There is a catch. The plane has a limited range, and it's much slower to climb. If you think the Lanc was a slow climber before, now watch. The minimum safe drop height would be about 4,500 feet. Otherwise damage can occur to the Lanc. Another addition is that the plane will be much easier to overstress as it has lots of weight on it. A turn that is too sharp could cause your wings to be ripped off thus ending your flight. A grandslam raid would only be able to go 100 miles both ways. Meaning 50 miles in one direction, and, if you're lucky, 50 back. A tallboy raid would be 75 miles one way, 75 the other way, meaning 150 miles total.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, reply back and let me know. Also if you wanna name any ideas you have, please write them in. Thanx.


Offline andrewegillott

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« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2001, 12:44:00 AM »
Third Idea:

I'm sure someone has thought of implementing V1, V2, and (if you know about it)the V3. To launch These weapons would be of a whole new set of perk points. You would launch V1's at anytime (like spitfire's and TBM's). At every base there would be a small concrete building. The building would be the launch sites for the V1's. They can fly in any direction for 250 miles. A long range but how accurate can you be. To make sure it requires some skill, the person firing the V1 must estimate the range to the target. It would be like aiming an invisible battleship gun. If they hit anything you would gain perk points for whatever you got. It sounds simple, but it's not. Only 25% of all V1's reached their targets. They can also be shot down by fighters and AA emplacements. Sometimes they would just malfunction and fall into the sea. This is something i found at V1 Flying Bomb

The motor carried them along faster than any of the aircraft at the time, up to 400 mph. They typically flew between 3,000 and 5,000 ft altitude. Their range was only 250 miles, so the launch sites had to be close to the coast to hit southern England. The body was a simple steel tube filled with fuel, a 2,000 lb warhead, and a primitive guidance system.

When you gain a certain amount of perk points on the V1, you wil be able to fly the V2. The V2 will have a shorter range; 200 miles. But the speed it will travel at is shown in this quote found at V2 Rocket
The V2 was an unmanned, guided, ballistic missile. It was guided by an advanced gyroscopic system that sent signals to aerodynamic steering tabs on the fins. It was generally inaccurate due to errors in aligning the rocket with it's target, premature shut-off of the motor and inconsistencies in electric current in the guidance system. It was propelled by an alcohol (a mixture of 75% ethyl alcohol and water), and liquid oxygen fuel. The two liquids were delivered to the thrust chamber by two rotary pumps, driven by a steam turbine. The steam turbine operated at 5,000 rpm on two auxiliary fuels, namely hydroperoxide (100 %) and calcium permanganate. This system generated about 55,000 lbs (27,000 to 30,000 Newton) of thrust. The motor typically burned for 60 seconds, pushing the rocket to around 4,400 ft/second. It rose to an altitude of 52 miles and had a range of 200 - 225 miles. The V2 carried a high explosive warhead weighing 2,000 lbs (1 ton) that was capable of flattening a large building.

No need for explaining that. Imagine if you get an island close to someone's HQ. You and a squad could take out the HQ in a matter of minutes. The only problem is that the V2 requires the same aiming device as the V1. But where the V1 can be shot down, the V2 can't be. I will soon be posting a second part to this. It will be all about an idea for the V3. Again send in your comments.

Offline Nash

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« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2001, 12:49:00 AM »
Wardog! You hear that? Subs! HT sez!


Offline andrewegillott

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« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2001, 12:53:00 AM »
:D   :D   :D

Offline Citabria

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« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2001, 01:42:00 AM »
you would need to slow down the cv fleet top speed to make subs viable or for that matter pt boats
Fester was my in game name until September 2013

Offline mrfish

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« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2001, 03:38:00 PM »
hey manutd - one thing - if you really want to make a suggestion aces high style be sure to preface your request with a tirade about how unfair the current situaion is and then whine about everyone's incomptence - your well thought out and politely requested antics won't be tolerated here.  :D

Offline 1776

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« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2001, 09:20:00 PM »
PBY(hint,hint) Now where is that web page for bribes?

Offline Tac

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« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2001, 09:25:00 PM »
ok P-61 advocates, lets pool some cash and bribe him. Who's in?  :D