Author Topic: Looking for two instructors / aggressors for ACM school  (Read 3555 times)

Offline Rodent57

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Re: Looking for two instructors / aggressors for ACM school
« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2017, 08:50:09 PM »

I applaud the effort!   We have been having one heck of a tumultuous ride in Rodent57's house last couple of years (Family/Health stuff), but I am hoping things are winding down.

That said, having done both aspects of the school you are trying to set up, I volunteer to play aggressor for you.

I'll PM you with more details.

To everyone else:   Yes, I know its been tried (By some very skilled and knowledgeable folks)....and I know how hard it was to get and keep momentum... but why tinkle in someone else's cheerios?

Good on Ya RedBeard! :aok

- Rodent57   
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