There are 50 people logged in right now.
Earlier a few hours was 30.
Someone care to explain why?
So why in 2008 you had 100 poeple vs 30 in 2017 and 300 vs 100 ?
And why there are less players than in 2008 ?
Why they stopped playing?
I can definitely tell you in all truth that part of the reason "this" 2008 player was not playing on the date of your observation was in large part because of people like you. Drama queens and pisspoor pouting princess attitudes drove me away from the game more than anything else. It is a great game plagued with a small, but all too vocal - unfriendly player base who made being within range of or spamming forums and text buffers with endless, pointless drivel attacking the game, the creators, the players and rarely, if ever, have a kind, positive, or constructive word to entertain themselves with. Hope that helps clear up your question(s). Enjoy a nicer day than those you troll.