For those who don't know, Douglas Bader (pronounced barder) lost both his legs in 1931 dicking around showing off in a biplane. His logbook entry for this day reads:
"Crashed slow-rolling near ground. Bad show".
Allegedly in the 'Big Show' he could pull more G because of it. Preferred a Spitfire Mark Va because he was convinced the eight .303s were more effective against fighters. In 1941 he went down over France, likely a friendly fire incident, trying to bail out he became trapped against the fusalage by one of his false legs until the leather straps snapped after he pulled the cord! His spitfire disintegrated on the way down and was never found.
When in the bag he gave Gerry hell, escaping at least twice and ending up in Colditz.
There's a good film about him minus the terrible swearing (OP!) and being a disagreeable opinionated barstard. Still, they don't make 'em like that anymore!