One of the biggest gameplay changes was made years ago was the lowering of the radar height. I don't remember the exact reason why HTC did it - but I think it was to stop a type of gameplay that they and a lot of the community felt was ruining the game. It, in my opinion, ruined one element of our game - missions. One of the joys of missions, was to sneak under radar and pop up and attack an airfield - JUST AS ENEMY FORCES DID IN WWII. It was called
'sneak attack'. Lowering the dar bar to a ridiculous low height meant that sneak attacks were useless - and it also ended the use of missions as a method to do a sneak attack resulted in seal clubbing by the defending airfields.
So - in an effort to stop the gaming of the radar, we lowered it to 60 feet (or something close) and you also appeared on the SECTOR radar as well. So, forget it. Might as well up and bash it out in the quake-style gameplay outside an enemy airfield. And forget using the mission builder. It's not worth it anymore.
My proposal, is to
a) increase the radar tower height to 300 feet ASL/AGL,
- b) below 300 feet, don't appear on the sector radar bar.It will encourage mission creation and allow forces to coordinate raids on enemy airfields with NOE raids. Just as they did in WWII.
That is all.