Way too much typing. All pretense of 'pro-community' pretty much goes down the drain in the first paragraph. The true motive of this verbose exercise can be summed up more concisely:
"I'm pissed at people taking shortcuts in killing me or trying to kill me in Aces High while I took valuable time learning ACM and all because they were too lazy to beg me to teach them ACM and all and they deserve my public derision because that will make the game better .... for me."
No I'm looking to actually to be outflown....higher level of skill leads to better fights....my favorite and most memorable fights I actually lost.
Example TonyJoey, Bruv119 and I were the only ones who showed up for a KOTH one month....I'm at the bottom of that pecking order without a doubt in skill. But TJ and I got a good 1v1 where it turned into a very tight rolling scissors and I got a few pings on him, missing the opportunity I created put me out of position and he made his shot. Was one of the better fights I've had.
What shida is saying about expecting players like him and I to put in effort to train people ACM....you have to understand I'm self taught, I learned from hours of being beat in 1v1s against players like Grizz, SunsFan, DrSpek, Krupnski,....name a good stick and I've probably had a fair share of 1v1s against them....my year in Korea my mornings on my weekend were spent in the DA. At first I was getting beat down, slowly I started winning more and more fights because I watched films and I tried different tactics. Now you'd be hard pressed to find 10 players who are active who can beat me 1v1...call it cocky, I call it all the best sticks left when the side switch time changed.
If a player doesn't want to be better, we can't force them just like we can't force them not to HO....but best believe I'll call it out every time it happens...but don't think I'm not ready to help someone learn to be better, fact is a lot of players think they are pretty good because they score decently.
Even when they miss a HO shot I'll say something, because it's bad for gameplay.