Author Topic: Shade Accounts  (Read 18022 times)

Offline Arlo

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Re: Shade Accounts
« Reply #105 on: December 31, 2017, 11:52:26 AM »
So I'll continue to call the majority around here sissy little lady boys until they sack up and give a good fight...until then, jump off your high horse troll

Of course you will. Nobody can convince you otherwise. Nobody should have ever tried. ;)

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Re: Shade Accounts
« Reply #106 on: December 31, 2017, 12:01:16 PM »
Last night, late night eastern, Rooks had a choice of fighting against the horde at A8 with some of those uber pilots coming in at 20k+ to pick those already out numbered 3,4 to 1  :rolleyes: or a 3 way going over furball island. While we were still out numbered the odds werent as bad with it being a 3 way. The fighting went on for 30-60 minutes until the wirbles showed up to spoil the fight. Say good bye to the furball  :(

Its not like anyone was taking bases and we needed ground cover.

Short version. You had a blast for bout an hour then someone played with the other toys offered .... because it wasn't the DA and that kind of thing happens in the MA. I want the rest of the story. Did you log? Did you manage to find a degree of fun fighting the horde/alt types (and yes, that can happen)? If you let other players dictate your fun because you have a narrow guideline for such then I'm surprised you stuck it out this long. :)

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Shade Accounts
« Reply #107 on: December 31, 2017, 12:55:26 PM »
Short version. You had a blast for bout an hour then someone played with the other toys offered .... because it wasn't the DA and that kind of thing happens in the MA. I want the rest of the story. Did you log? Did you manage to find a degree of fun fighting the horde/alt types (and yes, that can happen)? If you let other players dictate your fun because you have a narrow guideline for such then I'm surprised you stuck it out this long. :)

The rest of the story is I hung around looking for a fight. The A8 fight was still full of pickers, namely a certain U4 and a pony and the furball was breaking up due to wirbles, so yes I logged.

Funny how that seems to be happening more and more often to more and more players these days. You guys that are always saying how the "Sun is always shining, and all is well with the world" are going to be the only 6-8 players left saying that as they close the doors.

There is something wrong with HOW the game is played by the players we have today. The game it self is great.

Graphics are good (just got a new video card and turned EVERYTHING up, very pretty),

Sound is ok, I wish they would spend more time really USING the new sound system instead of the "canned" default sounds they used to get it up and running (from the stuff Challenge posted about the system there looks like there is so much more that could be done)

Plane selection is awesome! Something for everybody

Vehicle selection is great.

Ships bring another element to what could be more battles.

Strat systems that do have effect, but not crippling, but have the option of a number of players spending their time could make it crippling if they wanted to work at it.

A base capture system that while easy to understand is not always so easy to accomplish.

The option to have bomber streams to many different targets, the ability to attack or defend them as well and many other targets.

...and so much more, yet what do we get, players looking for easy kills to get there name in lights. Pickers, runners, HOers, wirbles in the middle of a furball. Todays players have watered down the game to the least possible game dimensions. The few things the try get boring and make less fun for others and they more on. With less players coming in it is a losing situation.

Poor game play behavior is controllable. You can have the prettiest game in the world with all the best "toys" in it, even with great numbers but if game play sucks it wont last. Not with so many other options available.   

Offline bustr

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Re: Shade Accounts
« Reply #108 on: December 31, 2017, 01:07:55 PM »

Be nice....I want to be the most hated guy in the forums......  :cool:

Ya know, one of these days Skuzzy is going to offload you and me into our own two man mean guy forum and only allow us to communicate with hello kitty emojis.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Arlo

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Re: Shade Accounts
« Reply #109 on: December 31, 2017, 01:41:56 PM »

Be nice....I want to be the most hated guy in the forums......  :cool:

Ya know, one of these days Skuzzy is going to offload you and me into our own two man mean guy forum and only allow us to communicate with hello kitty emojis.

What is this? You're scaring me.  :D

Offline Arlo

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Re: Shade Accounts
« Reply #110 on: December 31, 2017, 02:04:40 PM »

...and so much more, yet what do we get, players looking for easy kills to get there name in lights. Pickers, runners, HOers, wirbles in the middle of a furball. Todays players have watered down the game to the least possible game dimensions. The few things the try get boring and make less fun for others and they more on. With less players coming in it is a losing situation.

Poor game play behavior is controllable. You can have the prettiest game in the world with all the best "toys" in it, even with great numbers but if game play sucks it wont last. Not with so many other options available.

As much as I want what you want (and I do) I completely disagree with your assessment of how 'poor game play behavior in controllable.' Human nature, itself, is contrary to that. You can't force another player to be exactly what you want them to be when they aren't breaking game rules. You can possibly set an example and inspire them (this takes positive methods and a great deal more effort and character than 'shaming' does). Even then, there's no guarantees. There never will be.

Dale can't code in behavior (as evidenced by ENY and the stubborn nature of the average player). And we, the self proclaimed 'guardians of the community',  can't make a putz a non-putz. We can (possibly) out-fun them (and yes, it's an uphill battle when there's more putzes than heroic champions). That's another part of human nature, though. When it comes down to it, we play games to have fun but there will always be an element of people that get pleasure out of someone else's misery. And even if that can be avoided, your fun may not be their fun may not be my fun and others may not care about your or my misery, at all (nor would they care what we think their fun should be). You and I seem to agree that AH offers lots of opportunities for fun, though. Which leads me back to my own conclusion, on a regular basis - it's not really them, it's me. I'm in charge .... of me. :) 

On another note - I see wonderful posts like the one made by Junky II that encourages players to try KOTH, fearlessly and with that wonderful attitude of fun, win or lose. I appreciated it and it renews my faith. I want more of that. But, like I said, that's me. :cheers: :salute

Online scott66

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Re: Shade Accounts
« Reply #111 on: December 31, 2017, 02:14:17 PM »

Be nice....I want to be the most hated guy in the forums......  :cool:

Ya know, one of these days Skuzzy is going to offload you and me into our own two man mean guy forum and only allow us to communicate with hello kitty emojis.
it's too late for that bustr your cool maps in rotation make to liked... Sorry
 XO ThunderHorse Squadron.    
"This place is a psychologist's wet dream".... FishBait

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Shade Accounts
« Reply #112 on: December 31, 2017, 05:49:14 PM »
As much as I want what you want (and I do) I completely disagree with your assessment of how 'poor game play behavior in controllable.' Human nature, itself, is contrary to that. You can't force another player to be exactly what you want them to be when they aren't breaking game rules. You can possibly set an example and inspire them (this takes positive methods and a great deal more effort and character than 'shaming' does). Even then, there's no guarantees. There never will be.

Human nature may not be controllable, but game play can be. If you dont want drivers doing 200+ into a corner you add a chicane to slow them down before they get to the corner. The same can be done in the game. If game play isn't changed to bring back the variety and challenge that made the game strong it will continue to lose players.

Offline 1stpar3

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Re: Shade Accounts
« Reply #113 on: January 01, 2018, 01:10:59 AM »
Human nature may not be controllable, but game play can be. If you dont want drivers doing 200+ into a corner you add a chicane to slow them down before they get to the corner. The same can be done in the game. If game play isn't changed to bring back the variety and challenge that made the game strong it will continue to lose players.
I know that I have asked this before....but for the life of me, I just dont get why AH enjoyment is something you dont have. I missed the old days so I have to give your opinion a bit more weight, than my own  :salute  That being said,IMO this game and its players are the GREATEST fun I could hope to find in a video game. :rock Yes, I get frustrated at times but always have a blast playing. So to be fair about it, why are players who are positive about the current game play get demeaned and shown scorn? Alot of us with that opinion probably came late to the party as well. Just saying  :uhoh
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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Shade Accounts
« Reply #114 on: January 01, 2018, 09:51:09 AM »
I know that I have asked this before....but for the life of me, I just dont get why AH enjoyment is something you dont have. I missed the old days so I have to give your opinion a bit more weight, than my own  :salute  That being said,IMO this game and its players are the GREATEST fun I could hope to find in a video game. :rock Yes, I get frustrated at times but always have a blast playing. So to be fair about it, why are players who are positive about the current game play get demeaned and shown scorn? Alot of us with that opinion probably came late to the party as well. Just saying  :uhoh

Im not saying this is it, just playing "devils advocate", but maybe your one of the players causing the issues?

Are you a player that enjoys dive bombing a single tank with a fully loaded lancaster?
Do you enjoy being the 4th, 5th...8th guy in on a single fighter?
Do you enjoy upping a wirble under a low alt furbal just to pick off fighter that are doing nothing but fighting each other?
Do you enjoy circling of a base capture/defense at 20K to drop in and pick/run until your low on bullets/fuel?
Do you enjoy sitting at some out of the way place and single shot/popping spawning GVs?
Do you enjoy jumping into an M3 as soon as a buff shows up on dar?

They "old days" was about combat (funny how that word is so predominately displayed in the description of the game and yet we find so little of IN the game), air to air, air to ground, ship to air, ground to ground, bombing strat missions, base captures, squad to squad battles (one squad holds a base another tries to take it). These are things of the past with the players of today and their "instant gratification".

I have been in battles that lasted hours over a single base. I remember one full afternoon we had a guy from England driving our CV, maybe "Lynx" not sure, but he drove the heck out of that CV and we captured only 2 bases while fighting off the attacks to the CV. More than 4 hours of fun had by everyone there. Fighters, bombers, GVers, PT boat drivers, 50-60 people playing and fighting in one area.

Today it would be a few sets of dive bombing lancs and everyone would move on.  I understand the "sand box" idea of the MA, but when people start to abuse that freedom to do what ever they want to the point of driving away CUSTOMERS I think it may be time to reevaluate that open sand box idea.

Offline Arlo

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Re: Shade Accounts
« Reply #115 on: January 01, 2018, 12:53:57 PM »
Players have fun doing whatever. Some don't have fun letting them. No, it's not something new.


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Re: Shade Accounts
« Reply #117 on: January 01, 2018, 03:21:15 PM »
 There are many reasons players  drop Their subscription.  I wonder does Hitech survey The ones that do drop?     I know I like to know what My customers and future former customers are thinking, It may help  the try  Your services out again.

Offline 1stpar3

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Re: Shade Accounts
« Reply #118 on: January 02, 2018, 02:02:38 AM »
Im not saying this is it, just playing "devils advocate", but maybe your one of the players causing the issues?

Are you a player that enjoys dive bombing a single tank with a fully loaded lancaster?
Do you enjoy being the 4th, 5th...8th guy in on a single fighter?
Do you enjoy upping a wirble under a low alt furbal just to pick off fighter that are doing nothing but fighting each other?
Do you enjoy circling of a base capture/defense at 20K to drop in and pick/run until your low on bullets/fuel?
Do you enjoy sitting at some out of the way place and single shot/popping spawning GVs?
Do you enjoy jumping into an M3 as soon as a buff shows up on dar?

They "old days" was about combat (funny how that word is so predominately displayed in the description of the game and yet we find so little of IN the game), air to air, air to ground, ship to air, ground to ground, bombing strat missions, base captures, squad to squad battles (one squad holds a base another tries to take it). These are things of the past with the players of today and their "instant gratification".

I have been in battles that lasted hours over a single base. I remember one full afternoon we had a guy from England driving our CV, maybe "Lynx" not sure, but he drove the heck out of that CV and we captured only 2 bases while fighting off the attacks to the CV. More than 4 hours of fun had by everyone there. Fighters, bombers, GVers, PT boat drivers, 50-60 people playing and fighting in one area.

Today it would be a few sets of dive bombing lancs and everyone would move on.  I understand the "sand box" idea of the MA, but when people start to abuse that freedom to do what ever they want to the point of driving away CUSTOMERS I think it may be time to reevaluate that open sand box idea.
1. Nope on the Lancs. I do my bomping of tanks is in my Spit takes some skill at least
2. Nope, I hate that
3. GUILTY as CHARGED! Its contributing to the war effort! Keep your guys alive type of thing. I do how ever understand that frustration....happens to me all the time. I love bombing Wirbs though, so KARMA I guess :x Same as your 4 hours with GVs, fighters and bombers, just scaled down a bit.
4. Nope, too high for me! As I am usually heavy and low looking for the GVs defending towns
5.Nope, tanks arent my I get bombed alot! Karma again perhaps
6. Depends on the Dar BAR in sector. Done will be deacked and WF LONG before I could get there! I do try though at times. Hasnt been as much as a factor since Bustr's maps are pretty good about spawn point distances, IMO

As far as what you are describing as COMBAT....I see this sort of stuff every time I log in. True the numbers that participated in the past was WAY bigger, it still happens! Its hard to defend a carrier these days I guess? Would be a lot better with mass uppers and loads of guns manned for a fact! This does create some fast and furious action though. Makes one stay on their toes IF they want to maintain the CV.  I see it like Video Poker at Vegas...Sure you get a bigger payout for paying hand playing with dollars , but playing quarters or less has same winnings by %. Seems to me that the onus is on your particular style of play. Game has evolved so evolve with it? I do understand your points though! Playing .05 Video Poker is all I know so its different for me. Its still a gratifying pay out for me. Hope that gives you a better idea of what I mean, when I say that I dont understand how this isnt fun for you :salute
"Life is short,break the rules,forgive quickly,kiss slowly,love truly,laugh uncontrollably,and never regret anything that made you smile."  “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”- Mark Twain

Offline Skifurd

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Re: Shade Accounts
« Reply #119 on: January 03, 2018, 08:42:30 PM »
I'm not necessarily a shade, but I also don't really want everyone knowing who I was way back when...That's all  :cheers:
