I like that rationale using barracks, except for
the one thing that has eluded most in this thread, the balance. How many attackers will be used to 1) knock out all the barracks / vehicle hangars that spawn to target field, 2) knock out all town ack, 3) knock down town buildings and prep white flag, 4) maintain air defense / protect troop arrival from air or hidden ground defenders, and
most importantly 5) do all the above in a time constraint.
Now, following Oboe's
very correct observation, this all would need to have been preceded by bombing runs on Country Strats.
Note: All of these
things the attackers are doing are promoting COMBAT!
M3 resupply is just a TOOL. Most probably the reason why one particular country is known to gain superior numbers and roll bases, while "flicking" away any possible loss of bases without dimenishing their attack force. (Funny how the thing you desire to save you, ends up eating your lunch).
Yes, the Opel would be an acceptable replacement tool. It even fits in with the convoy system that was lost with the latest version.
Sorry I haven't been around much lately so that you may properly release your venom (Bf110 fang style) into twisting bloodied wreckage. Geez, I never knew you had such affinity for anything as toothless as the M3.