Why does it sound like you dont want to run into ANY opposition? Whats the point of playing "the best WW2 and WW1 combat experience online!" if your looking to avoid everyone?
The "if you like not fighting so much, you must have tons of fun offline, play there" crowd (which, to be fair, hasn't yet included you, but the above comment leans in that direction) doesn't get where I'm coming from, so I'll try an analogy maybe people like that can relate to.
Say you see a big red darbar building on the map and have figured out the target. Your teammates are either fighting on other fronts or simply outnumbered and the defensive response to this threat is minimal. So you decide to up a 262 and lay waste to the invaders and do what you can on your own. Do you up from the base you think the horde is heading for? Probably not: you want to have enough altitude and E to keep your lonely self alive when you do run into the bad guys. Get caught low and slow in your deuce and you're screwed.
So. When you get to target you've got a very few good guys and a whole lotta bad guys in front of you, and the alt and E you needed to make life difficult for the latter. You've got the fight you want. And if a bad guy shows up with alt and E on
you, you're likely to want to use your plane's superior speed to clear your 6. But you still want a fight! You just want it on your terms, right? And when you think you've got enough E to re-engage successfully you'll be back.
I like a fight, too! But, like the 262 pilot, I want it on my terms. Remember that I'm "flying" an easily killable wirb or m3--no extending away from bad guys for me! All I have going for me is violence and stealth. The 262 pilot wanted altitude and E before he engaged his enemies; I want a chance for me and my meager crew of one or two to get the town white-flagged before I have to fight. The 262 pilot may or may not care if the base gets taken, but to me a sortie is pointless unless it serves some larger purpose for my team. If sneaks were the only things I ever did I'd understand the "hiding from a fight" accusations thrown so often my way. But I was a pretty well known player who often flew pretty killable buffs at pretty killable alts so the hiding thing simply doesn't ring true.
Having A20s waiting to bomb me before I could get to town happened often in the pre-GV darbar era, but that was part of the drama and kudos to the guy who figured out what I was up to before it became a real threat. Now there's much less opportunity for stealth--especially if players want to try to do something clever and skirt the target to come at it from an unexpected direction, or drive an m3 long distance--and for people like me that's a really major loss.