Author Topic: Old Fart Considering Return - What's it like after 9pm Pacific Time Weeknights?  (Read 1867 times)

Offline llama

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Hi Guys,

Tip of the cap to fellow old farts still here.

I more or less gave up AH in 2010 when I started work for SpaceX and lost any semblance of free time. I quit a few months ago and have been enjoying my newfound free time in a PS4 playing World of Tanks. I was dusting off some model planes and a bottle of Dawn of Aces beer on the bookshelf this morning, it occurred to me how much I miss flying.

Getting back into it would mean either converting all my old gameport Thrustmaster gear to USB with some Arduinos or buying all new gear, getting new TrackIR stuff that works with Windows post-XP, and maybe getting a new PC. But it sure would suck if after all that, when I log on to play between 9pm and 11pm Pacific Time on weeknights, there's like 10 pilots in the air in any one arena.

So guys, tell me, what's the action like at this time of night these days?


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Online Brooke

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OK, here's the thing.

1.  I love SpaceX and give you a hearty <S> for what you guys have accomplished.

2.  Don't worry about anything else -- just come fly with us in the June scenario "Fjord Fury" because scenarios are the best, most-fun hobby there is!  :aok  (Link to some details: )

3.  For equipment, if you do need new stuff but want it lowest cost, best bang for the buck on a joystick in my opinion is the Thrustmaster T.16000M twisty stick (so you don't have to get pedals right away) for about $50.  Also, I've put together system that runs AH just fine for me (60 frames per second) for $297 for the computer, $98 for Windows, $150 for graphics card.  You can perhaps skip the $98 for Windows if you already have that.  Details here:,392522.0.html

I'm not an expert on numbers in melee arena as I mostly fly scenarios, but I'm sure some folks will give you info on that.

Offline Bear76

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Hey LLama, long time.

Offline Wiley

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I could be wrong, but I don't *think* there's a version of TrackIR hardware that won't work on current Windows.  You'd just need (and want) to get the latest software.  At least version 4 TrackIR hardware will work just fine.  If yours is before that, I couldn't tell you for sure, but I'd be inclined to plug it in and see what happened.

As to numbers, generally speaking after 9 Eastern, you'd be looking at around 80+ in the melee last I checked.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline 1stpar3

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 :rofl Pilots and reading....PACIFIC 9-11. Numbers start to drop around 9pm pacific,I am rarely on past this time but times I do play 10:30 pacific they are real low. Drops from around 50 players(tower sitters and in flight) per side at 8-10 pm EASTERN to around 25-30(same mix) by 12:00 eastern (9 pacific) and trickle down from there. :uhoh It does depend on the DAY and time of month(usually towards the end of tour,more players show up and stay later).
"Life is short,break the rules,forgive quickly,kiss slowly,love truly,laugh uncontrollably,and never regret anything that made you smile."  “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”- Mark Twain

Offline Wiley

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Woop, force of habit.   :confused: Yeah, 1stpar3 has it about right.  Numbers take a drop right around then or shortly thereafter.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline Molsman

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Welcome Back the Water is fine I been lurking around in the Game but not under my Old Name
Molsman, Crazy8s , Crazyman
JG11, DerWanderZirkus, -The Flying Clowns-
               Wait n Bleed

Offline llama

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Hey LLama, long time.

Right back at you, Bud! <S>!


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Offline Max

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Number count in Melee right now (7:40 EDT ) is 110. That might increase another 30-40 up through 9:00 EDT. Granted, it's a weeknight. Weekend numbers will bump those up by 20%.

Sorry, I don't fly much late night. Nice to cya...met you at a Con or 2   :salute

Offline Vulcan

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llama check out the VR offering.

Offline llama

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llama check out the VR offering.

OK, can you summarize the VR offering? I still have my cockpit and projector, but The New is worth learning about...


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