Works excellently with AH3 - also IMO it allows a pilot to combine the hats/hotas views with TrackIR, giving you the ability to use TrackIR in game, but also "fall back" on using the thumbhat/keyboad views if you need to as well. This is how I use Tir5 still, as I find in VR I'm not as accurate a shot, and thus still prefer to be in TrackIR. Heh, new 4k 144hz Gsync monitors have been sited, and will be out in 10 days or less...can't wait to use TrackIR with AH3 in 4k on a 27" Gsyn unit running at 144hz (if a 1080ti or TitanXP can push Ah3 to 144fps/hz in 4k..we'll see, heh).
TL:DR, HTC has done one of if not the best TrackIR (and VR) implementations in the sim gaming world. You won't regret getting TrackIR, that is a guarantee to anyone.