I've been flying the P-51B more often and had noticed some jumping in the Manifold Pressure needle as I accelerate down the runway on take-off. I first thought my throttle pot needed cleaning, so I brought up Options/Controllers/Map Controllers, selected Z-Rotation (mapped to Analog Throttle 1) and checked the advanced box so I could watch the throttle input - result was smooth input throughout the range of throttle rotation.
So next I got in the P-51B and set it to Auto-Take off. I brought up the clipboard and went to the Advanced box again so I could watch the throttle axis input. As I smoothly and slowly advanced the throttle on take-off, I compared the throttle input to the manifold pressure gauge needle. Both rose slowly and steadily as my throttle was advancing. Until, at about 44", the needle suddenly dropped to 35". I hadn't paused in advancing the throttle, but continued slowly increasing my input. The needle continued to rise again slowly, commensurate with my throttle input until I reached about 44" again - then it really took off and advanced much more rapidly than before, even though I hadn't changed my rate of advance on the throttle.
I also tried this experiment on the P-51D but the throttle input and manifold pressure needle seemed properly linked through out the range - I've only noticed this in the P-51B.
Can any one else verify this, pls? Thanks!