Author Topic: TOD series 3, frame 2. Post yer AARs here.  (Read 2549 times)

Offline Nash

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TOD series 3, frame 2. Post yer AARs here.
« on: October 19, 2001, 11:45:00 PM »
SBM launched from A40 in B-26s (8 of us), and went NOE over the channel to sector 10.8. There we dropped on the barracks (?) and Aircraft Factory. Multiple targets destroyed. We were messed up by 262 the entire time during our climb and drop over those targets. We lost maybe 3-4 of our buffs, and killed 3-4 of their 262s. On egress, only 2 of us made it back to our rearm field, A23. We then climbed out for an attack on A22, and were shot down by more 262s. We were able to make our drop there, but don't know if anything connected (killed before the bombs landed). Shot down another 262 during this attack.

Many of our 262 kills were of the "both go boom at the same time" variety... Dunno how many it will actually award us, but we knocked at least 5 out of the air.

This is gonna be a close frame... and WOW this was a nail biter! Extremely fun. <S> everyone.

Offline Swoop

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« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2001, 12:01:00 AM »
MAG-33 launched from A56 with 9 B17s.

Climbout was west over the Norfolk coast and out into the North Sea.  We turned for primary target (A22) and climbed to 22k, as we approached Belguim all reports said primary, secondary and tertiary targets completely covered by cloud.  Decision was made to go low and bomb from just under cloud so down to 11k we went.  Primary target then made flat, low cons seen but no threats.  We turned for secondary target (A24) and climbed up to 12k in the cloud, one of our lads got separated and picked off by a 190, we never saw the 190 again.

As we approached Rotterdam the cloud cover cleared (grrrrr, damn weather reports) so we split into 2 groups to attack both A24 and P61.  Then all turned for tertiary target (factory east of P61) and reformed.  All targets were completely nerfed (that's the technical term you understand)   ;).

Soon as we'd all turned back for home.....262s.....loads of em.  We fought a running battle halfway across the North Sea, 4 B17s went down, few more suffered some damage.  We claim 4 262s shot down and 2 more damaged.  

RTB'd to A56 while trying to explain to Ripsnort that Norfolk is nowhere near Dover and he aint gonna see the cliffs.


Offline sax

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« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2001, 12:10:00 AM »
13th upped 3 B26 fro A40 to A22.

Dropped below clouds to drop, got jumped by 262's and 109. Sax died quick, did manage to get a 109 smoking. Rude dropped on 5 targets, Vruth got off all bombs and rtb safe. He did kill two 109,s I believe.

Offline -ammo-

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« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2001, 12:22:00 AM »
we upped 13 P-47D30's from 40 and 47. We were spit into 3 flights, red, blue and yellow. Our AOR was the 39-40 area. Our 3 flights were basically setup to the north, south and east of our AOR. Yellow flight spotted Arado's and engaged south of 39 and funked, the FL claims 3 destroyed, 2 damaged. At the same time red and blue flight engage a rotte of Dora's north of A40. The melee went to the deck with the outnumbered FW's on the defensive. was an awesome fight. All 190's were destroyed (5 or 6, log will confirm) with 1 loss to our ranks.  

We had one disco tonite. 1 KIA, 5 FW190D's claimed, 3 arados claimed, 2 damaged. We also rtb'ed 3 damaged airframes. later on we looked for targets of oppertunity over the coast of France. It payed off when we found 3 JU-88's landing at 21 I believe. All 3 JU-88's were destroyed. All other 56th FG airframes rtb'ed safely at A42.

I am curious as to what happened at A40. After we intercepted the FW's, we went south to lend support to yellow flight. Then we looked for targets of oppertunity. This was an apparent mistake. We got reports that A40 was damaged  with all hangers down, other targets were destroyed there too. We knew that a couple of Arado's got by and damaged the port but were unaware of the attack on 40.

<S> to the LW, greatr fights, and you got by us at 40. I dont mind telling you that I am aggravated that you got by  ;) <S>

ammo out

[ 10-20-2001: Message edited by: -ammo- ]
Commanding Officer, 56 Fighter Group
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Offline Urchin

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TOD series 3, frame 2. Post yer AARs here.
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2001, 01:04:00 AM »
This was possibly the worst performance I've ever seen JV44 turn in in a TOD.  We had 2 guys in 152s (me and Wotan), 2 guys in Doras (Sour and someone else), and 3-4 guys in Me262s.  

Me and Wotan were patrolling west of A24, under the cloud cover.  The Doras were patrolling above the cloud cover.  We got word that there was a gaggle of P-51s west of A22 and that the field was under attack.

The Doras and the 152's went to defend 22, the 262s orbited the port and A24.  Me and Wotan spotted 2 or 3 B26's headed east toward A22, peeking in and out of the clouds that were at around 11,000 feet.  We made a pass on one, I got some good hits and it started smoking.  Wotan then said he had been killed, I did'nt see it.  I saw him going down with a radiator hit, he said a B26 had winged him from d1.6 (which I believe, those guys were good shots).  Me and Sour went after another B26, we shot it down but Sour also went down with (gee, I can't imagine what) a radiator hit.  I believe he ditched, I lost track of him as there were still B-26s popping out of the clouds to attack A24.  Soon after that I saw another B-26 come out of the clouds, I turned to intercept him.  He geekdanced away and pinged my radiator from 1,000 yards.  I went after a different B-26 that was smoking (don't know why it was), he went into wild evasives, I snapped my wings off trying to follow a BOMBER through his evasives, and bailed out.  I believe the bomber also bailed out, although I can't say for sure.  

All in all it was quite an unsatisfying experience on my end.  Axis CO's take note- Do not assign 190D9's or Ta-152's to a squad if you think they are going to be facing bombers, the bombers will shoot down the planes without much effort.

Offline Nash

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« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2001, 01:30:00 AM »
Lemme get this straight... You guys had Doras, perk 152s and perk 262s in your flight, and yer complaining about some of you getting shot down even though you wiped out every buff you encountered? Wasn't exactly a picnic getting slaughtered by u guys either.  :)

Offline ghostdancer

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« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2001, 01:39:00 AM »
Nightmares VMF-101 AAR: Seven Days in September, Frame 2

VMF-101 upped 6 P51Ds out of A20 and circle over the base there building alt while we sorted out a few problems (two members made it just under the wire and one we didn't have time to actually sign into the squad). Once we finished forming up we then headed north over the channel to build some altitude.

We achieved 16K at 8,10,5 and then turned east toward are assigned patrol area .. a36 running up to a24. As soon as we hit the Dutch coast we ran into a massive front with cloud cover as far as the eye could see. We proceed to toward a36 without spotting anything.

About the time we enter 12,9,7 we started hearing reports frome the 412th about enemy bogeys at a22 and that they were engaging. A little bit later we heard that their C.O. Midnight was down. At this point we were told to change course and head North East up to P61.

The flight to P61 was very uneventful except that the whole continent seemed to be socked in with cloud cover. We spent our time building up to 23K alt.

At 13,11,7 as we approached P61 from the south we detached Pyroman and Tahgut and sent then down through the cloud cover to check out the status of P61. They said it was clear and that the cloud cover came down to 10K which we reported to command. At this point we picked up 2 high bogeys on our 5 o'clock at around 26K+ alt.

They turned out to be me262s and made several passes at us but our 3 groups of winged pairs managed to fend them off and we turned to the west and broke out to 11,12,2 and the me262s broke off as the cloud cover evaporated over the channel.

At this juncture we were ordered to head south to a22 and provide fighters cover for the bombers coming in at 10K under the clouds. We throttled up to military power and zoomed south and linked up with BigJim1 over a22. We chased off a fw190 that was on his tail and had vis on another one of our buffs there but then another fw190 came in followed by 4 me262s.

BigJim1 died in a quick burst while we were spread out running off the fw190s. The me262s kept making slashing passes through us while the 2 fw190s were stuck and had to knife fight with our P51s.

Tahgut and Pyroman chased down and shot up one of the fw190s over the channel and he went down but they didn't have time to see if he was out of control or just diving for the deck as me262s came in on them. Meanwhile Aamon, Morkeleb, Zakar and I were engaged with the other fw190 and several me262s. I let loose a burst and the fw190 was smoking and then Aamon hit him on his pass. A few moments later my wingman Zakar blew up behind me as a me262 came through and its big guns shredded him on a snap shot. The fight devolved to the deck and the fw190 ran to the ack at a22 (which was the only thing left after the allied buffs stomped that base flat). Aamon and I broke off avoiding the ack.

The fw190 then turn back around and engaged Aamon and smoked him while the me262s kept making slashing attacks on us. I came back around and shot out the engine on the fw190. He banked hard and turned away from me. The me262s kept buzzing around keeping us from lining up on him .. resulting in the fw190 being able to ditch his plane. I got off another few burst on him while he rolled to a stop but his plane refused to blow before he got out of it.

Then bam Aamon was down .. I looked around realizing I was by myself and then a me262 got a bead on me and took me out with a snapshot. 3 Nightmares now dead.

The german jets then took off after the survivors over the channel. Morkeleb, Pyroman, and Tahgut did their best but with 4 jets on them all they could do was jink and hope the LW pilots ran out of ammo or got bored. Neither happened. Morkeleb went down next .. then 5 minutes later Pyroman was hit and went down. Finally all on his own Tahgut was finished by the LW.

We mangaged to stay in the air for about an hour and 15 minutes before we were all mopped up; which about 20 minutes were of actual combat.

  Launched    = 6 P51s
  KIA         = 6
  Kills/Ditch = 1 fw190
                possible 2nd fw190


Guys this was our first TOD and we had a blast! I have missed scenarios since the squad transition over from Air Warrior. So TOD was the perfect fix for me.

We had only two days notice we were in, had some RW problems, and two pilots out of our six showed up just under the wire so we were a little disorganized for the first 15 minutes. But it came together and we all had a blast. VMF-101 definitely will be back for more and looks forward to flying with everyone and shooting at some of you.


Quick question who was the me262 squad? My hats off to you guys.

[ 10-20-2001: Message edited by: GhstDncr ]

[ 10-20-2001: Message edited by: GhstDncr ]
X.O. 29th TFT, "We Move Mountains"
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Offline Urchin

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TOD series 3, frame 2. Post yer AARs here.
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2001, 01:48:00 AM »
Nash, I don't even know if you were engaged by us, to be honest.  Hblair and his gang had some 262's as well.  I do know that our merry little flight of 4 got our tulips ripped open.  I know for a fact we lost 4, in exchange for 1 B-26 I KNOW went down and 2 or 3 possibles.  

If the Doras and Ta-152 had radiators that WORKED, I probably would have had a little more fun.

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2001, 02:34:00 AM »
Hey urchin mate I was the CO ...doh

I'll cut to the chase.

Assassins and 416 were engaged with p51s lo away from a22. I sent sour and scot in d9s (both jg2 thanks fellas S!) to a 22 told them to orbit there. They spotted several buffs so Urchin and I in Ta152s headed to 22 we had 3 262s covering p61 a24 area. When we got there we found 3 26s scottered about going in and out the clouds. Urchin picked 1 I was lining up on another and was vectoring sour and scot in. I was well off his 6 (1.5 my fe) when blam pilots hit and vert stab jumps off my plane. only tracers I saw were the ones that hit S! to ever got them rounds off.

Urchin Sour and Scot were all downed due to radiators being hit    :(

I vectored ghost to sweep a23 from a36 to maybe catch umm the 26s rtb or maybe some of the 51s. Reports came in that 10 b17s were due west a22 I vectored ghost there and Brady (rest of jv44 in 3 262s). They were all whiped out. Brady said it was one tight formation and the bullets ripped him from all sides.

jv 44

sour and scot fw190d9s
wotan and urchin ta152s
brady leitwolf and beachs 262s

we all died not sure of kill tally.

Offline R4M

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« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2001, 06:57:00 AM »
I was going to take part in it with JV44. I was drooling thinking in flying a Me262 in an historical scenario.

I logged in, 3.30am spanish time, thinking there was just 5 hours of diference with EDT time. I was wrong, it was 6 the TOD started 5 am spanish time and was scheduled to finish at 7 am. Needless to say that was WAY too late for me.

I decided to fly anyway. After talking with the CO, Wotan, I agreed to fly a 190D9 with DT+50% so when the fuel was gone I'd land and log. I logged off, took a piece of bread and some coke and went to see a couple of recorded chapters of South Park in video, planning to return in time to fly the event.

I fell asleep almost immediatly   :(   :mad:   :(


[ 10-20-2001: Message edited by: R4M ]

Offline Sancho

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« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2001, 07:05:00 AM »
RGJ flies with the 56th FG from England and he's made it to 4 TOD frames so far.  R4M you're a light-weight.  ;)  

I would like to see Euro-friendly times too though--early Saturday afternoon in the states would be much better than late Friday night.

Offline -ammo-

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« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2001, 07:51:00 AM »
I thought only ONE squad was gonna be able to have 262's?
Commanding Officer, 56 Fighter Group
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Offline usarmy

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TOD series 3, frame 2. Post yer AARs here.
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2001, 08:05:00 AM »
Rogue Squadron launched 2 B-17s.

We headed out over the coast to the northwest, and then made our turn to the southeast about half way over the channel. As we neared the coastline at 30k we saw a heavy cloud layer over the objective. After circling our target to see if the clouds would clear the decision was made to drop below to bomb the target. At 10k we broke out just miles away from out target (the airplane factory northest of P61). We made three passes over the field and dropped all our 500lbs. The targets that were destroyed were:

6 Fuel Tanks
8 Ammo Bunkers
5 Barracks
1 Structure
1 Ack

We then headed northwest back out over the channel and returned to base safely. I was just glad to bring back my aircraft safely this time    :D

CO, Rogue Squadron
"Shoot Em in the Face"

Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2001, 09:02:00 AM »
Don't feel bad if you get shot down, I never survived the first three frames of TOD 1, ya alittle disappointed but hey, these things are built with risk involved.

<S> To all, I had a great time, especially when my crew and I saw the cliffs of, Norfolk upon egress.  :D

Offline daddog

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« Reply #14 on: October 20, 2001, 09:15:00 AM »
Your right ammo, but once again what I said was lost in the shuffle. I don't remember what thread it was in.

Below was not in the frame rules, but is as of this morning. I will also put it in the TOD RULES

Only one squad per frame is to fly "perked" AC. This will help us avoid a sky full of Me-262's.
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