For the record, the Assassins flew 190D9's, no 262's in our squad.
Will let hblair make the official AAR, but to summarize it:
We launched from A22 in D9's, climbed to strike alt and headed to A23.....
Formed over the target as Ziggie assigned individuals to their targets (hblair CTD'd at some point I think), then deacked the place.
In less than 4 minutes, A23 was a smoking ruin, all hangars, barracks, fuel supplies dead.
We then proceeded with all speed to A22 to rearm.
I goofed up and caught my left wing on the shed at the rearm pad, as did SAR, took her up to see if I could manhandle my Dora well enough to continue, but could not, so I landed and exited my bird.
Don't know where all the 262's came from, but to my knowledge, NO Assassins were in them.
I left the arena at that point, so anything that happened after that, one of the others will have to fill ya in on.