Thank you guys. I'll finish it up and submit it this morning. Still trying to find the edge on the Environmental map where I can activate some level of environmental reflection without making it appear like a glass surface at shallow angles. I haven't found the right formula or technique yet though. Like everything, its a trade-off.
So far with my P-51Bs, each pilot possesses a unique face but I'm sure I'll run out of variety at some point. They have a much more detailed life vest and accurate arm patches on flight jacket for the AF they are serving with. Best one so far was Beantown Banshee's pilot, Mike "Felix" Rogers, where I was able to colorize a photo of the pilot himself and use it as the face of the dude.bmp file. The resemblance turned out very well.
Interesting info about the shadow gaps, Greebo. I agree with Vraciu on this, looking forward to their elimination.