Author Topic: I love this game but no other game I play has me tabbing out to fill time in  (Read 29574 times)

Offline BuckShot

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I sharpen knives, play with dogs, or talk to the wife (wife ack deterrent), or chat with my squaddie during climb out.

I like that climb out times weed out the instant-action-turd-thunder-acrade-mode player types.

It would be nice if all of the climb, speed, and armor charts were available from the clipboard during flight. Maybe even writeup/history/specs for each plane. It would be something game related to do during climbout.
Game handle: HellBuck

Offline TWCAxew

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I sharpen knives, play with dogs, or talk to the wife (wife ack deterrent), or chat with my squaddie during climb out.

I like that climb out times weed out the instant-action-turd-thunder-acrade-mode player types.

It would be nice if all of the climb, speed, and armor charts were available from the clipboard during flight. Maybe even writeup/history/specs for each plane. It would be something game related to do during climbout.

Same I do not think this is a bad thing.

DutchVII / ULDutch
~~2019 KOTH/TOC Champion~~
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Online The Fugitive

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What the hell are you doing Tabbing out of a game?  If you do that here, then you deserve to be shot down.
Pay attention.   :old:


I think what he is saying is that he spends so much time flying around looking for/chasing fights that he finds himself alt-tabbing out to keep busy.

Fess doesn't have an issue with getting shot down, after all it doesnt happen to him very often  :D

Offline Vraciu

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I think what he is saying is that he spends so much time flying around looking for/chasing fights that he finds himself alt-tabbing out to keep busy.

Fess doesn't have an issue with getting shot down, after all it doesnt happen to him very often  :D

I do the same thing he does.   I can measure the action dropoff by the number of times I've been shot down AFK/tabbed out the last six months -- ONCE.  I also got compared to Fess the other day (a compliment) by another player, which leads me to believe the average skill level of opponents has declined if they think of me that way.

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Offline b4o2s9s

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I'm a bit timid to post, but I've loved AH since AH 1 and I would LOVE to see the game make a comeback. Back during the glory days of AH1 and early on into AH2, the competition was crap. Charged a ton of money, didn't provide the content, didn't provide the LEVEL of content, etc. That situation has changed, but AH hasn't. It's the same exact game it was back then with pretty graphics.

To be perfectly honest, I haven't played in quite a while. I played for years until I went into the military, then I played for quite a while after I got out, then I stopped during college. Tried to pick it back up for a month I believe and the numbers were so low that I just couldn't enjoy it, I was really expecting a return to having good fights and good times. What I found was a desolate wasteland.

The reason I don't play now? It's not worth $15 a month, compared to basically any other game that charges the same price. I'm a big fan of Eve Online, have over 9,000 hours in-game. You can mine resources, take space, lead groups, follow, have alliances of corps, PVP, PVE, go exploring, engage in the player-driven market, etc. and all for 14.95 a month (if you pay month-by month, discounts for paying multiple months). And that doesn't include the HOURS UPON HOURS of things you do when you are leadership for a corp or alliance! Why on earth would I pay $15 a month for a game where you can only go PVP, and there's almost nobody that plays anymore? The social aspect is nearly gone, and THAT is what interests me most in gaming these days. Oh and I'm not one of those WT players, hated it, only played it twice. I have World of Tanks, rarely play that either.

Also, I'm perfectly fine with the long flights to get to a fight, so I'm not jumping on that horse. I enjoy the realism aspect and the wonderful flight characteristics. I don't really think that should be changed.

Here's one of the problems. Out of the players that ARE left in the game, a lot of them don't want, even despise, game change. They want the same thing it has always been, and it's killing the game. Even though the players are leaving and new players aren't enjoying it, they don't care. And I do feel that this goes clear up to the game creators as well. I'm not trying to be rude or condescending, I think you guys are great and have done a lot of great things with the game, and gave me many many hours of enjoyment. But times have changed, there's a new breed out there, and honestly I'm trying to figure out if you guys are even still interested in the game or are just waiting for it to die. There's no social media, even the home page doesn't change for months. I check the home page once a week hoping to see something to excite me and bring me back. But re-skinning airplanes isn't fixing the game. Without advertising, this isn't getting to new potential players.   :O

My list of things that need changed:

1. Content vs. Price - You can't have a high price and low content, that doesn't fly anymore. Either lower the price for current content, or keep price and increase content.
2. Advertise, advertise, advertise! Facebook, Twitter, there's plenty of free ways to advertise. Get the game out there!!!
3. Update SOMETHING! Even posting who won the last map on the home page, something to make it look like the devs are active AT ALL.
4. Content - This is the million dollar question. Here's my problems with current content:
    A. Accomplishment is short-lived (not sure how to combat this)
    B. Sense of investment: The perk planes address this some, but there's not enough feeling of investing in something, no reason to improve to not lose.
    C. Mission system: This just royally sucks, has for as long as I can remember! Please god improve this interface.  :airplane:
    D. Player interaction needs to be encouraged more. Love the sandbox, I really do, but for example you should never be able to take a base by yourself. Should basically require 2 people or more.
    E. I want to say add some kind of PVE element that isn't really instrumental to the game, but something other than bombing hangars. I'm just not really sure what that would be honestly.
    F. Has anybody talked about a financial system? Not real-world money, but in-game money. Each sortie gains you money and perk points. Better outfittings cost money (not a lot). Those outfittings last until you lose that plane, etc. Successful sortie nets more money, etc. I dunno, something along those lines. Just an idea, probably complete poo, but would actually give players something to work towards on a personal level, both for survival AND for better guns.
    G. Make squads more meaningful than just "oh you're on a roster somewhere on the website"
    H. More interactive devs. The games that are really kicking bellybutton are pretty responsive to player feedback. That's basically the expectation these days, and the companies that aren't good at responding or don't respond period have largely failed. AH devs are cool guys, but the game seems to be what THEY want, not what the players want, and that will definitely hurt business with the new crowd especially.
    I. Add some kind of (I hate to say it) facebooky "like" system for posts to see if a lot of people actually like ideas....  :devil

I know my thoughts/ideas are far from perfect, and my points will fall upon many deaf ears, be scoffed at, criticized, whatever. Honestly I don't care because I hope that enough people voice their opinions that something finally changes. Like I say, I loved this game, and I literally check weekly to see if SOMETHING has happened to excite me and bring me back, but it cannot just stay the same thing it has always been and hope to survive. Miss the adventures and the fun <S>  :salute
« Last Edit: July 13, 2018, 08:48:34 PM by b4o2s9s »
No squad cuz noob

Online Max

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Gotta say, I agree and hear other long time players echo the same sentiments.

Offline Puma44

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I just don't see it that way.   I love this game, but when the arena is empty there's not much difference between that and trying new things offline.

Something has to change or we are going to lose more players.   I wish I had the answer.  I'm pondering it all day long sometimes and I can't figure it out.

You don’t have to see it my way, nor me yours.  In my time in game there’s been a drastic decline in team play.  As a newb, it was fun to be involved in the huge noe raids and ensuing knock down drag out fur balls from the dirt to the hootesphere.  Now days, it rare to see any significant team work of more than 2-4 players.  It appears to have turned into a lone wolf environment.

So, with an open mind and desire to try something new, I can usually find something to have fun with.  Those who have that insatiable need to stroke the ego are going to get bored pretty quick.

Then, there are the 4-5 V 1 dogfights of which there are no shortage. 

All gave some, Some gave all

Offline Vraciu

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You don’t have to see it my way, nor me yours.  In my time in game there’s been a drastic decline in team play.  As a newb, it was fun to be involved in the huge noe raids and ensuing knock down drag out fur balls from the dirt to the hootesphere.  Now days, it rare to see any significant team work of more than 2-4 players.  It appears to have turned into a lone wolf environment.

So, with an open mind and desire to try something new, I can usually find something to have fun with.  Those who have that insatiable need to stroke the ego are going to get bored pretty quick.

Then, there are the 4-5 V 1 dogfights of which there are no shortage.

LOL, well yeah, there's that!   

I'm not bored over ego.  I'm bored chasing ghosts and astronauts...
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Offline Shuffler

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One thing you can do is look at the Steam reviews people leave.  By far the most prevalent negative comments refer to the $15/month expense and that the learning curve is extremely steep (actually mentioned in both positive and negative reviews). A somewhat less common complaint is that the controls are difficult to set up and/or it's too hard to control the plane (especially in VR).

Positive comments include the open sandbox nature of AH3, the graphics of some of the planes/vehicles, and the fact that virtually all planes and vehicles are available to everyone (as compared to some games where you either have to grind forever to get access to vehicles/planes that aren't junk or you have to open your wallet and pay to win).

You can see that some of these are not self-consistent: they don't want to pay the $15/month, yet they also don't want to pay microtransactions for access to good equipment.

People like that will go play a round of golf, maybe 4 hours, and pay the same for that as 3 to 10 months of AHIII. Not say a thing.

It is all about priorities and actually thinking about what one spends money on. The fee for aces high is a drop in the bucket and cheaper than most anything else you could possibly do that is entertaining.
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Offline FESS67

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I will reiterate my stance that I love the game and am not trying to disrespect it or any of you.

To build on my previous post, it feels like you have designed and built them most amazing car.....problem is it looks great in the showroom but is not practical for daily use.  THAT is why people are not buying your car.

Offline Puma44

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It is all about priorities and actually thinking about what one spends money on. The fee for aces high is a drop in the bucket and cheaper than most anything else you could possibly do that is entertaining.

My thought exactly. 

All gave some, Some gave all

Offline TWCAxew

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It is all about priorities and actually thinking about what one spends money on. The fee for aces high is a drop in the bucket and cheaper than most anything else you could possibly do that is entertaining.

Other games are cheaper. Except giants like wow. It's not for no reason lol Dota and fortnight are so popular. They are free. And than you have a bunch of indi games which cost 5 bucks at a steam sale. Only the AAA games make there costumers pay 60 bucks and than the optional loot boxes which you can buy.

Here we need to have a great pc. A joystick. Preferably a track ir and a sub of 15 bucks a month. It's not a cheap game in no sence of the way. 15 bucks is to much if you can play a free (or a 1 time fee)game instead with better graphics. And they are also havily marketed.

Now we are out of the economic crisis more ppl have a little more to spend. I for one if I where tight by cash I would spendy money on a new bed, cloths for my hypothetical daughter or fix that dam fence and maybe on a cheap game, which this is not.

DutchVII / ULDutch
~~2019 KOTH/TOC Champion~~
4 time scenario C.O. ~ As dew appears, As dew Vanishes, Such is my life, Everything in this world, Is but a dream within a dream.

Online The Fugitive

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You don’t have to see it my way, nor me yours.  In my time in game there’s been a drastic decline in team play.  As a newb, it was fun to be involved in the huge noe raids and ensuing knock down drag out fur balls from the dirt to the hootesphere.  Now days, it rare to see any significant team work of more than 2-4 players.  It appears to have turned into a lone wolf environment.

So, with an open mind and desire to try something new, I can usually find something to have fun with.  Those who have that insatiable need to stroke the ego are going to get bored pretty quick.

Then, there are the 4-5 V 1 dogfights of which there are no shortage.

Agreed. The "name in lights" theme has taken over the "team play" aspect of the game. The best nights for me in this game is when my squad flies together whether it was like the old days in the "Mafia" where we could roll bases with easy against ANY defense, through the days with Odd-caf and the "47 Ronin" with his missions, and squad challenges, to fighting with the "56th" playing WITH other players has always been the "fun" stuff.

The only way to cure all of the issues in this game is to increase numbers. More players means more options in how you can play. You cant capture a base with 5 guys, so you take 25. This means one fight going on each front..... if your lucky. Double, triple those numbers and you have 2,3, maybe 4 fights going on each front. Some will have GVs, others will have bomber groups, some will be NOE. The idea is you will find every kind of fight available.

HTC needs to work on how to get more players in, and to stay. Skuzzy posted a link to one thing Hitech had posted....

Increasing the amount of free time would not increase the number of subscribers, if a player is not hooked enough after 2 weeks to pay $15, then another 2 weeks will not get him to fork over the $15.

So that leaves the question what to do with the people who would still play, but are to cheep or cant afford the $15.

1. Opening up some free stuff to them in the main could possibly be a benefit simply to create fodder for subscribers.
fodder is good, but it also shows more numbers in the MA which in turn will attract more players
2. Keeping them around long enough until they can afford AH could be a benefit.
definitely, plus the added numbers also "looks" like the game in hoppin'
3. Providing a non paying method to continue to play could also loose some potential new subscribers.
minimal I would think. your not going to give away top tier planes and GVs those that excel in those planes have already proven to be long time, LOYAL, subscribers
4. Keep them around but figure out a way to extract a lesser amount from them with out damaging the current inflow of new subscribers.
Start a $5 a week subscription for all planes and GVs. It will add to the income for the company, and $15 a month now becomes a "Deal" by saving $5 off the weekly fee if you pay monthly
But remember 75% of potential customers are gone after 30 minutes. Nothing posted above would have much effect on those people.

figuring a way to make xbox type controllers "playable" in game could help with that. Most "new" players coming in would more than likely be a "gamer" use to such controls. While a joystick would be a far better option at least if it is playable with a game controller they may stay long enough to get the help they need to get over the tough spots learning the game.


While the above ideas may not be the right ones, something must be done. The stats quo isn't going to keep the game going for ever with all the new options available out there. Changing with the times is needed.

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something must be done. The stats quo isn't going to keep the game going for ever with all the new options available out there. Changing with the times is needed.

Like what? More advertising? Both Steam and (Google, I presume) Internet incursions brought in new faces but few remained. Better graphics? The release of AH3 brought back quite a few of the old vets, but they slowly disappeared.

Not all, but most agree that game play has gone down the toilet for one reason or another. Yet, HTC seems determined to maintain status quo as far as perks, ENY, side switch time restriction, strat locations, GV dar, etc, etc, etc. I sometimes get the feeling that HTC has formulated other revenue streams, which subsidize the game. That makes sense from a financial standpoint and might explain why we're not seeing much in terms of game development, other than VR.

I'm really hoping that Hitech has a box of goodies in the works...time will tell. I've been kicking around the idea of upgrading my monitor and vid card, to the tune of about $700...a fair investment living on a retirement income. I'd be pretty bummed to pull the trigger and see the game disappear.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2018, 12:05:39 PM by Max »

Offline Vraciu

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Like what? More advertising? Both Steam and (Google, I presume) Internet incursions brought in new faces but few remained. Better graphics? The release of AH3 brought back quite a few of the old vets, but they slowly disappeared.

Not all, but most agree that game play has gone down the toilet for one reason or another. Yet, HTC seems determined to maintain status quo as far as perks, ENY, side switch time restriction, strat locations, GV dar, etc, etc, etc. I sometimes get the feeling that HTC has formulated other revenue streams, which subsidize the game. That makes sense from a financial standpoint and might explain why we're not seeing much in terms of game development, other than VR.

I'm really hoping that Hitech has a box of goodies in the works...time will tell.

And two sides... :noid :bolt:
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