If you believe newbies are having a problem understanding how to use VOX\Text, the button that says Radio can be over looked with pre-experience assumptions from other games that Radio does not mean chat or text. Since the younger generation is used to chat or text and something related to VOX like Discord or other external service voice comms in other games being separate functions. Change the button to VOX\Text or have an onscreen floating box like the HUD in a corner with Communications or some other word or sentence. "Click Here for Help Channel Chat."
I don't know how much Hitech researches the competition and other games in general to understand player expectations based on experiencing those games most of their gaming lives. Our clip board is pretty basic, sparse and simple. I'm not sure how patient or curious new players are to hover a mouse or, if they even discover that aspect of system help. What I've seen of the other games, along with a word description is usually included a graphic in a click box as a button for a function. Shades of kiddy games.
Think of games on your smart phone or a console. WT went to the extreme with this in their interface. The AH GUI is of the generation that we understood to click on things and see what happens to learn the interface. Then there is the aspect of players for the competition's games are constantly publishing updated youtube videos on how to navigate and use the basic setup of the game's interface portal. We call that the tower with that clipboard we click on. Skuzzy might want to create a sticky forum and fill it with all of those Help videos the popout on the clipboard runs after the first game install, "Help Videos" or some really obvious name. Newbies probably visit these forums at least once along with prospective new players.
If it only takes 10 minutes to dislike this game, that is not long enough to be offended by the in game community or, the learning curve. It's just about long enough to have their pre-conceived judge a book by it's cover biases confirmed. Our interface on purpose tries to look like how boring a tower and a real clip board looks. I used to work as ground support at Bay Bridge Airfield in Maryland. You only want the info needed to accomplish flying to the local rules and standards, not a bells and whistles game console for xBox hero's. Games have bells, whistles and flashy shiny stuff to hook short attention spans. Pilots in the real world try to eliminate as much of that as possible becasue their lives depend on not being distracted. Hitech has chosen to eliminate "distractions" in favor of focusing on seat of the pants combat. And becasue he is a real world active pilot, not a virtual world gamer.
If all it takes is 10 minutes to dislike our game, the portal to our dance floor may be a bit too Zen for kids expecting a mosh-pit with flashy shiny stuff going on like WT and other games.