At a minimum players like Nirshida have tried to put back furball lake as a custom arena while mongoose asked me to make a tiny canyon fight arena with an airfield at each end of the canyon for the custom arena host. DmonSlyr and others have wanted back elements of the AH2 DA terrain like the three field furball lake area, the canyon fight area, and a straight up two field dueling area. All of these with no forced queue restrictions, or air spawns, just launch and go. I'm not sure of the efficacy of air spawns in a no restrictions DA. 5k mesa bases seemed to suffice for duels.
I do not know if the original DA terrain in it's Spartan state and size would be effective with today's numbers or tastes of today's gamers. But, elements of it are still in demand by some customers. That was a bit of what I was testing with the center island of Oceania under MA restrictions. Today, something with the primary combat micro terrains and far fewer feilds in a smaller area than the original DA terrain would probably work. Radiate the elements from a caldera with furball lake in the center outward with canyon fights and face to face dueling on the outside slopes in prepared areas. Probably only need 6 feilds for those.
And slap some paint and texture on the puppy, this is 2018 where everyone has grown up with eye candy. You just need to convince DmonSlyr it will only take him two weeks maybe a month to build it.
Or give me the specifications to how furball lake was constructed, the depths\widths of the canyons, and how far apart the feilds were. How far apart the heads up dueling feilds were. And how should I handle the HOST requirements for strats and resupply paths. I doubt there would be any need for task groups or GV spawns.