A screenshot will be sufficient.
Weird you seem to think you set the standard for satisfactory evidence. You do not. Your argument was of the 'for all' form, I think you used the word 'never'? That's blown to pieces by a single example of Fess complaining after getting shot down about the other player's methods (see attachment).
And it's not the first time I've seen Fess do things like this and / or rage quit on my Timezone. He has quite a reputation for it, as you'd observe on 200 right after he pops off. Hence my raised eyebrows at the OP. I think it's fine to get frustrated and vent off, but it's not fine that you can do it with impunity but never be at the receiving end of it. Embrace that you like the drama in that case and have at it <Shrug>
No, Fess has not whined like lippz did—and does, CONSTANTLY. I most certainly have never heard Fess whine that nobody in a horde will drop what they’re doing and 1 v 1 him.
That's a Straw man argument. The subject of the discussion was hypocrisy not whining. Flippz can whine non-stop on 200 and Fess can never whine at all, and you still have lost this argument.
I’ll accept your apology any time...
For what? Having different opinions / experiences to you?