Author Topic: Can use some help programming a Saitek 52 pro stick  (Read 3456 times)

Offline 2Dizzy

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Can use some help programming a Saitek 52 pro stick
« on: July 27, 2018, 11:40:14 AM »
Hello Gents,

Till yesterday I was flying with a CH fighterstick and Saitek rudder pedals. After 11 years the stick went “boom”.
I bought a Saitek X52 pro stick. I managed to get the primary flight functions programmed within the game (I don’t use the Saitek software).
My problem now is is how to get other necessary functions programmed on the buttons. I cant find a logical order for assigning functions to buttons on the stick and throttle. What I did so far doesn’t feel good, and in game I can’t react like I would like too.

If anyone has a logic solution for the stick setup, which I could use as an example I would highly appreciate it.

You can reach me in a reply on this message or by mail:

Thanks in advance :-) 2Dizzy

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Re: Can use some help programming a Saitek 52 pro stick
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2018, 12:23:01 PM »
To me, it was well worth the time to learn to use the Saitek software.  Simply for the reason I'm able to use the pinky switch to double the amount of functionality for other buttons. 
I'm also able to use the throttles' upper and lower detents for WEP and Engine off.

Here are a few of my settings.  Wish I had more time to put something together with a diagram.

Throttle Hat Switch:
Left-Toggle clipboard.
Right-View toggle zoom.
Up-View zoom in.
Down-View zoom out.

Thumb Button on Stick=Secondary Fire
Trigger=Fire-Fire all
Fire A=VOX Range
Fire B=VOX Channel

Throttle Mini-Mouse:
Right=Flaps out one notch.
Left=Flaps in one notch.
Up=Zoom in clipboard map.
down=zoom out clipboard map.

Throttle Wheel Click=Gear up/down.

Stick 4-way hat:
Left=Head position left.
Right=Head position right.
Up=Head position up.
Down=Head position down.

I use the throttles' analog dials for manual trim.

Coogan   :salute

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Re: Can use some help programming a Saitek 52 pro stick
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2018, 12:26:31 PM »
Start with what you use the most, like views, flaps, and WEP. Assign them to easy to reach hats and buttons. Leave the rest unassigned while you get used to the new layout. Assign the rest later as you miss having them instead of doing everything at once. That should make it easier to organize.

Offline 2Dizzy

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Re: Can use some help programming a Saitek 52 pro stick
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2018, 02:59:28 PM »
Thanks gents. I’ll take it up step by step and have a direction to go. It will take some time to get used too. I’ll realize that. See you in the sky.

<S> ! 2Dizzy

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Re: Can use some help programming a Saitek 52 pro stick
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2018, 03:22:51 PM »
Hey 2Dizzy,

Good seeing you <S>

Well this used to be my layout when i got the x52.


Top left head switch:
Move right: Select secondary
Middelbutton/Fire button: auto pilot level (tap it twice to reset trim)
Right top button(A): WEP
Button below (B) : Trim Up
Left button (C): secondary/ main fire  Depending on the plane i fly i would have switched this. For example i would use this in a K4 for main fire (the mg's) the trigger for secondary fire (cannon)
Head switch: look around
Stage 1 trigger: main or secondary fire
Stage 2: Fire all
Pinky trigger: look up

Pointing finger up/down: Flaps
Pointing finger left: clipboard
Button (E): channel
Button (D): Teamspeak/Discord/Vent
Button (I) (clutchkey, should be enabled in the software): Range
The mouse button:toggle zoom

The buttons below joystick can be used for gear or auto pilot modes.

The X52's only lasted me 2 years each.

Hopes this helps and i hope to see you more online!

« Last Edit: July 27, 2018, 03:26:56 PM by TWCAxew »
DutchVII / ULDutch
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Re: Can use some help programming a Saitek 52 pro stick
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2018, 04:34:03 PM »
on my X-52 I just remap the buttons to specific fuctions - the software from Saitek to 'program' your X-52 is garbage and causes your pinky switch to not work anymore. I do like Coog's and Dutch's setup. Either or are good.
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Offline 2Dizzy

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Re: Can use some help programming a Saitek 52 pro stick
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2018, 04:53:24 PM »
Thanks TWCAxew, mister Fork,

I’ve a few lines to work with now.  I’ll take it step by step to get used to the new lay-out. There are some interesting points in your setup TWCAxew. I’ve gotta try that out.
And yes, I fly not as much as I used to. Would love to fly more, but after some health issues I need more time for sport and health and less “time behind a desk”.
But anyway, it would be nice to have a “meeting” in the sky. See you there I hope.
Thanks for the input all.

<S> 2Dizzy

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Re: Can use some help programming a Saitek 52 pro stick
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2018, 01:40:47 PM »
Yeah I hope it's useful. It's basically how Larry/module  made me setup the cyborg Evo when we where kids. I just added the trim key. I find this one of the most useful keys ingame.

I now have the x56 with rudder paddels but besides the building quality and the dual throttle I like the x52 way better. The buttons are placed in such good spots and the throttle can be moved very easily. It's very easy with that one the manage your throttle. The x56 is very heavy and I tend to pull it from the desk when throttling back, I have never been able to make someone overshoot me with this one while it used to by my signature move..

Long story short it's a great stick to use  :cheers:

I am sure to run into you again! I would love to show you what I have learned since you introduced me to the game 14 years ago   :salute

DutchVII / ULDutch
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Re: Can use some help programming a Saitek 52 pro stick
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2018, 02:40:44 PM »
Yeah I hope it's useful. It's basically how Larry/module  made me setup the cyborg Evo when we where kids. I just added the trim key. I find this one of the most useful keys ingame.

I now have the x56 with rudder paddels but besides the building quality and the dual throttle I like the x52 way better. The buttons are placed in such good spots and the throttle can be moved very easily. It's very easy with that one the manage your throttle. The x56 is very heavy and I tend to pull it from the desk when throttling back, I have never been able to make someone overshoot me with this one while it used to by my signature move..

Long story short it's a great stick to use  :cheers:

I am sure to run into you again! I would love to show you what I have learned since you introduced me to the game 14 years ago   :salute

:rock SEEMS TO ME...there is a HISTORY/STORY between YOU and 2DIZZY? Thats pretty cool,if so!. I found an old High School bud on these forums when I found it. XXXJCXXX, blew my mind :x Never would have expected to find him here,never knew he was into this sort of thing. I have ALWAYS loved this stuff.  AND if I read that correctly,2DIZZY introduced you to ACES HIGH? IF SO...THANK YOU 2 DIZZY  :rock Dutchy has been a HUGE part of my fun lately, in SCENARIOS 2DIZZ, I owe you brother  :salute
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Re: Can use some help programming a Saitek 52 pro stick
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2018, 05:53:43 AM »
Just remember when programming the buttons on the switch, you can double-clink each one and the game will open the command list to allow you to assign a command to the button you double-clicked.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline 2Dizzy

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Re: Can use some help programming a Saitek 52 pro stick
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2018, 06:09:31 AM »

Actually, DutchVII is a good friend of my jongest son. Many many years a go we flew together, the youngsters going for it, leaving me behind, frustrated like hell. 😅 It prettig much got me in bad tempers often. Dutch now, is “innnnnn” and I’m still struggling lol.

Anyway DutchVII and all the other responders: after seeing a lot of movies on Youtube from Skyyr, I asked him about his setup and combining flight, views and airial movements. He was so kind to explain pretty much in detail how he looks at things and how to set it up. He made some write ups and posts on bbs about several related topics. Wonderfull stuff and very helpfull. Look it up!

Now the next few weeks I’ll try to setup my gear correct and try to get used to it. I guess I need a lot of practice time. 😅

See you in the sky guys. <S>

Thanks Skuzzmeister 👍🏻

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Re: Can use some help programming a Saitek 52 pro stick
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2018, 06:29:32 AM »
Hehe if it weren't for you I wouldn't even got this enthusiastic about the game Dizzy.

Larry first told me about it that his dad played video games. I thought 'thats so cool!!!!" Haha. Later that day we ran by your room and you called us in and you said "boys I need show you guys something" you where flying a P38  with some bombs and rockets onboard. I think the intend was to divebomb the vh. But  you flew 6-8k above the ack and dove right in. Straight down and bomber the gun! Me and Laryy where both in awe and yelled "that's sooo cool!!! :x" when the gun exploded. That's when I was hooked  :devil

So yeah stpar, 2Dizzy played a huge part in making me enthusiastic for AH and they are pretty much the reason I have been a bish since than (untill recently)  :cheers:

I am gonna have a look at his guides aswell Dizzy. I always wondered why Skyyr switched between combat modes, I always theorised that it's to reset his trim. But I am not sure if that's it. He never wanted to tell me when I asked.

See you in game sir!  :salute

DutchVII / ULDutch
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Re: Can use some help programming a Saitek 52 pro stick
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2018, 03:02:19 PM »
 :aok See,DUTCHY, your english is just translation issues AT ALL :aok was just the jokes you were trying out :rofl  KIDDING  :neener:  Skyyr and "Combat modes"? You mean his cycling Combat Trim on and off in a fight? He explained it to ME :neener:  It was only a little bit of effectiveness but he believed it allowed just a bit more vertical performance with CT off. As Combat Trim would be trying to trip the plane for level flight(or coordinated..cant remember his exact term but I understand what I am saying :uhoh) so with CT off he could be just enough uncoordinated to milk out a few more feet in the Vertical. Combat trim back on was just easier and faster to bring plane back to coordinated trim. It was argued around alot,pros-cons...doing it manually, but I saw no point in not taking him at his was a MONSTER in the vertical. I never ONCE had a problem with SKYYR or the other names he used...he was ALWAYS a CLASS ACT with me. If I asked he would answer,usually :neener:    Dang this game has been GREAT to me! NOW...I have 2 brothers from the Netherlands  :cheers:
"Life is short,break the rules,forgive quickly,kiss slowly,love truly,laugh uncontrollably,and never regret anything that made you smile."  “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”- Mark Twain

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Re: Can use some help programming a Saitek 52 pro stick
« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2018, 04:56:51 PM »
Not sure what your talking about in the first paragrap? You mean the spelling correction of my phone :p ??? I have some trouble with that  :uhoh

And yeah that's what I meant. Thanks for explaining <S>
I had my ups and downs with Skyyr.

DutchVII / ULDutch
~~2019 KOTH/TOC Champion~~
4 time scenario C.O. ~ As dew appears, As dew Vanishes, Such is my life, Everything in this world, Is but a dream within a dream.

Offline 1stpar3

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Re: Can use some help programming a Saitek 52 pro stick
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2018, 02:45:31 PM »
Not sure what your talking about in the first paragrap? You mean the spelling correction of my phone :p ??? I have some trouble with that  :uhoh

And yeah that's what I meant. Thanks for explaining <S>
I had my ups and downs with Skyyr.

OH,I was referring to my first response "There seems to be a story/history between you and 2Dizzy", I translated correctly :rock THEN I was talking about the SCENARIO when Tactus said you had to do the Jokes...and NO ONE got it :uhoh Your excuse was " Its funny in Dutch, not sure how to translate it....but its funny here!" I am just Poking The BEAR.... :devil Giving you a hard dont you be looking to shoot at me :uhoh  We are BROS....Right?  :O  Yes, and downs...He goes UPS....and I went DOWN, usually missing something I needed REAL BAD :bhead
« Last Edit: July 30, 2018, 02:49:42 PM by 1stpar3 »
"Life is short,break the rules,forgive quickly,kiss slowly,love truly,laugh uncontrollably,and never regret anything that made you smile."  “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”- Mark Twain