Give the man a chance for what ? Really. How much more will HT take away in the future? I still do not understand why they are doing this in the first places.
If you were a new player, first time in to the arena, and like most new players didnt both to read ANY help pages

and you logged in to see 100 plane and vehicles represented on the map, OR a few planes here and there with a few dar bars in sectors were the radar has been knocked out. Which view would you think had more action? Which view would look more like theres a party going on? Honestly, full on Dar makes the game look like a LOT more is going on.
Should've been a test arena for this crap..
In a test arena, or even the combat arena all there is is a couple players in there. How is that going to show what it would look like with the whole map lite up with action? The point is to make it look like there are people PLAYING the game.
With that being said this isnt a finished product. To be honest I dont think this game will EVER be "finished" As long as people will play it, Hitech will add to it. This radar test "looks" great, but it hurts game play for many. Im sure Hitech will tweak it. He has already posted that he has added some lines of code so that he can easily adjust things with the radar instead of just the all ON, all OFF he has now.