Author Topic: Population of arena determines availability of takeable bases  (Read 294 times)

Offline 1ijac

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Population of arena determines availability of takeable bases
« on: August 01, 2018, 08:51:13 PM »
I see a lot of complaining about not being able to find a fight and they say it increases as the player count lowers.  I personally never have a problem finding a fight, but here is an idea that may funnel fighting and force countries to work together. 

At set player counts, you could have a set number of bases along the fighting fronts that can be captured.  As the player count increases, more bases along the front could be captured.  The country with the least amount of players would dictate how many bases (less than the other countries) that could be captured.  A higher player count of a country would have more bases that the enemy could capture.  A base with an enemy CV near it could be captured. Then only another base close to that base would be become available for capture once the other was captured unless it was along the fighting front.  The dynamics would change the game somewhat, but it would force players to fight in smaller areas if the player count is low.  All bases stay enabled and can be porked, but just can't be captured unless they are one of the enabled bases along the fighting front.  You could even factor in the amount of enemy bases a country owns to make it more focused with less choices.

Just a crazy idea I had, soooooooooo fire away.   I have an extremely tough skin.


Offline bustr

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Re: Population of arena determines availability of takeable bases
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2018, 12:00:41 PM »
I once suggested with a similar trigger that a terrain would shut down all feilds except for an 8x8 area in the center. Hitech never went for that and I discovered after two years of building terrains how to compress the effective combat area on a 10x10 MA map down to 6x6 for our lower numbers. We have always had some solutions and ability to affect how activity takes place in the MA. I discovered that when I wanted Hitech to modify the drone paths so we could practice with the wrible against drones flying down the runway. He never said I couldn't raise the wirble up to the drones...  :O
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.