Author Topic: End of Full Dar  (Read 22076 times)

Offline Litjan

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Re: End of Full Dar
« Reply #225 on: August 13, 2018, 01:05:13 AM »
I think the main problem is that new players need settings that the veteran players loathe, and vice versa.

New folks need to have FUN in the first 10 minutes - not spend them setting up their joystick or learning about which plane is the best one or asking question how to find other planes (what is the darbar????). The competition from other games offering a very polished and well guided experience in the first in-game minutes is very strong these days and if folks can´t fly and fight right away (even if they loose), they are gone.

I fully believe that the only solution is to have a mandatory, interactive, well guided and fun tutorial for new players. Its a huge coding effort for sure, but it is industry standards nowadays and for a game as complex as Aces High, there is no alternative.


Offline scott66

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Re: End of Full Dar
« Reply #226 on: August 13, 2018, 01:11:52 AM »
Had a new guy trying to figure out the game at our 1 base left at TT .. He was using VR and was loving the game until he tried to up from a capped base 15 nits Strong with only two or three countrymen willing to up from A1.. explained few things about vox , planes , convergence etc he seemed real happy with the graphics and liked the radar help ... He quickly learned the dangers of upping from a capped base... How a player plays is the only variable..I have to remember that how I choose to play may not be how another chooses to play..<S> V
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Offline 1stpar3

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Re: End of Full Dar
« Reply #227 on: August 13, 2018, 01:20:22 AM »
I think the main problem is that new players need settings that the veteran players loathe, and vice versa.

New folks need to have FUN in the first 10 minutes - not spend them setting up their joystick or learning about which plane is the best one or asking question how to find other planes (what is the darbar????). The competition from other games offering a very polished and well guided experience in the first in-game minutes is very strong these days and if folks can´t fly and fight right away (even if they loose), they are gone.

I fully believe that the only solution is to have a mandatory, interactive, well guided and fun tutorial for new players. Its a huge coding effort for sure, but it is industry standards nowadays and for a game as complex as Aces High, there is no alternative.

Totally agree! Thats what I like about DCS...with out their Training tutorials...NO WAY I could have learned on my about complex learning curve! :uhoh If I intemperate the ARENA Flight Flag options..."Stall Limiter" can be increased? That would work I while on TRIAL its cranked up to ATLEAST get them in the air and SOMEWHAT give them hope. If they do decide to sub..back to regular values?  :uhoh Oh and as for your "Mandatory tutorials" go....Require folk to at least TRY the tutorials before being able to go to Melee Arena?  Sure...give option to skip this...we do have some folk coming back/changing call signs...atleast it would be available if new folk where interested :uhoh 
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Offline HawkerMKII

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Re: End of Full Dar
« Reply #228 on: August 13, 2018, 05:04:57 AM »

The people who are SUPPORTING most vociferously the new dar system/TEST have all been here for many years; some even more than a decade.

I might also add that many of us contribute to the game in other ways--maps, skinning, etc.

*drops the mic*

2001 for me and I hate dummy dar
*mic drop*
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Offline Max

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Re: End of Full Dar
« Reply #229 on: August 13, 2018, 06:31:20 AM »

I fully believe that the only solution is to have a mandatory, interactive, well guided and fun tutorial for new players. Its a huge coding effort for sure, but it is industry standards nowadays and for a game as complex as Aces High, there is no alternative.


Offline The Fugitive

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Re: End of Full Dar
« Reply #230 on: August 13, 2018, 09:07:11 AM »

I think the biggest hurdle for this game is, it takes its direction from a bulletin board which is highly regulated and some topics are off limits. I am a player on several other games that I played in tandem with Aces High. Several of these games rely on customer feedback in the form of well thought out questioners authored by professional pollsters that guide the owners in how to make changes to their product.  It includes portions where the customer base rates from 1 to 10 different aspects of the game play. It also includes sections for the customer to voice their ideas that were not covered in the ratings sections. The survey I would assume was most probably done by professional pollsters, kind of like the surveys you get from companies that each one of us has had the opportunity to take in the past. Companies like Wall Mart and Amazon and others rely heavily on these surveys to evolve their companies into successful business models. I mean who knows better what the customer wants, then the customers themselves. Most of these surveys are anonymous, and are conducted by an outside company, and yield better results because most people only voice an opinion when they have a complaint, very few make contact with a company to praise them about their product. The games I play  send  two types of Surveys  as short 2 or 3 question  3 or 4 times a year. They also send a more comprehensive one annually to poll their customers on how to improve their product.

I think it would be well served for HiTech to consider polling the current customers to find out what is keeping them in the game and what suggestions they might have to improve the product. You might also consider polling the former customers and find out why they left and more importantly would they ever consider coming back.  There are two words that are very important to most businesses, Acquisition & Retention.  It’s common knowledge that it cost It costs 7x more to obtain a new customer than to keep an existing one.  Running a business without customer feedback, is like driving cross county in a car, without road signs.

he doesn't need to poll people who are subscribed,  they are already playing. Maybe he has been polling those that have left and the number one complaint was the new players couldn't find the action. So he began the radar testing.

Offline Ciaphas

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Re: End of Full Dar
« Reply #231 on: August 13, 2018, 11:19:18 AM »
I fully believe that the only solution is to have a mandatory, interactive, well guided and fun tutorial for new players. Its a huge coding effort for sure, but it is industry standards nowadays and for a game as complex as Aces High, there is no alternative.

You do realize that you are talking apples to oranges?

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Offline Vraciu

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Re: End of Full Dar
« Reply #232 on: August 13, 2018, 12:36:28 PM »
2001 for me and I hate dummy dar
*mic drop*

Molly already said all that so your mic drop is doubly ineffective.   

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Offline rvflyer

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Re: End of Full Dar
« Reply #233 on: August 13, 2018, 01:17:34 PM »
Wow, sorry but you are WAY out in left field with that comment. I wish that a poll could be taken on those that like and those that don't I think that would be a eye opener for you.

Gonna try and speak in crayon for you:


H I T E C H  is testing new radar settings and combinations of these settings. Nothing is permanent and we will more than likely see several iterations before all is finalized. There are several reasons  why this is happening. One does not need to be in the "AcesHigh3 circle of trust" to figure most if it out.

You mean the 5 - 10 accounts that post on the forums and the same 5 - 10 accounts that would argue if someone called a skunk a polecat?

HiTech has to be loyal to his employees and that is only to the extent that the law makes provisions for.

As far as loyalty to the player base... . welcome to the real world. They NEED to keep the lights on, they NEED to pay employees, they DON'T NEED to make decisions for their company and product based on the views of a very small minority. They NEED to look towards the future of this sandbox platform and how to make it thrive regardless of the precious few that scream so loud about damn near anything that bumps their coffee mugs.

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Offline Electroman

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Re: End of Full Dar
« Reply #234 on: August 13, 2018, 01:23:37 PM »

The people who are SUPPORTING most vociferously the new dar system/TEST have all been here for many years; some even more than a decade.

I might also add that many of us contribute to the game in other ways--maps, skinning, etc.

*drops the mic*

The people who are supporting this are a few. There are MANY who have been here for years (including myself) that DO NOT support this change. What you don't here from are the masses that are NOT on the forums here, or the squaddies behind the scenes that are frustrated with this, already looking for other options and will cancel their subs - they are waiting to see what transpires over the next couple of weeks.

I understand what they are trying to find out - why they get so many people trying out the game for 2 weeks then losing those players that don't turn into new subs. I get it - it comes down to player retention and increasing numbers. The all seeing radar is NOT going to fix that. Fix the problem with getting new players trained properly and introduced to the game and you will see a higher retention. This is the root cause of your problem - not the radar.

If someone wants the arcade action like this they are better off in WT or others out there...but this has been a total disgrace to the community of players in what was a good simulation to date. It was frustrating enough to adjust with the GVDar...but now this has just simply created unfairness for fighter jocks. It's too easy to calculate the altitude of a potential upped bomber from a base in the distance way back in their country, fairly easy to figure out what is a bomber from a near base looking at it's flight path, etc. It's too unbalanced once again to appease those who spend their time mostly in fighters.

Offline Ciaphas

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Re: End of Full Dar
« Reply #235 on: August 13, 2018, 01:51:54 PM »
Wow, sorry but you are WAY out in left field with that comment. I wish that a poll could be taken on those that like and those that don't I think that would be a eye opener for you.

You say I’m Left field but offer nothing to refute what I have written.

Interesting debating method... .

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Offline Ciaphas

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End of Full Dar
« Reply #236 on: August 13, 2018, 01:52:54 PM »
The people who are supporting this are a few. There are MANY who have been here for years (including myself) that DO NOT support this change. What you don't here from are the masses that are NOT on the forums here, or the squaddies behind the scenes that are frustrated with this, already looking for other options and will cancel their subs - they are waiting to see what transpires over the next couple of weeks.

I understand what they are trying to find out - why they get so many people trying out the game for 2 weeks then losing those players that don't turn into new subs. I get it - it comes down to player retention and increasing numbers. The all seeing radar is NOT going to fix that. Fix the problem with getting new players trained properly and introduced to the game and you will see a higher retention. This is the root cause of your problem - not the radar.

If someone wants the arcade action like this they are better off in WT or others out there...but this has been a total disgrace to the community of players in what was a good simulation to date. It was frustrating enough to adjust with the GVDar...but now this has just simply created unfairness for fighter jocks. It's too easy to calculate the altitude of a potential upped bomber from a base in the distance way back in their country, fairly easy to figure out what is a bomber from a near base looking at it's flight path, etc. It's too unbalanced once again to appease those who spend their time mostly in fighters.

You do realize this is just a series of tests, right?

If it’s un fair to fighters and unfair to Bombers and unfair to Gv’s, Isn’t it spot on?

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Offline Ron

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Re: End of Full Dar
« Reply #237 on: August 13, 2018, 01:58:19 PM »
Prefer the old setup.
Changes could be good. But not this.
Just sayin!.... :bolt:
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Offline Vraciu

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Re: End of Full Dar
« Reply #238 on: August 13, 2018, 02:42:10 PM »
If someone wants the arcade action like this they are better off in WT or others out there...but this has been a total disgrace to the community of players in what was a good simulation to date. It was frustrating enough to adjust with the GVDar...but now this has just simply created unfairness for fighter jocks. It's too easy to calculate the altitude of a potential upped bomber from a base in the distance way back in their country, fairly easy to figure out what is a bomber from a near base looking at it's flight path, etc. It's too unbalanced once again to appease those who spend their time mostly in fighters.

That's hyperbole at its finest.

Let Hitech get the info he's seeking and chill out.

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Offline Shuffler

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Re: End of Full Dar
« Reply #239 on: August 13, 2018, 02:55:38 PM »
Prefer the old setup.
Changes could be good. But not this.
Just sayin!.... :bolt:

He has to test to make changes. So are you saying do not test or make changes?
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