Author Topic: Staged Missions: Attack Mode Hot-Key  (Read 246 times)

Offline CptTrips

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Staged Missions: Attack Mode Hot-Key
« on: October 12, 2018, 11:35:12 AM »
I've become intrigued by all the potential in your Staged Mission system.   :aok

By default the Mission dialog defaults you to the second position in the flight and you just follow the AI around.  That works fine.

You can also select the leader position 1 and it is cool because the AI will follow you around in formation and you can deviated from the route how ever you like.   But I think that only works in a cruise segment.  On patrol or attack, they won't follow you and just go back to the route.  But when you are in cruise, they will not shoot or fight  even when being attacked by AI.

What would be cool is to leave it in cruise mode so they follow, and you lead them to where you want to start an attack run from. Then maybe hit Ctrl-A  to switch them into attack mode.  At some point disengage and hit Ctrl-R to have them break off and re-form on you.   Then you could begin the cycle to re-position them again. 

I think that would be a very powerful feature.
Toxic, psychotic, self-aggrandizing drama queens simply aren't worth me spending my time on.