In Air Warrior we had what was known as The Valley Of The Dweebs (VOD). The area comprised of two bases (one in Azland, other in Bzland) separated by a river. VOD area was known for its quick action and most of the time that's where most of the Az and Bzlanders flew, completely ignoring Czland. As a Czlander, it was hard to find a fight since every one else was on the far west of the map and Czland was on the east part of the map.
To fight in VOD, Czlander would have to fly 8 sectors or more t0 get there. A few of us got tired of it and organized our squadrons and started to hit the Az and Bzland factories and capturing the neutral bases in the Big Pond area and then shutting down the Az and Bz bases. After a couple of days without Spitfires, poor fuel, no cannon ammo and random mechanical failures, the Az and Bzlanders spent less time in VOD and more time fighting Czland.
Sometimes you have to start the fight instead of whining about not having a fight.