Years ago before we had uncapturable bases and many more players every night. I was on Mindanao map and decided to drive my M3 to one of the 163 bases that the Bish were attacking but couldn't take way up in the mountains. It took me over 2 hours to drive there with no GV spawn and mountains from hell so bad that I had to reverse up 2 or 3 of them because 1st gear wouldn't cut it (also back before the crappy automatic transmission

) I finally get to the hill above town and called in to my brother, Thnderegg to bring the 91st Bomb group over and bomb town for me. Wait another 20 min and 4 or 5 flights of bombers go over and flatten town.
I coast down the hill (yes we had neutral back then) and cruise into town as fighter after fighter lift off the runway and fly right over me but nobody looks down! Like really who would be crazy enough to drive an M3 up to that base?? This guy thats who!!!
I let out the troops with fighters still passing right over the tops of the buildings and take the base just as something like 10 or 15 163's try to take off and all get shot down by the auto ACK LOL!!!
Many great laughs and WTG's that night for sure.