Hi again!
I've managed to get pretty good results with my latest experiments. Not surprisingly, my approach to setting up the clouds is very close to the way HTC did it.
I started editing the default AH cloud layer numbers, moved the clouds around the map and lower. I also spread them around a bit more and reduced their size a bit.
Here's my latest .wca file. If you want to try it out, please do. I get decent frame rates with it offline, comparable to cloud fighting in the standard AH maps. I will do some online H2H testing this week.
# Large cloud cover 8000ft. Start: -25,5 ... 60,5 -> South 25 miles, 100mph
16,0.0001, 0.18,0,2, -25,8000,5, 60,7000,5, 5000,1000,5000 ,4000,9000, 0,0,-25, 100
8,0.02, 0.18,0,2, -25,7000,5, 60,9000,5, 4500,1000,4500 ,3000,8000, 0,0,-25, 100
21,0.04, 0.18,0,2, -25,8500,5, 60,8500,5, 8000,2000,3000 ,4500,8000, 0,0,-25, 100
11,0.06, 0.18,0,2, -25,8100,5, 60,9200,5, 5000,1000,5000 ,4000,9000, 0,0,-25, 100
4,0.08, 0.18,0,2, -25,8600,5, 60,7700,5, 4000,1000,5000 ,3000,4000, 0,0,-25, 100
12,0.10, 0.18,0,2, -25,7000,5, 60,8000,5, 5000,1000,5000 ,6000,9000, 0,0,-25, 100
14,0.12, 0.18,0,2, -25,8100,5, 60,7900,5, 5000,500,8000 ,6000,9000, 0,0,-25, 100
6,0.14, 0.18,0,2, -25,5000,5, 60,7000,5, 5000,100,5000 ,4000,9000, 0,0,-25, 100
# 5000ft clouds east. Start: 10,35 ... 21,35 -> South 55-75 miles, 100mph
8,0.0101, 0.18,0,2, 10,5000,35, 21,4000,35, 5000,1000,5000 ,4000,9000, 0,0,-55, 100
6,0.03, 0.18,0,2, 10,5000,35, 24,5000,35, 4500,1000,4500 ,3000,8000, 0,0,-55, 100
11,0.05, 0.18,0,2, 13,5000,35, 23,5500,35, 8000,2000,3000 ,4500,8000, 0,0,-65, 100
6,0.07, 0.18,0,2, 13,3100,35, 24,5200,35, 5000,1000,5000 ,4000,9000, 0,0,-55, 100
8,0.09, 0.18,0,2, 12,2600,35, 23,5700,35, 4000,1000,5000 ,3000,4000, 0,0,-75, 100
9,0.11, 0.18,0,2, 11,5000,35, 24,5000,35, 5000,1000,5000 ,6000,9000, 0,0,-55, 100
7,0.13, 0.18,0,2, 12,5100,35, 22,4900,35, 5000,500,8000 ,6000,9000, 0,0,-75, 100
9,0.15, 0.18,0,2, 9, 5000,35, 24,5000,35, 5000,100,5000 ,4000,9000, 0,0,-55, 100
# 5000ft clouds west. Start: -10,15 ... 1,20 -> South 25 miles, 100mph
8,0.0101, 0.18,0,2, -10,5000,15, 1,4000,20, 5000,1000,5000 ,4000,9000, 0,0,-25, 100
6,0.03, 0.18,0,2, -10,5000,15, 4,5000,20, 4500,1000,4500 ,3000,8000, 0,0,-25, 100
11,0.05, 0.18,0,2, -13,5000,15, 3,5500,20, 8000,2000,3000 ,4500,8000, 0,0,-25, 100
6,0.07, 0.18,0,2, -13,3100,15, 4,5200,20, 5000,1000,5000 ,4000,9000, 0,0,-25, 100
8,0.09, 0.18,0,2, -12,2600,15, 3,5700,20, 4000,1000,5000 ,3000,4000, 0,0,-35, 100
9,0.11, 0.18,0,2, -11,5000,15, 4,5000,20, 5000,1000,5000 ,6000,9000, 0,0,-25, 100
7,0.13, 0.18,0,2, -12,5100,15, 2,4900,20, 5000,500,8000 ,6000,9000, 0,0,-35, 100
9,0.15, 0.18,0,2, -9, 5000,15, 4,5000,20, 5000,100,5000 ,4000,9000, 0,0,-25, 100
# 25000ft cloud sprinkles. Start: -45,40 ... 45,51 -> Southeast 85 miles, 400mph
7,0.0001, 0.02,0,2, -45,25000,40, 45,24000,51, 6000,5000,8000 ,8000,11000, 15,0,-82, 400
# Low local cloud cover. Start: -17, -5 .... -12, 8 -> South 5 miles, 10mph
8,0.0001, 0.501,0,2, -17,5000,-5, -12.2,4000,-8, 5000,1000,5000 ,4000,6000, 0,0, -5, 10
6,0.00012, 0.501,0,2, -17.2,5200, -8.5, -12,5000,-9.5, 4500,1000,4500 ,3000,4000, 0,0,-5, 10
7,0.00014, 0.501,0,2, -16.9,4900, -10, -12.1,5500,-11, 8000,2000,3000 ,4500,8000, 0,0,-5, 10
As you can see, there are basically 5 different cloud layers.
The first is a large cover at around 8k that spans across the east side of the 128x128 map laterally. It is not too dense, but will provide cover for aircraft. Great for middle-alt furballing.
The second and third are low altitude clouds, pretty dense. If they are below you when you try to bomb - tough luck.
These are excellent for low alt fights, since the lowest clouds are at 50ft. Don't dive too steeply into the clouds, you might not get out of it alive.
These are also the life insurance of every pilot. You can dive into these and get rid of your pursuers.
The fourth cloud group are high 25k clouds, spread across the whole map. About one cloud per 15 miles. They move fast across the map.
The fifth and last cloud group is what I will do more experimenting on. It is a small local overcast, covers about 5x5 miles and is very dense. It is currently at about 5k, with lowest clouds around 100ft. I could take some clouds off the other layers and spread a few of these local overcasts over the map. I think that would be a good way to do this... These would be nice to spread over the strategic targets, moving across them slowly. The bombers would have to wait for an opening in the layer to be able to bomb. Or optionally come in lower. Or send Jabos.
If you have a tank battle map, put these over the battlefield so the Jabos will have a hard time pinning you down.
Go ahead, try them out!
Create a new text file into your aheditor/terrains/*** -folder, copy that above quote there and rename the file ***.wca, where *** is the name of your terrain. Be sure to take a backup copy of your old .wca file first!
Have fun!
[This message has been edited by LLv34_Camouflage (edited 11-21-2000).]