I asked my 25 year old son some questions about online gaming when I was there at his house for a visit a couple weeks back.
We discussed Aces High and the dropping numbers, what appeals to the players there vs potential new subscribers.
Not gonna relay verbatim what his opinion and viewpoint was, just a summary......mind you, this is a young man that plays for hours, and hours, on end on his console (XBox One) and his desktop.
The games he gets into, and his group of friends his age, are one that take a minimum of "learning". He remembers being at home as a teenager and trying to fly in AH, and the learning curve to be good wasn't "fun" and what he looked for in a game, or looks for now.
The games he plays are ones where he can spawn in and be taken to the action. He selects the mission he is interested in, a group of teammates (many times folks he doesn't even know, which is weird to me), waits for the game to start, then they are transported or moved to an area of action. Kill or explore to their hearts' content til the timer runs out, see who won, rinse and repeat.
Is he typical of players that age? I don't know
I feel that AH and other dedicated purist flight/combat sims are more of a niche market than ever, and older players such as myself (53 years old) are moving on because of lack of interest, new real life issues or challenges.......or just because it's not as fun as we remember it being.
Times, and life, have moved on a lot since AH first came out. I will continue to play as long as I am able, when I am home from these jobs, until HiTech either comes up with something different or he pulls the plug.
Just trivial input.................