Author Topic: SAAMIAM  (Read 5166 times)

Offline FESS67

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« Reply #60 on: November 22, 2019, 07:23:31 AM »
I personally have not served, although I have/had quite a few family members and friends serve or still serving in the Military, in combat and peacetime. A few were injured in combat resulting in varying disabilities. Knowing of their experiences, I am one to be very appreciative and supportive of all veterans, disabled veterans, …  so I see the possibility. Given the claims made recently and asking some of the aforementioned family and friends..I began thinking along those lines myself as I recalled how often in various threads/topics he keeps trying to push and entice(bait) players into Global Match Play/Dueling Tournaments, Challenges and variations of such, more though concerning WO:P.

Maybe, just maybe the guy has issues and needs help.  Truth or fiction is probably irrelevant.  Continuing this thread in the manner it is taking is likely not healthy.  Perhaps we just let it lie.

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #61 on: November 22, 2019, 07:36:54 AM »
I'm a doctor, I'm a lawyer, I'm a movie star. I'm an astronaut and I own this bar.  :D

Ever since Kenjr (and later, Voss) various online fighter combat sim communities have become wary. I suppose I'm as suspicious as most. Honestly, though, in our online world of anonymity, if someone has to wear a false persona as real life to impress me (or others) I just watch for it to turn into an advantage taking situation (as I suppose others do). If it never crosses that particular line, then confess/spin-yarn away and I'll do my best to smile and nod/ignore it. There are plenty of things I imagine I could have experienced in this world. As it turns out, I've had a rather vanilla/ho-hum/blessed life and I don't desire self-propping.

Arlo Guthrie (not the real Arlo Guthrie - I'm the one who flies pretend Corsairs online ... well ... ok ... B-17s and other buffs online ... ok ... occasionally ... ok rarely)
« Last Edit: November 22, 2019, 09:07:10 AM by Arlo »

Offline Puma44

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« Reply #62 on: November 22, 2019, 07:46:41 AM »
Maybe, just maybe the guy has issues and needs help.  Truth or fiction is probably irrelevant.  Continuing this thread in the manner it is taking is likely not healthy.  Perhaps we just let it lie.

Regardless of what’s factual about his status, a good idea, if he will.  There seems to be a desperate need of attention, for whatever reason.

All gave some, Some gave all

Offline Meatwad

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« Reply #63 on: November 23, 2019, 06:26:20 AM »
I'll know for sure its fake if a story comes out about defending himself with a buttcrack knife
See Rule 19- Do not place sausage on pizza.
I am No-Sausage-On-Pizza-Wad.
Das Funkillah - I kill hangers, therefore I am a funkiller. Coming to a vulchfest near you.
You cant tie a loop around 400000 lbs of locomotive using a 2 foot rope - Drediock on fat women


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« Reply #64 on: November 26, 2019, 05:51:35 AM »
Iraq... would that have been in 1991 or after 2003?   AND Srebrenica? 

  My last op as STA. We were on ship as part of 26MEU. Although "no US Troops were on the ground" officially, my spotter and I were dropped in to infiltrate, close with and if situation permitted, execute a well placed shot to the leadership of the scumbag elite unit carrying out the "ethnic cleansing".  Lots of bad guys, in the area and we spent a couple days hiding out in an abandoned school that had been used to mass execute a couple hundred men and boys with Sarin Gas a day or two earlier. We didnt know it at the time and the chemical residue was absorbed into our system..
Besides the short circuiting brain, I no longer have an esophagus and my digestive track is a never healing open wound.. lemon juice on an open cut has nothing on what stomach acid on an open wound feels like..
Anyway, sorry for the rambling. Srebrencia was beautiful country but has left me with bad dreams and failing health.


 So, in your own words, after being exposed twice to Sarin Gas (Iraq and Bosnia) and it's self described effects to your health,  you were still able to continue serving in the beloved Marine Corps after your 1st exposure?

Hey Wardog, you were the first guy to shoot me down in AH and I always enjoy mixing it up with you!! BTW, thanks for not Vulching me when I ran out of gas mid fight and landed in the fields..

For clarity..
 I served in the beloved Corps from '87 to '97. Parris Island Marine, Open contract, 0341 to Wpns Co 81's 2/2 after AIT. JEST in Panama then to Shawb, Okinawa first pump. Sent to FO/FAC school in Oki in '89. Flew over to Saudi in Sept '90 as FO attchd to E co 2/2, part of BLT2/2/26MEU (we spearheaded left hook in Desert Storm).
First exposure to Sarin was the PB pills we were forced to take which I reacted violently ill to, then again in March '91 when units a couple miles to our flank blew an enemy ammo bunker filled with gas, HE and more gas sending a mushroom cloud 10 miles up. Every personal alarm for 25 miles went crazy.. "ordered to shut off because it "was just a malfunction" It was denied that we were even exposed by the chiefs in the kitchen. Also, the effects were not really felt for the first 5 years. So pretty much yeah, it was suck it up marine, don't be a sick bay commando.  After Gulf war it was cold weather pack, Somalia for black hawk down rescue that got cancelled the day after landing. In '93 I shot a 248 of 250 on rifle range  and two weeks later I found myself at Sniper School quals. Finished top 2 in my class and at graduation was Voluntold that I would be advancing to STA with top 1 graduate. Fast forward to July 1995, insertion into Srebrenica, Bosnia and micro exposure #2.
Fast forward to 2004 in DesMoines Iowa, thought I had an aneurism and stroke. Doctors baffled didnt know what it was. Fast forward to 2016, Brain short circuits, lays me out. Wake up in Makati Med Hospital 5 days later. Neuro guy runs a test on a hunch based on my mil history. Test was developed over the years and was specific to Sarin Gas related exposures. And thats when I found out.. BTW, got out in 97 and turned down 10% from the VA like a love muffin and now they are denying treatment..
hope that provides some clarity my good man. Did you serve Dog? We can connect on TWS if you like.


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« Reply #65 on: November 26, 2019, 06:01:37 AM »
Come on Drano....LOL do it.... Accept his challenge in the match play arena....

I don't understand why he says not the dueling arena, because it doesn't exist anymore, Match Play Arena replaced it and the dueling arena is built into the that needs more explanation of what he is actually wanting to do....looking & reading his posts, makes me wonder if he isn't getting AH3 & WarOnline:Pacific mixed up or mixed together somewhat (2 completely different games)



The DA is still in AH. I specify Match Play Arena "free for all" mode over the Dualing Arena for specific reasons, they are:
 1.) I really like the match play arena environment
 2.) The Match Play Arena has enemy AI trying to kill you as well and makes the contest more challenging, more fun and really isn't an issue for a veteran.
3.) it more closely represents melee arena gameplay. A true test of skill to manage the environment, multiple enemy evasion while focusing on the opponent and staying alive.

Sorry for not seeing this until just today. ill be happy to fly against and learn from a legend like you brother.. we can try again this Thursday if you still want.

Offline RAG

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« Reply #66 on: November 26, 2019, 06:03:14 AM »
I'm on now for a fight?...


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« Reply #67 on: November 26, 2019, 06:03:33 AM »
I will take you up on it BTIam....I will be on Friday...I will find you and we will go to match play or WO:P...or we can do both...I will find you when I log on.... :salute

Very Cool Puller!!! Sorry Im just now seeing this... please send me a dm and we can reschedule. Ill check back here daily from now on!,


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« Reply #68 on: November 26, 2019, 06:06:15 AM »
I'm on now for a fight?...

Hell yeah brother!!, give me 15 min and we can meet i  match play arena.. lets say 0430pst?

Looking forward to it... we can connect on vox of your choice. See ya soon..


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« Reply #69 on: November 26, 2019, 07:06:29 AM »
Special thank you to Rags.. kicked my butt 5 to 1.. great Job and Thanks again..
ok, now let me read the 3 pages of replies i havent gotten to yet.


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« Reply #70 on: November 26, 2019, 07:17:35 AM »
SamYam justs wants to fit in and this, apparently, is his only way. I just hope he calms down a bit once he's beaten in match. After all, too much excitement can't be good for his open stomach wound from his SOG ops in Bosnia.

 1.) Not on any mission to fit in anywhere.. I am that I am.
Marine Corps weren't yet combined into the multi-branch SOG back then young man. STA Marines were specific to Marine Battalions and were classified as MEUSOC  until 1996 when STA was disbanded and all Snipers were consolidated and designated Scout Snipers.

Stomach wound? My asophygus has eroded away and my digestive track is a nonstop open wound that never heals and is raked with stomach acid daily. Ever wake up drowning in stomach acid? Or have your brain freak out and send signals to all your pain receptors that you have broken every bone in your body?. It is fluff'ng miserable and i wouldnt wish it on any of my ex wives..


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« Reply #71 on: November 26, 2019, 07:21:18 AM »
Cool that you can talk openly about a secret op like that. So the movie Sniper 2 with Berenger was based on you or that's just coincidence?

 Can talk about it now because a.) Dont give a flying F about the NDA that expired in 2015 and  b.) no longer active or active reserve or otherwise employed by the govt.
Snioer 2 with Tom Berringer? Never saw it, hated the first one he did, thought he sucked and poorly represented what a Marine Sharpshooter is.


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« Reply #72 on: November 26, 2019, 07:25:33 AM »
Yeah right? Since they seasonally co-habitate and the owls actually are on the endangered list, you'd think the university folk, of all the local entities, wouldn't bulldoze over prairie dog communes to build golf courses.

 F those damn Burrowing Owls.. Dang things held up my project at Sac Airport expansion for 6 months.. move it out and 3 days later its back..
 F WWF, its fake, F fake people. Never 3rd string anything. If im not a starter im not part of it.


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« Reply #73 on: November 26, 2019, 07:29:18 AM »
I got really messed up the other day, a new guy dropped troops 400 feet above town.  I cant sleep, it was disturbing.


  It was probably me semp... sorry bout the paratrooper splatter but since the touch controller lockout glitch automatically locks you out in a yoked plane when engaging or in proximity to enemy I figured they would stand a better chance than crashing with me during lockout.


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« Reply #74 on: November 26, 2019, 07:45:32 AM »
I’m well aware of the Srebrenica Massacre, I was just confused by the spelling. Also confusing to me is how you were contaminated with a relatively non persistent agent, and how such a hair brained idea as putting a two man team into Bosnia in July of 1995 ever came to fruition. If sarin was deployed surely it must’ve been discussed at the trials.

 Im sorry for your confusion Floob, allow me to clarify for you.

1.) Sarin gas is persistent when used in an enclosed area as it was in the school gymnasium to execute over a hundred boys and men aged 13 and up.  In an enclosed area the residuals retain toxicity for up to a month.
Yes, it was a subject of discussion at the trials but was not proved. Hell, i didnt even know about my exposure there until 2016.

Hairbrained Idea.... If you knew about the massacre intimately like you said then you would have understood better why a surgical strike from MEUSOC's STA teams were the best option to prevent further loss of life. You should have known that US Troops were not authorized to put boots on the  ground for fear of escalation with Russia. US involvement officially limited to providing air support and getting authorization was time consuming just for that.
When the UN's Ducth Orange brigade basically handed over Srebrenica the MEU unofficially sent in 3 seal teams and 3 sta teams. No Id, no tags, nothing that could connect you to US and abandoned if caught. But of course the Wiki isnt going to tell you that stud..