Chalenge, do you have a list of planes that use new sounds, by chance? 
109's, 110's, 190's except the D9, A20, A6M's, B17, B239, B24, B25's, B26, B29, Boston, C47, F4F, F4U1, FM2, I16, LANC, P38's, P47's, P51's, SBD5, Spit16, Spit9, Ta152, and TBM3.
Of those included I still need to go back and tweak the external "Event Cone Angle" so that you can tell the relative external position of the plane. Many of the planes do not yet have the proper guns or mechanical sounds included (flaps/slats/gear).
If you listen to the external sounds of planes like the TBM, SBD and Spit16 you will probably notice more of the planes that do not have that excellent "Event Cone Angle" applied yet, and that's because I don't yet have the proper sound bytes to add to them. Of course, I can also do the same thing for tanks, and even tankfire.