My son and nephews like to play games... infact they are the true representation of the in your mothers basement people.... early to mid twenties .... they like free.... and if they can't do ok instantly they can it and blame , lag, cheaters, kittens...whatever for it not to be their suck. .. or more the point lack of skill... sure its a new game but I played such and such similar game... blah blah blah.... now that game gets dissed by them in that instant.... but after a few you tube game play views and the like they go in again till they have a spin attack because they suck.... eventually they gather enough skill to get into things and get hooked....
This however is a free game..they get to come and go as they please.. only they don't realise they are about to spend a years sub on upgrading themselves to be competitive....
I can tell them that game isn't free... look at what you have spent.... all types of excuses come out.... eventually they agree hmmm ...but walk away from the conversation and it is like you never spoke to them...
Many see $15 per month as omg .... they can't don't seem to understand that it is 50c a day.... and you get everything...
They all like aces high... but can't stand not being top of the game almost instantly.... and that problem is exasperated in AH at the moment. Because of the numbers there is a higher percentage of average player these days as opposed to when numbers were higher...
When the numbers were up there you had super uber.(not many).. uber. (a few more than the other).. good/ average.(again just a few more than the previous)..your getting there( the majority).. noob.... baby seal and fodder..most of the arena was at the you're getting there and lower... the average guy seemed wicked good back then...that is till you met the others...hahahaha
. Now we have, pretty damn good, average , noob and can't get off the runway .... and most of the arena is in the average pile with very few lower so finding an even fight is tough... also the things that people call others out on are more prevalent these days.... they were always around...just spread over far more...
So back to my no hoper son and nephews.... they are a hard bunch to hook... but given the right opportunity they can get well hooked.... two week timer doesn't work... two weeks or set number of hours of actual online plying time could... as they keep coming back...log on timer starts...log off, timer stops.... it could take them three months to get through the time period... however they have time to run a little before you set the hook