I'm glad you fixed the bug, Sparks!
The easiest way to make the clipboard map is to take a screenshot of the terrain in Mapmaker: When in mapmaker, with the terrain visible on the screen, press "PRINT SCREEN" button, on the left side of F12. Then open an image editor program and press "CTRL-V" to PASTE the picture there. You should now see the screenshot of the mapmaker view.
Now cut and paste - carefully so you wont leave "edges" - just the area of the map and resize it to 512x512 pixels. There you have the base for the clipboard map. If you want to make any changes to it, do them always to this "one piece" map, which you then crop into 4 smaller 256x256 pieces, needed for the TE.
Now, once you have finished the clipboard map (adding the radar sectors, your initials, etc
), use the "canvas resize" or "crop" function to cut the 512x512 map into four 256x256 images. Save them as map0.bmp - map3.bmp in 8 bit (256 colour) colour depth. Map0 is the upper left, map1 upper right, map2 lower left, map3 lower right corner of the clipboard map.
Place the 4 bmp's into the folder of the specific terrain and there you have it!
Verify by "flying" in TE that the clipboard map corresponds to the terrain.
Don't loose the "original" 512x512 map, it is always good to make the changes there and only after that cut it into the 4 pieces.
[This message has been edited by LLv34_Camouflage (edited 02-19-2001).]