You don't remember that you just lowered your gear?
You can't look at your cockpit indicator?
Yes, yes I can. I could also manually trim. I could also not use the HUD elements they recently added for airspeed, alt, and G level. All of those have gauges too.
However, those messages were information that used to be available in the chat buffer regardless of direction you were looking. TBH it's mainly the CT, because depending on what you've done with autopilot or when you get to low speed and use manual trim, it's not always particularly easy to remember whether CT is engaged or disengaged at the moment. A quick blip tells you, but again, with the speed it goes by it's often gone if you get distracted by whatever's going on outside your plane.
Yes, I can look at the indicator. No, it is not as convenient as it used to be. As I said, I do not believe that it was a long-thought-out deeply debated functionality decision of turning the kill messages on to make that information more difficult to observe.
Additionally, with Chalenge's sound pack you lose some audio cues (most noticeably flaps, but gear's sometimes not easy to hear) that are there with the default sounds. I'd rather keep the soundpack and still have the other info easily available.
All I'm saying is it made something that used to be easily available less available, and it looks to me as though it's an unintended side effect versus a gameplay decision.