I think if I really went verbose on the results it might take longer to read them that the event lasted. It was a three and out with the winner comming to play in his chariot of batle.
February's KOTH A only lasted fourty minutes with seven people flying. The minimum rounds were flown with a single wabbit and Krupnski came out on top with the victory. -{S}- and Congratulations to Krupnski for the resounding win.
The P-51D was chosen for March's first chariot of battle. On the plus side, no other events were run at the same time as KOTH was this month.
Wabbit hunting classes will be held upstairs in the ladies rest room.
Round by round results:
1} Krupnski IN a F4U-1
2} Krupnskiin a P-38L {Wabbit}
3} Krupnski wins in a P-51D
Krupnski earns the second invitation to the 2020 TOC. Only two so far in two events will mean a lean TOC.
Top killers were Krupnski- 8, Eagler-5, JeffN and Shady-2.
Logs can be found at
http://ahevents.net/index.php/event-logs Many congratulations already in the Dates thread.