Author Topic: Newbie TE Questions  (Read 572 times)

Offline LJK_KämpferAs

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Newbie TE Questions
« on: August 21, 2000, 08:01:00 PM »
Hi guys,

Got a couple of questions that I hoped you can answer for me.

I see that many of you guys are making maps, are you uploading any of them for download?

For H2H, do all players require the map files, or is it host only?

Approx. how big are the three files that make up a map? I assume this varies... but a general size?

Thanx in advance!

Oberstleutnant LJK_KämpferAs
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« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2000, 10:18:00 PM »
1) yep,  beta testing at the moment with the CM Team

2) Everyone needs the files for H2H

3) Not that large. Under a Mb from memory.

Spotcha in the Air

Offline LJK_KämpferAs

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« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2000, 11:28:00 PM »
Sweet, cheers bro

Hope to see you in the air, just not on me 6 eh!

Oberstleutnant LJK_KämpferAs
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LJK Raubvogel

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« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2000, 11:42:00 PM »
Question from another newbie. When using mapmaker, I can only see the ground cover for the area I select. When I look in the DOS box, it says "error opening w020n090.dem.Any ideas? The ground cover shows up fine, but I don't get any elevation or relief. I unzipped and untarred the files into the same directory as the Mapmaker. Thanks in advance.

Offline Ogre

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« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2000, 06:32:00 AM »
LJK Raubvogel

The ground cover and elevation stuff are in two different files, so your problem is one of three things.  Either:

1. You don't have the w020n090.dem file.  Double-check that it's there in the MapMaker directory.  These file names can get confusing.  If you don't have it, you'll need to download it (link is on the MapMaker page).

2. The w020n090 tile you downloaded didn't unpack/untar correctly.  Make sure the size of the file is *exactly* as stated on the MapMaker web site (  If you are not using WinZip, you might want to try downloading and trying it, it seems to give the desired result (but remember to uncheck that box discussed at MapMaker site).

3.  The elevation .dem is corrupted.  Try another download.  Also try another tile and see if you have the same problem.

Let us know if you still have the problem.  If you figure it out, let us know what the solution was.


[This message has been edited by Ogre (edited 08-22-2000).]

LJK Raubvogel

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« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2000, 01:01:00 PM »
Thanks for the reply Ogre. I tried other tiles and they are fine. Guess I will try dnloading it again.

Offline Snoopi

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« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2000, 03:49:00 PM »

Not sure if you realized this...
If you host a session with a custom terrain, when anyone joins the H2H session without the terrain file, the "client" realizes this and downloads the custom terrain from the "host" machine.


Offline 10Bears

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« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2000, 08:39:00 PM »
Not sure if you realized this...
If you host a session with a custom terrain, when anyone joins the H2H session without the terrain file, the "client" realizes this and downloads the custom terrain from the "host" machine.

Does this include clipboard map?

Offline Snoopi

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« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2000, 11:45:00 PM »
Originally posted by 10Bears:

Does this include clipboard map?

I'm not sure if it does since the time I tested it the clipboard map was not finished.
But, I would asssume that the clipboard would be transfered too.

As soon as I test with it, I'll post the result.


Offline LJK_KämpferAs

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« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2000, 07:51:00 PM »
TY Snoopi

Oberstleutnant LJK_KämpferAs
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Offline LJK_KämpferAs

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« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2000, 05:03:00 AM »
I have been told that when people join a game I'm hosting that uses custom terrain, that they see 'black bits' but to me that terrain looks smooth? Any ideas?

Oberstleutnant LJK_KämpferAs
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Offline Ogre

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« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2000, 05:54:00 AM »
Perhaps they are suffering from the "black water" problem and those "bits" are actually lakes?

Just guessing.