What I did for Kosovo is add three vh bases about 30 km from Pristina bases 1-3. Then added 3 more vh bases inside the city itself but assigned the bases to the original ones.. Now if you select the northwest span point that puts you right at the edge of the city.. This way, you don't have three bases cluttered in one area on the map. Also you have a place to rearm etc.
The other question, how to place cities is to d/l a geopolitical map of the same area your working on and use that with your text tool to add the cities and towns where they should be on your clipboard map. Its a good idea to do this first before laying out your air bases.
I been reading up in the book that came with Paintshop Pro how to make transparent layers. I'm working on a full 256x256 of Yugoslavia. I used the terr.bmp as layer one. Map256 is layer two.... Now I have the grid lines on the clipboard map... heh... If you want your grid lines in color say red or blue, simply change from gray scale to 24bit color ..works..
Orges mapmaker and Wabbit's Bit2Map programs are really cool! I been mostly using Wabbit's program. With Bit2Map it randomly adds farm lands to anywhere theres less than a 50% grade. Now in some mountainous areas of Yugoslavia there ain't no farms. No problem, don't make any corrections to the grayscale relief map your using, and run through Bit2Map. As usual add the typ and elv files to the folder your working in, go into your graphics program and add blur or smooth (I like graduation blur) run your map back through Bit2Map only this time only add ONLY the elv file to your folder... now you get the farm lands only on the super flat areas your mountainous areas are all grass or rocky grass. you can add some rock or snow to mountains by hand.....
Found a really good Phillipines relief map on the net. Just happens to be exactly 1024X1024 for a 256 size map. Been waiting to see if we get some more textures like ocean, coastal breakwater etc. If anyone wants to work on it let me know I send it to ya. bear1@bigisland.com Be advised I don't have the geopolitical map that goes with it to set up air bases etc.