Author Topic: Setting up custom arena  (Read 1087 times)

Offline hazmatt

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Setting up custom arena
« on: May 25, 2020, 07:32:39 AM »
I'm trying to setup a custom arena.

I click on disable all planes at all fields and click save.

I go to some fields and all the planes are disable. I go to other fields and all the planes are still enabled.

What am I doing wrong?

Offline Easyscor

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Re: Setting up custom arena
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2020, 11:10:52 AM »
Instead use .disable 0 0 to disable all planes and .enable 0 0 to enable all planes.

Save your settings to you local hard drive. You can't save settings for a custom arena to the HTC server.

The alternative is to use scripts to run a file full of dot commands.
Easy in-game again.
Since Tour 19 - 2001

Offline hazmatt

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Re: Setting up custom arena
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2020, 12:12:49 PM »
Thanks! Where would I find a list of those commands?

Offline hitech

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Re: Setting up custom arena
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2020, 02:13:45 PM »
Thanks! Where would I find a list of those commands?

.help while in a custom arena

Offline Brooke

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Re: Setting up custom arena
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2020, 02:35:43 PM »
aces high script dot commands

.dplane 0 0    Disables all planes at all fields.
.objdefault    Resets all object default hardness and down times
.squelch GameID    Squelch text & vox from the player to you. See mute.
.accept [gameID]    Accept a join request
.change [gameID]    Change Capitalization
.cmdfield [task group number][1 = CM 0 = Player]    Take command of a Task Group
.country [country number]    Change countries
.cstat    Display country status on the clipboard
.death [ Death Table Clear ][ Auto Death Time Minutes ]    Death Table Clear yes=0, no=1. Auto Death Time minutes, 0=disabled.  Probably a CT setting as it has No Effect on logs or Death Wait Time.

.dt fXX[object_type]  Shows down time of those objects at the field.  Ex:  ".dt f91amb" shows down times of amb's at a91.  ".dt f91flg" shows if town 91 is white flagged or not.

.decline [gameID]    Decline a join request for gunner or observer
.delay []    Bomb drop delay in seconds
.deletemission [gameID]    Deletes a mission in the viewer
.det [object] [country]    Detonates an object or whole family of objects at a base or factory. ".det fnnTTTwww c" were nn is the field number, TTT is the object type, www is optional for a single object, and c is the country that destroyed it. See .restore.
.dplane [plane number] [field number]    Disables multiple plane at field

.dplane 0 0

Disables all planes everywhere
.ef    Return to the tower
.eject [gameID]    Removes a player from the arena
.endlog    Stops event logging. Will see a confirmation message.
.eplane [plane number] [field number][country mask]    Enables plane# or 0=all, at field# or 0=all, for country Bish=1, Knit=2,Rook=4 (total them for all on mask or 0=all).
.eplane 0 0    Enables all planes at all fields
.f PlayerID    Returns the arena for a player
.fly [spawn point number]    Fly from spawn point#. Useful when a spawn point is missing on the CBM, or deliberately hidden by the builder.
.fuel [0-3]    Your fuel loadout percentages
.goto [gameID]    Move to players homebase

.ground [gameID / All]

Sends a player to the tower, sends everyone to the tower. See .unground
.handle [new gameID]    Set your original gameID
.icon [0=far range:1=near]    Sets icon range 6k or 3k
.join [gameID]    Join another player as a gunner
.jumptg [task group number]    Advances the task group to the first waypoint only.
.load [ planes | filter | obj ]    KEYWORDS: "planes" has no feedback. "objs" loads downtimes. "filter" loads badword.txt. No parameters loads all.

Locked: .vset locked [1|0]

Lock the arena: 1 = locked, 0 = unlocked.

.move [field number]
   Jump to a different field
.mute [gameID]    Mutes a player in the arena
.ord [group number] [load out number]    Your ammo loadout
.p [gameID] [text]    Sends a text message
.p GameID    ?
.plane [number]    Your plane selection
.r    Reply to last the person who sent a private text message
.radio [radio number] [channel]    Player radio setup
.report GameID    Report text abuse.
.reset [1 2 3]    Resets arena where 1 2 and 3 are the country map order <--- custom arena server end as well
.resetv [1=voice, 2=vox Connection, 3=sound]    Will reset sound systems

.restore fnnTTTwww

Rebuilds objects. Can rebuild a single object or a whole family of objects at a field or factory. nn is the base or factory number, TTT is the object type, www is optional and which object. See .det.
.s GameID    Salute another player.
.salvo [number]    Number of bombs to drop on each trigger pull
.save [ table name? ][ password? ]    .save says invalid password.
.score [playerID]    In-flight player scores. You are the default player.
.setdowntime [objectType] [Downtime]    ObjectType is the name on the Objects Settings page
.sethardness [objectType] [Hardness]    See .objdefault
.setmotd [motd.txt]    Loads motd.txt, can be any local file name in the htc folder
.sfield [field field...] [country] [plane plane...]    Sets a fields' ownership and enables multiple planes
.sfield [field] [country]    Sets a fields' ownership to country (short version) [country] here is 1, 2, or 3 (bish, knights, rooks)
.show    Exports the Arena Settings to a spreadsheet readable "show.txt" file in your C:\Hitech Creations\Aces High folder
.showjoin [1=popup | 0=message bar]    Toggles join requests from popups to msg bar
.showrv    Shows RV8
.showsquadmotd    Shows the squad message in flight
.spdname SquadName    Renames Squad & updates Roster (in-flight)
.speed [mph]    Set Indicated Air Speed (IAS) for climbing
.sqdaccept [gameID]    Accept a squad join request
.sqddecline [gameID]    Decline a squad join request
.sqddisband    Disban your squad
.sqdeject GameID    Eject a player from the squad
.sqdinvite [gameID]    Sends squad invite while in flight
.sqdlogo    Uploads your squad art (no CO only message)
.sqdname [SquadName]    Rename squad, updates the roster
.sqdpermission [gameID] [permissions, use 6]    Can invite=2 + rename=4 + eject=8
.sqdupload    Uploads your squad art
.sqdwebpage WebpageAddress    Set or Change the squads' website address.
.sqdwithdraw    Withdraw from your squad
.squelch  [gameID]    Turn off your ability to hear the player (or channel?)
.sr    Display squad members online and arena
.startlog    Starts event logging - Must see a confirmation message!
.target [distance]    Display a gunnery target at distance away
.time [hh mm multiplier]    Adjusts arena time

.unground [gameID / All]

Allows player / all players to fly.
.unjoin    Kick the joined gunner out of the plane.
.unmute [gameID]    Unmutes a muted player
.unsquelch  [gameID]    Turn on your ability to hear the squelched player
.voice [0=on | 1=off] [Arena Host 0=off | 1=on]    Player and Arena voice coms
.vreport [gameID]    Report voice abuse
.vset [variable name] [value]    Sets system variable - Ex: .vset countrycanfly[0] 1
.vsquelch [gameID]    Squelch a player ?local vox?
.vunsquelch [gameID]    Unsquelch a player
.warn [gameID] [message]    Sends a warning dialog box to the player. All CMs can see the "MOD" warning.
.wind [start alt] [direction in degrees] [speed in mph] [rise in mph + or -]    Sets arena wind
.wingman  [gameID]    Highlight another player

Offline Brooke

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Re: Setting up custom arena
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2020, 02:39:17 PM »
Below is a script that sets up your offline practice (or custom arena) to be the same settings as a scenario event, plus a handy air spawn for quick access to enemy bases.  It is the "N" launch direction from a156.

This is for the germanyw terrain.

To use the script, copy below after the "--------- here it is -----------", open notepad or wordpad and paste the text into there.  Save the resulting file as "wintersky.txt" (or some such) into your "C:\Hitech Creations\Aces High III\scripts" folder.

Now, when you run Aces High, you can go into you clipboard and "options->arena setup->cm tools->scripts" and choose the "wintersky.txt" script to load.

Choose a plane and take off from a156 N to get into the air right away.

--------------- here it is --------------------

.//Run this once to set up arena for "Winter Sky"

.//Reset wind to all zero, then set downwind I want.
.//Note can't set wind directly after .wind.  Need
.//other commands in between.
.wind 0 0 0 0
.//.wind [alt] 0 0 -45 <---- do this at end of script

.//Set weather.
.//ulweath med15klight5k.awa
.//sweath med15klight5k

.//Set arena settings all to default, then set the ones I want.
.vset default
.//for now, enable flight xxx
.vset countryflags[0] 3
.vset countryflags[1] 3
.vset countryflags[2] 2
.vset arenaflags 275502
.vset bomberwarningrange 21120
.vset communicationflags 3
.vset changecountrytime 0
.vset exitwhilemoving 508
.vset fighterwarningrange 21120
.vset flightmodeflags 5248
.vset FogLoFarMiles 12.0
.vset FogLoNearMiles 1.0
.vset fuelburnratemult 1.0
.vset groundautolethality[2] 0.1
.vset groundautolethality[1] 0.1
.vset groundautolethality[0] 0.1
.vset radarmode[0] 384
.vset radarmode[1] 384
.vset radarmode[2] 48
.vset radarupdaterate 120
.vset sectorcounteralt 1000
.vset sectorcounterrange 132000
.vset stratflags 1
.vset taskgrouprespawntime 360
.vset towerbasedradarrange 132000

.//Set all objects to default, then set the ones I want different.
.//arm auto gun
.setdowntime 40 600
.sethardness 40 0.02
.//auto gun
.setdowntime 5 0.1
.//bomb hgr
.setdowntime 24 5
.sethardness 24 1.0
.//bunk ammo
.setdowntime 11 5
.//bunk barr
.setdowntime 13 5
.//bunk fuel
.setdowntime 12 5
.//bunk radar
.setdowntime 6 5
.//ftr hgr
.setdowntime 23 5
.sethardness 23 1.0
.//gun bat
.setdowntime 28 600
.//gun bat armor
.setdowntime 38 600
.//gun bat soft
.setdowntime 37 600
.//hard auto gun
.setdowntime 39 0.1
.//hard gun bat
.//setdowntime 41 8
.//veh hgr
.setdowntime 25 5
.sethardness 25 1.0

.//Reset map to country order I want.
.reset 1 2 3
.//sfields as in .sfield [fieldNum] [1,2,or3]
.sfield 95 1
.sfield 143 1

.sfield 138 2
.sfield 40 2
.sfield 41 2
.sfield 42 2
.sfield 43 2
.sfield 109 2
.sfield 113 2
.sfield 153 2
.sfield 116 2
.sfield 117 2
.sfield 119 2
.sfield 121 2
.sfield 85 2
.sfield 122 2

.sfield 150 3
.sfield 151 3
.sfield 152 3
.sfield 149 3

.//detonate objects if any (after field ownership is set)
.det f115gna 1
.restore f115gna000
.det f118gna 1
.restore f118gna000
.det f120gna 1
.restore f120gna000
.det f116gna 1
.restore f116gna000
.det f117gna 1
.restore f117gna000
.det f119gna 1
.restore f119gna000
.det f121gna 1
.retsore f121gna000

.//Disable all planes, then set the stuff I want.
.dplane 0 0
.//Manned guns everywhere.
.eplane 37 0 7

.//example of plane settings (bish are 1, knights are 2)
.//B-26B at a54, a3 for bish
.//eplane 14 54 1
.//eplane 14 3 1

.//for now just turn all on xxx
.eplane 0 0

.//allied bases: 115, 111, 116
.//B-26B, 13
.eplane 13 111 1
.eplane 13 115 1
.eplane 13 116 1

.//LW bases:  88, 91, 97
.//190F-8, 42
.eplane 42 88 2
.eplane 42 91 2
.eplane 42 97 2

.//Clear out all shape settings, then set ones I want.
.//hardness number = 6.4 x lbs (e.g., 12800 = 2000 lbs)
.//downtime is in seconds (e.g., 3600 = 1 hour)
.sh clear
//.sh set ca ca 5120 36000
//.sh set cv cv 512000 36000
//.sh set de de 2560 36000

.//Spawn points
.po clear
.//these are for practice xxx
.po ADD entpnt 8 00004400 155 -753674.49 14000.00 -341294.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1
.po ADD entpnt 21 00004400 155 -753674.49 14000.00 -341294.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1

.//Enable all weapons.
.disableweapon -1 -1 -1 1 1
.//Disable the ones I want.
.//ex: B-24J
.//.disableweapon 80 1 1 0 1
.//.disableweapon [plane#] [group#] [#ingroup + 1] 0 1

.//Our final wind command.
.wind 24000 0 0 -45
« Last Edit: May 25, 2020, 05:18:09 PM by Brooke »

Offline hazmatt

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Re: Setting up custom arena
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2020, 02:50:20 PM »
Wow. Thanks for all that info!

Offline Brooke

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Re: Setting up custom arena
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2020, 05:17:50 PM »
Oh, forgot to say that the above script is settings things up for the germanyw terrain.

It is a good example of setting up an arena, though.

Offline hazmatt

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Re: Setting up custom arena
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2020, 05:34:32 PM »
Is there somewhere I can find a list of what each command does?

This one for example I'm not clear on. Does it set the size of the sector square?

.vset sectorcounterrange 132000

Offline Brooke

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Re: Setting up custom arena
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2020, 05:48:50 PM »
All of the .vsets set a particular setting you see when you go into arena settings (i.e., clipboard map -> options -> arena setup -> environment -> arena settings).

SectorCounterRange is, when you have radar set so that sector counters show up only within some range of a radar tower, how big that radius is in feet.  SectorCounterRange=132000 means sector counters show up if the plane is within 25 miles of the tower.

I'm not sure if there is a document anywhere that explains all the arena settings.  I have the meanings of all the ones I use memorized from years of use.

Some are self explanatory if you look at them in arena settings (the checkbox names sort of tell you what they do).

Others that I tend to use:
the warning ranges -- when a base flashes, radius in feet.
foglow miles -- how far you can see in miles
radarupdaterate -- how often radar updates in seconds
sectorcounteralt -- when radar mode set to show sector counters above radar, this is floor in AGL feet, so 1000 means planes don't show as sector counters below 1000 ft AGL
taskgrouprespawntime -- how long it takes after a CV is sunk for task group to respawn at base in minutes
towerbaseradarrange -- radar range from tower in feet

Maybe someone else knows if there is a document somewhere.

Offline hazmatt

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Re: Setting up custom arena
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2020, 05:54:46 PM »
Thanks for all that and bearing with my 100 questions.

I also noticed that the eny of the planes seemed odd. The storch for example showed 0ENY on my arena. Is there a setting for this or how does it work?

Thanks in advance

Wow. I'm a dingdong. I just realized there's an area called Custom Arenas!

Guess I can read now and stop asking questions!
« Last Edit: May 25, 2020, 05:58:11 PM by hazmatt »

Offline Brooke

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Re: Setting up custom arena
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2020, 10:05:25 PM »
I don't ever mess with ENY.  I just enable planes or disable them in my setups.