aces high script dot commands
.dplane 0 0 Disables all planes at all fields.
.objdefault Resets all object default hardness and down times
.squelch GameID Squelch text & vox from the player to you. See mute.
.accept [gameID] Accept a join request
.change [gameID] Change Capitalization
.cmdfield [task group number][1 = CM 0 = Player] Take command of a Task Group
.country [country number] Change countries
.cstat Display country status on the clipboard
.death [ Death Table Clear ][ Auto Death Time Minutes ] Death Table Clear yes=0, no=1. Auto Death Time minutes, 0=disabled. Probably a CT setting as it has No Effect on logs or Death Wait Time.
.dt fXX[object_type] Shows down time of those objects at the field. Ex: ".dt f91amb" shows down times of amb's at a91. ".dt f91flg" shows if town 91 is white flagged or not.
.decline [gameID] Decline a join request for gunner or observer
.delay [] Bomb drop delay in seconds
.deletemission [gameID] Deletes a mission in the viewer
.det [object] [country] Detonates an object or whole family of objects at a base or factory. ".det fnnTTTwww c" were nn is the field number, TTT is the object type, www is optional for a single object, and c is the country that destroyed it. See .restore.
.dplane [plane number] [field number] Disables multiple plane at field
.dplane 0 0
Disables all planes everywhere
.ef Return to the tower
.eject [gameID] Removes a player from the arena
.endlog Stops event logging. Will see a confirmation message.
.eplane [plane number] [field number][country mask] Enables plane# or 0=all, at field# or 0=all, for country Bish=1, Knit=2,Rook=4 (total them for all on mask or 0=all).
.eplane 0 0 Enables all planes at all fields
.f PlayerID Returns the arena for a player
.fly [spawn point number] Fly from spawn point#. Useful when a spawn point is missing on the CBM, or deliberately hidden by the builder.
.fuel [0-3] Your fuel loadout percentages
.goto [gameID] Move to players homebase
.ground [gameID / All]
Sends a player to the tower, sends everyone to the tower. See .unground
.handle [new gameID] Set your original gameID
.icon [0=far range:1=near] Sets icon range 6k or 3k
.join [gameID] Join another player as a gunner
.jumptg [task group number] Advances the task group to the first waypoint only.
.load [ planes | filter | obj ] KEYWORDS: "planes" has no feedback. "objs" loads downtimes. "filter" loads badword.txt. No parameters loads all.
Locked: .vset locked [1|0]
Lock the arena: 1 = locked, 0 = unlocked.
.move [field number]
Jump to a different field
.mute [gameID] Mutes a player in the arena
.ord [group number] [load out number] Your ammo loadout
.p [gameID] [text] Sends a text message
.p GameID ?
.plane [number] Your plane selection
.r Reply to last the person who sent a private text message
.radio [radio number] [channel] Player radio setup
.report GameID Report text abuse.
.reset [1 2 3] Resets arena where 1 2 and 3 are the country map order <--- custom arena server end as well
.resetv [1=voice, 2=vox Connection, 3=sound] Will reset sound systems
.restore fnnTTTwww
Rebuilds objects. Can rebuild a single object or a whole family of objects at a field or factory. nn is the base or factory number, TTT is the object type, www is optional and which object. See .det.
.s GameID Salute another player.
.salvo [number] Number of bombs to drop on each trigger pull
.save [ table name? ][ password? ] .save says invalid password.
.score [playerID] In-flight player scores. You are the default player.
.setdowntime [objectType] [Downtime] ObjectType is the name on the Objects Settings page
.sethardness [objectType] [Hardness] See .objdefault
.setmotd [motd.txt] Loads motd.txt, can be any local file name in the htc folder
.sfield [field field...] [country] [plane plane...] Sets a fields' ownership and enables multiple planes
.sfield [field] [country] Sets a fields' ownership to country (short version) [country] here is 1, 2, or 3 (bish, knights, rooks)
.show Exports the Arena Settings to a spreadsheet readable "show.txt" file in your C:\Hitech Creations\Aces High folder
.showjoin [1=popup | 0=message bar] Toggles join requests from popups to msg bar
.showrv Shows RV8
.showsquadmotd Shows the squad message in flight
.spdname SquadName Renames Squad & updates Roster (in-flight)
.speed [mph] Set Indicated Air Speed (IAS) for climbing
.sqdaccept [gameID] Accept a squad join request
.sqddecline [gameID] Decline a squad join request
.sqddisband Disban your squad
.sqdeject GameID Eject a player from the squad
.sqdinvite [gameID] Sends squad invite while in flight
.sqdlogo Uploads your squad art (no CO only message)
.sqdname [SquadName] Rename squad, updates the roster
.sqdpermission [gameID] [permissions, use 6] Can invite=2 + rename=4 + eject=8
.sqdupload Uploads your squad art
.sqdwebpage WebpageAddress Set or Change the squads' website address.
.sqdwithdraw Withdraw from your squad
.squelch [gameID] Turn off your ability to hear the player (or channel?)
.sr Display squad members online and arena
.startlog Starts event logging - Must see a confirmation message!
.target [distance] Display a gunnery target at distance away
.time [hh mm multiplier] Adjusts arena time
.unground [gameID / All]
Allows player / all players to fly.
.unjoin Kick the joined gunner out of the plane.
.unmute [gameID] Unmutes a muted player
.unsquelch [gameID] Turn on your ability to hear the squelched player
.voice [0=on | 1=off] [Arena Host 0=off | 1=on] Player and Arena voice coms
.vreport [gameID] Report voice abuse
.vset [variable name] [value] Sets system variable - Ex: .vset countrycanfly[0] 1
.vsquelch [gameID] Squelch a player ?local vox?
.vunsquelch [gameID] Unsquelch a player
.warn [gameID] [message] Sends a warning dialog box to the player. All CMs can see the "MOD" warning.
.wind [start alt] [direction in degrees] [speed in mph] [rise in mph + or -] Sets arena wind
.wingman [gameID] Highlight another player