Author Topic: Dang WTH Happened to the Numbers???  (Read 24204 times)

Offline 20Fingers

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Dang WTH Happened to the Numbers???
« on: November 01, 2020, 01:30:44 PM »
 :airplane: :airplane: :airplane: :airplane: :airplane:

So, just re-created an account and began to explore the game after a long absence. While I was never a great player, I had a lot of fun and flew with some pretty awesome pilots as well as hung with a few well known squads along the way.

WTH happened to the numbers??, less than 100 players in three massive countries? Looks like it is taking hours of flying and dying just to get into a decent fight. How the heck are the squads doing???

When we once had 1000's playing from several countries, enough on at one time to find a fast and good fight, or a long range full theater war lasting several days? What I have see so far is pretty dismal by comparison.

Dale - HiTech answering the phone himself, I made several calls to the 'office' recently, wow!

Correct me if I remember wrong but when I started playing AH the game in 2008 was much tighter with less complexity. Meaning, my first experience was entering a small training arena, not multi-level platforms with one-on-one area, bombing ranges, and the other 'separate' ways to train: it was one arena to meet-n-greet newbs, recruit talent, and sometimes just hang out and help less skilled pilots strengthen their wings, literally! There was community created in that small venue of interested game players, or at least that is how I remember it.

I read through some of the most recent discussions about game play, the current state of affairs, and the loathing about low numbers and difficult times. Seems to me that the vastness of the game, being oriented to what was once a massive membership, is part of the current problem along with a seemingly stubborn commander-n-chief: HiTech. Perhaps less could be more, and could a change help make things better, if we can get a consensus from the tribe?

With so few players and the size of the current game, perhaps things could be adjusted back to a much tighter and less complex footprint so that 100 players could engage in a decent fight without blowing hours on a few skirmishes, or for the newbs, flying what seems like a lifetime across sectors just to die in a few seconds because what is waiting is a group of much higher ranked players. Losing a few fights is and should be part of the tempering process while learning the game, but being slaughtered for weeks before getting enough experience to land a single kill does not lend itself to player retention, right? If we chase off the newbs the game falls flat, kinda like the quire sinning only to itself when a audience is required to keep things going.

When I left game back in 2013 one of the reasons was the issues associated with key players dominating the game, padding their stats at the expense of newer player retention. Some of you will argue, "that's war, nothing is far" and to some degree you are correct, it is about fighting each other in a air war theater, but it is also about the reality side of being a member of a community of gamers, so both must be part of the discussion on how to regrow the game, even if Dale Hitech won't listen right now, he cannot deny that AH was once a fantastically populated and well played game, he must listen to us if he's to survive.

So, let me ask you this basic question, how much fun are you having in the game right now? Is if fun padding your stats, if that's you goal, by continually dominating a very small population of gamers on AH? I remember asking this question to one of the more notorious gamers back in 2012 and at that time there were 1000's playing. At that time a few squads were in near complete domination of most fights and that player lamented the only thing interesting was watching the stats grow. I'd watch this player tear through furballs killing at will, and landing multiple kills over and over, or sneak bases and so on, but on the human side of things, the player was basically board with the direction AH was going at the time. I cannot imagine, and I will ask when I encounter that player - if still playing, what the game is like today.
Less-is-more in a lot of things we humans engage in. Restrictions stimulate interests and enhance creativity, this is not speculation its a proven fact. Perhaps the answer to resolving the fast downward spiral of AH is to scale it back to a much tighter arena(s), seriously address the ENY situation (read a lot about this, it seems to be a part of the problem), and work on both the human and gamer aspects if the game.

Lastly, if you are a veteran of AH with high marks and a good standing in the game, please think back to your first encounters in the game, learning to fly, engaging other players, the first legit kill in your gun sights and the thrill of it all. Don't misunderstand what I have written as a plead for fairness in the game play, it's not about that. What I am asking is to fairly reflect and analyze the current game and how your personal influence might assist in growing the numbers again so we get back some of the fame-n-glory that was once AH, to retain new players by capturing their interest in hanging with it, inspiring them to learn a grow, and to recruit their friends.

I'll be out there, being the fodder for better pilots, eating lead like a twenty dollar hooker, and happily playing the game as it is. But, I hope this post generates some serious thought and dialog about how we can help change the game and get those numbers back up so more gamers can enjoy the fantastic game as it was intended. 

Flew with some of the best, killed by the best, flying n dying with the rest!

Offline RichardDarkwood

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Re: Dang WTH Happened to the Numbers???
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2020, 01:40:19 PM »
Love your effort. Deaf ears are plenty though.

Maybe we will see you up in the skys
A yappy back seater like Jester wasn’t popular or fun to fly with, more of an unnecessary distraction than anything else---Puma44
CO--The Bad Guys

Offline Arlo

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Re: Dang WTH Happened to the Numbers???
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2020, 02:45:06 PM »
My complaint about the small number of players who chased off all the other players

Here’s the angry letter the small number of players who chased off all the other players knew they were bound to receive. Let me start by stressing that I am not attempting to suppress anyone’s opinions, nor do I intend to demean the small number of players who chased off all the other players personally for their beliefs or worldviews. But I myself do avow that I must deal with the relevant facts.

Maybe I’m in the minority here, but it seems to me that whenever the small number of players who chased off all the other players want to convince everyone that the most incompetent, sullen pinheads there are are easily housebroken, they turn instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish spurting out ink. These words and idioms are intended to distract the listener from noticing that if the small number of players who chased off all the other players' histrionics get any more footling, I expect they’ll grow legs and attack me in my sleep.

You may be wondering what propelled me to question the small number of players who chased off all the other players’ motives. Quite simply, it’s that the small number of players who chased off all the other players claims to have data supporting their assertion that the worst kinds of warlords there are should be fêted at wine-and-cheese fundraisers. Naturally, they insist that they can’t actually show us that data—for some unspecified reason, of course. My guess is that they're hiding something. Maybe they're hiding the fact that they use highfalutin terms like pseudoconglomeration and mediterraneanization to conceal their plans to use paid informants and provocateurs to keep us hypnotized so we don’t investigate their demonic principles, ideals, and objectives. In this scheme of theirs, a mass of grandiloquent words falls upon the facts like soft snow, blurring the outlines and covering up all the details. We become unable to see that high-handed momes must transition away from the vainglorious ideology of Marxism and learn to use the best available evidence to adjudicate the small number of players who chased off all the other players’ vagarious press releases.

As there is a great deal of confusion and lack of reality-based information on this vexing topic, let me attempt to make some sense of the situation by noting that every time the small number of players who chased off all the other players spouts some nonsense about how they were chosen by God as the trustees of His wishes and desires, the effect is that their lapdogs become even more loyal to them Sociologists refer to the phenomenon of increased devotion to an unethical, logorrheic theory at the very hour of its destruction by external evidence as cognitive dissonance. I call it proof that the small number of players who chased off all the other players want us to believe that it’s okay to leave the educational and emotional needs of our children in the sinister hands of temeritous xenophobes. This of course is nonsense without any empirical validity, but the small number of players who chased off all the other players so vehemently insists that the ego, the lower self, is something divine and worthy of embrace that this has come to be accepted wisdom, at least by lazy skites. Lastly, let me remark that it is imperative that we institute change. Timidity here will bespeak canker and atrophy of the soul.

Offline Shuffler

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Re: Dang WTH Happened to the Numbers???
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2020, 03:10:08 PM »
:airplane: :airplane: :airplane: :airplane: :airplane:

So, just re-created an account and began to explore the game after a long absence. While I was never a great player, I had a lot of fun and flew with some pretty awesome pilots as well as hung with a few well known squads along the way.

WTH happened to the numbers??, less than 100 players in three massive countries? Looks like it is taking hours of flying and dying just to get into a decent fight. How the heck are the squads doing???

When we once had 1000's playing from several countries, enough on at one time to find a fast and good fight, or a long range full theater war lasting several days? What I have see so far is pretty dismal by comparison.

Dale - HiTech answering the phone himself, I made several calls to the 'office' recently, wow!

Correct me if I remember wrong but when I started playing AH the game in 2008 was much tighter with less complexity. Meaning, my first experience was entering a small training arena, not multi-level platforms with one-on-one area, bombing ranges, and the other 'separate' ways to train: it was one arena to meet-n-greet newbs, recruit talent, and sometimes just hang out and help less skilled pilots strengthen their wings, literally! There was community created in that small venue of interested game players, or at least that is how I remember it.

I read through some of the most recent discussions about game play, the current state of affairs, and the loathing about low numbers and difficult times. Seems to me that the vastness of the game, being oriented to what was once a massive membership, is part of the current problem along with a seemingly stubborn commander-n-chief: HiTech. Perhaps less could be more, and could a change help make things better, if we can get a consensus from the tribe?

With so few players and the size of the current game, perhaps things could be adjusted back to a much tighter and less complex footprint so that 100 players could engage in a decent fight without blowing hours on a few skirmishes, or for the newbs, flying what seems like a lifetime across sectors just to die in a few seconds because what is waiting is a group of much higher ranked players. Losing a few fights is and should be part of the tempering process while learning the game, but being slaughtered for weeks before getting enough experience to land a single kill does not lend itself to player retention, right? If we chase off the newbs the game falls flat, kinda like the quire sinning only to itself when a audience is required to keep things going.

When I left game back in 2013 one of the reasons was the issues associated with key players dominating the game, padding their stats at the expense of newer player retention. Some of you will argue, "that's war, nothing is far" and to some degree you are correct, it is about fighting each other in a air war theater, but it is also about the reality side of being a member of a community of gamers, so both must be part of the discussion on how to regrow the game, even if Dale Hitech won't listen right now, he cannot deny that AH was once a fantastically populated and well played game, he must listen to us if he's to survive.

So, let me ask you this basic question, how much fun are you having in the game right now? Is if fun padding your stats, if that's you goal, by continually dominating a very small population of gamers on AH? I remember asking this question to one of the more notorious gamers back in 2012 and at that time there were 1000's playing. At that time a few squads were in near complete domination of most fights and that player lamented the only thing interesting was watching the stats grow. I'd watch this player tear through furballs killing at will, and landing multiple kills over and over, or sneak bases and so on, but on the human side of things, the player was basically board with the direction AH was going at the time. I cannot imagine, and I will ask when I encounter that player - if still playing, what the game is like today.
Less-is-more in a lot of things we humans engage in. Restrictions stimulate interests and enhance creativity, this is not speculation its a proven fact. Perhaps the answer to resolving the fast downward spiral of AH is to scale it back to a much tighter arena(s), seriously address the ENY situation (read a lot about this, it seems to be a part of the problem), and work on both the human and gamer aspects if the game.

Lastly, if you are a veteran of AH with high marks and a good standing in the game, please think back to your first encounters in the game, learning to fly, engaging other players, the first legit kill in your gun sights and the thrill of it all. Don't misunderstand what I have written as a plead for fairness in the game play, it's not about that. What I am asking is to fairly reflect and analyze the current game and how your personal influence might assist in growing the numbers again so we get back some of the fame-n-glory that was once AH, to retain new players by capturing their interest in hanging with it, inspiring them to learn a grow, and to recruit their friends.

I'll be out there, being the fodder for better pilots, eating lead like a twenty dollar hooker, and happily playing the game as it is. But, I hope this post generates some serious thought and dialog about how we can help change the game and get those numbers back up so more gamers can enjoy the fantastic game as it was intended. 


Few of the people playing even post or know about the BBS. If you are looking for a fight, you can usually find one if you fly during US hours.

The numbers are not what they used to be. In the evenings they are the best. I was just on and there are some good fights that have been going on for some time now.
80th FS "Headhunters"

S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning In A Bottle)

Offline RichardDarkwood

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Re: Dang WTH Happened to the Numbers???
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2020, 03:24:30 PM »
Stop by Monday night madness and i know you will find a good fight.
A yappy back seater like Jester wasn’t popular or fun to fly with, more of an unnecessary distraction than anything else---Puma44
CO--The Bad Guys

Offline flippz

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Re: Dang WTH Happened to the Numbers???
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2020, 04:04:24 PM »
Very few of those that are left really right. A lot like the horde mentality and war monger attitude. And don’t dare suggest any change.  78 of the 100 that’s left will threaten to leave.

Offline Shuffler

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Re: Dang WTH Happened to the Numbers???
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2020, 04:49:30 PM »
Very few of those that are left really right. A lot like the horde mentality and war monger attitude. And don’t dare suggest any change.  78 of the 100 that’s left will threaten to leave.

... and then there is this...
They just begged to do away with ENY so the horde could live on.  That change was made and does not look to be good. Currently rooks are outnumbering each of their competitors by over double their numbers.
80th FS "Headhunters"

S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning In A Bottle)

Offline Arlo

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Re: Dang WTH Happened to the Numbers???
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2020, 05:00:45 PM »
Claim Jumpers still rook? Didn't they make 7 or 8 squads at one time due to the 32 player limit per?

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Dang WTH Happened to the Numbers???
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2020, 05:48:17 PM »

... and then there is this...
They just begged to do away with ENY so the horde could live on.  That change was made and does not look to be good. Currently rooks are outnumbering each of their competitors by over double their numbers.

interesting thing i have observed in the past week.

more rooks and bishops are staying late defending or attacking. really hard to take bases as we have to defend too.  love it.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline Eagler

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Re: Dang WTH Happened to the Numbers???
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2020, 06:04:13 PM »

With so few players and the size of the current game, perhaps things could be adjusted back to a much tighter and less complex footprint so that 100 players could engage in a decent fight without blowing hours on a few skirmishes, or for the newbs, flying what seems like a lifetime across sectors just to die in a few seconds because what is waiting is a group of much higher ranked players. Losing a few fights is and should be part of the tempering process while learning the game, but being slaughtered for weeks before getting enough experience to land a single kill does not lend itself to player retention, right? If we chase off the newbs the game falls flat...

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Re: Dang WTH Happened to the Numbers???
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2020, 06:34:46 PM »
Claim Jumpers still rook? Didn't they make 7 or 8 squads at one time due to the 32 player limit per?

We're still Rook, least we were the last time I logged in, which was a week(?) ago.  I think we had 10 squads at one point? :headscratch:  It was at least 6 full for sure, with one or two "extras".  In any event, I think I'm the only CJ active on the forum. :headscratch: :uhoh
Quote from: hitech
Wow I find it hard to believe it has been almost 38 days since our last path. We should have release another 38 versions by now  :bhead
Quote from: Pyro
Quote from: Jolly
What on Earth makes you think that i said that sir?!
My guess would be scotch.

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Re: Dang WTH Happened to the Numbers???
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2020, 09:19:57 PM »
:airplane: :airplane: :airplane: :airplane: :airplane:

So, just re-created an account <snip>

Well 20fingers the biggest issue with the game has been that HTC hasn't kept up with the changing video game industry. Ive been here since tour 20 first as MDJOE then as Fugitive. There is nothing wrong with the game. It is the best flight sim type game ever made with more things to play at than any other flight game. However, gamers expectations is what has changed over the years. HTC has NOT changed to work with these expectations and so has slowly and continually lost more and more players.

You will see a number of posts from the cheerleading squad that has spent most of the last few years with their heads in the sand. YES there have been players that have chased away players I know of at least one that was banned by HTC for "hunting" a player among his other "tricks". I know of a few others that I squelched as soon as I logged on, if they were flying as they were so toxic that they took any enjoyment out of the game. Thankfully most have left because the one left here just ignored them and so they lost their "thrill", but yes it happens.

The sharks eating the newbies, has always been a problem but in the old days the shark to newb ratio was more like 1 shark  to every 5-6 newbs. Today its more like 3 sharks to every 1 newb. Of the top 25 in fighter rank today Id say about half of them spend their time picking. Very few players "fight" any more. You reverse a guy once or twice and most run. "Score" and your "Name in lights" seem to be the driving factor in game play.

Can things change to "save the game", sure. Will they, unfortunately I doubt it. There have been MANY suggestions to try and the majority of them are ignored. HTC seems to be happy with what they have and so keep the status quo.

Free to play is a must these days. Sure HTC gives away 2 weeks free active from the first time you login to a "pay" arena. This as any one who plays the game knows is not enough. In the old days most players who downloaded the game were WWII enthusiasts looking to live out the "glory days" of WWII. Today half the gamers in the world more than likely haven't heard of WWII! Two weeks was a good enough "taste" to get you hooked. Today the game MUST stand on its own as most of the new guys couldnt care less about WWII. They are looking for a "fun" game. Give them a handfull of average planes and GVs to play with in the main arena indefinitely to get use to the game, to see the depth of the game, to see how it ALL works together.

Limit the Sharks. Last tours top 50 spends the next tour flying mid war planes going by ENY. Sure the following tour they may be able to jump up to better planes but it may keep the sharks out of the SPit16s and F4U4s and other late war monsters. If they dont curb themselves every other tour they would be forced to do it every other tour. This would give the newbs a "chance".

Change the landing message. "so and so landed 5 kills" promotes these "sharks" to pick and avoid fights to get those "kill" numbers up there. Instead post "so and so landed kills". everyone would know they landed 2 or more kills but it would make them all the same, no more "competition" to be the guy who lands the big numbers.

Add perks/extra score to those players who join and participate in base takes/defenses. Generates more mission and so more fights.

Put the name of the player who dropped the troops that captured a base name in lights. Many new players drive goons and M3 because its easy and getting their name in lights will be a big perk.

The recent update to the P38s art work is a step in the right direction. Many players complain that AH graphics are old. With new sharp interiors/player view art work most of those complains wouldn't be there. It IS the only art you really see. All other art is a blur except the ground art from a GV. In this case the art only needs to be more varied. How much of an issue that is, I don't know. More types of trees, buildings, ruins, rocks/bolder piles and such.

GVs, get rid of the location dar and just add a dar bar for the GV. Friendly dar bar, enemy dar bar, and enemy GV dar bar. Leaves the "hunt" portion of the GV battles there, but also shows that there is a possible GV battle to be had.

Most games these days have a full free version. Others have a single up front payment for the game and you can play forever. Others have a fee for the game and has "payments" to more up with better equipment. HTC's biggest issue is to not keep up with the changing times. The gaming industry has changed. New players are just that NEW they game by these newer settings. Many players are happy to get a game for free and then spend hundreds of dollars a months to to be "better" in a game. AH has none of this. 2 weeks is just enough time for a new player to realize just how much he/she doesnt know and feels help less and so just leaves.

There should always be someone in the MA that gets a popup when a new player pops in for the first time, or any time during their first month. A quick note to them with a welcome and assurances that help is available would go a long way in keeping new players.

Are these good ideas? Will they help? Could they be enacted?   Only HTC can give you the answers to those questions. Personally I think this game could be saved. I think we could get back up to the 200+ days and 400+ weekends again, but changes MUST be made. Will it cause some player to leave? LOL!!! yup, but if you loose 30% or the players today to get 4 times that number tomorrow Im good with that because those that we would lose are the one we could do with out any way   :devil

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Re: Dang WTH Happened to the Numbers???
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2020, 09:48:43 PM »
You can't code out toxic players, only ban them. You can't code out sharks, only learn from them. Punishing them is ludicrous. And making the game 'free to play' isn't the holy grail you think it is for with that comes micro-purchases from hell and purchased advantages.

Are these good ideas? Will they help? Could they be enacted?   Only HTC can give you the answers to those questions.

You seem bent on demanding such and acting like you have all the answers.

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Re: Dang WTH Happened to the Numbers???
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2020, 02:23:50 AM »
Stop by Monday night madness and i know you will find a good fight.
THIS!!!!!!!!! Watch out for that "ULBlizz"...she is a KILLER/BLACK WIDOW :rofl :rock :devil
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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Dang WTH Happened to the Numbers???
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2020, 07:20:01 AM »
The "pay to cheat" path is available in many games today. It is popular with those too lazy to actually improve. Sadly many so called gamers fall into that category.
80th FS "Headhunters"

S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning In A Bottle)