Author Topic: Media Bias  (Read 9020 times)

Offline FESS67

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Re: Media Bias
« Reply #75 on: December 18, 2020, 11:13:58 PM »
You obviously have not paid much attention to the data or witnesses.  Enjoy your victory lap under your leader.  You can rest assured the 7000 dead people that voted in michigan are with you.

Sadly dead people voting, or even pets voting, is not that uncommon - I remember cats and dogs voting in the UK.  The process is not perfect and whilst those of us that sit on the outside cannot understand why it is that hard, it would seem it is the world over.

The question is, has fraud been committed or not?  The facts of this fraud need to be presented and then the legal people will argue over the presented facts.

Take your 7000 dead that voted in Michigan.  There are so many questions that need to be asked and proven (note proven by fact not by opinion).  Who did the deceased vote for?  Biden or Trump?  All of them voted for Biden I assume.  Do you not think that a bit obvious?  I mean if I was going to cheat I would not do so in such a way that it was obvious.

If we are statistically minded, how many dead people voted in other states?  Did all the dead people vote for Biden?  Did the dead people turn up to vote or did they mail their votes in?  Did they die after mailing the votes or before?

What I see is Trump supporters claiming all sorts of fraud only in the states he did not win.  It appears there was no fraud otherwise.  Most, if not all, of the fraud was via mail in ballot.  Because this has been the avenue of biggest voter fraud before?

I am certainly no expert but mail in ballots have been used before with no issues flagged.  The issues with mail in voting this time around were flagged by Trump many months before the election.  He was painting a narrative of fraud for all to swallow for months before the election.  Why is that?  Is mail in voting inherently fraudulent?

No of course not, or at least in the past it has not been.  Trump may be an idiot but he is not a fool.  He wanted the election to be like a political rally - turn up and be counted.  But in 2020 he knew that only his supporters would do that, following the messiah mask less into the valley of death.  He knew that the Biden supporters preferred to not go out in public, to not gather in large groups and therefore to vote by mail not in person.

This thread started about media bias.  Take a look back at Trumps messaging and posture with regard to this election.  He has sought to sow the seeds of doubt in a process simply because it did not favour him.  I actually think it is a shame because Hillary and the 'established' political circles were so obviously corrupt that it was a breath of fresh air when Trump won in 2016.  Sadly he turned out to be a very strange cat and not the long term solution the USA needed.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2020, 11:15:35 PM by FESS67 »

Offline NatCigg

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Re: Media Bias
« Reply #76 on: December 18, 2020, 11:15:11 PM »
You obviously haven't paid attention to the court case win/loss record.   :rofl :rofl :rofl

If you got evidence, go prove your case in court.

You've had 60 tries at bat plus a pleading before the Supreme Court. 

<buzzer> Loooooooosers.   :rofl :rofl :rofl  :ahand

So the final act of MAGA stupidity with be to try and invoke Electoral Count Act of 1887 on Jan 6. 

I'm sure they will find at least one inbred Trumpkin House member and Senator to dance the kabuki.  But before you Trumpkins get too excited you might want to go read it.  Both the House and Senate would have vote to reject any states Electoral certification.

Enough Republican Senators have already signaled they will not play along with this to deny them the majority .  And regardless, obviously the Democratic controlled House will not vote to decertify.  That is what is technically called a Dead-End!

It's over. 

Deal with it.

I watched our elected officials call witnesses liars and use court cases as their support.  It is nauseating to see opinions based on court cases.  How can we discount truth with a unrelated summary, that we ourselves can not see the evidence?

Also, spare me the maga label. I'm talking about the election.

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Media Bias
« Reply #77 on: December 18, 2020, 11:26:52 PM »
I watched our elected officials call witnesses liars and use court cases as their support.  It is nauseating to see opinions based on court cases.  How can we discount truth with a unrelated summary, that we ourselves can not see the evidence?

Also, spare me the maga label. I'm talking about the election.

all courts cases that were filed against the election are public record.  you want to see the evidence presented, well it's there.  it's just that simple.  cases presented had just allegations, when the attorneys were asked if they had proof, they said no.


you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline NatCigg

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Re: Media Bias
« Reply #78 on: December 18, 2020, 11:28:08 PM »
Sadly dead people voting, or even pets voting, is not that uncommon - I remember cats and dogs voting in the UK.  The process is not perfect and whilst those of us that sit on the outside cannot understand why it is that hard, it would seem it is the world over.

The question is, has fraud been committed or not?  The facts of this fraud need to be presented and then the legal people will argue over the presented facts.

Take your 7000 dead that voted in Michigan.  There are so many questions that need to be asked and proven (note proven by fact not by opinion).  Who did the deceased vote for?  Biden or Trump?  All of them voted for Biden I assume.  Do you not think that a bit obvious?  I mean if I was going to cheat I would not do so in such a way that it was obvious.

If we are statistically minded, how many dead people voted in other states?  Did all the dead people vote for Biden?  Did the dead people turn up to vote or did they mail their votes in?  Did they die after mailing the votes or before?

What I see is Trump supporters claiming all sorts of fraud only in the states he did not win.  It appears there was no fraud otherwise.  Most, if not all, of the fraud was via mail in ballot.  Because this has been the avenue of biggest voter fraud before?

I am certainly no expert but mail in ballots have been used before with no issues flagged.  The issues with mail in voting this time around were flagged by Trump many months before the election.  He was painting a narrative of fraud for all to swallow for months before the election.  Why is that?  Is mail in voting inherently fraudulent?

No of course not, or at least in the past it has not been.  Trump may be an idiot but he is not a fool.  He wanted the election to be like a political rally - turn up and be counted.  But in 2020 he knew that only his supporters would do that, following the messiah mask less into the valley of death.  He knew that the Biden supporters preferred to not go out in public, to not gather in large groups and therefore to vote by mail not in person.

This thread started about media bias.  Take a look back at Trumps messaging and posture with regard to this election.  He has sought to sow the seeds of doubt in a process simply because it did not favour him.  I actually think it is a shame because Hillary and the 'established' political circles were so obviously corrupt that it was a breath of fresh air when Trump won in 2016.  Sadly he turned out to be a very strange cat and not the long term solution the USA needed.

From what I've seen there is not enough evidence to change Michigan's results. And yes putting the vote under a microscope has always shown problems.

This election was different.  Absentee ballot rules were relaxed and the quantity far exceeded anything in the past.  Michigan's election official says she still has not received a paper roll call of voters to reference ballots.  She voted to certify they election while still saying the mistakes of this election can not be repeated.

So we should be working out these problems, finding truth in the process. But all we hear is the flush of change back to normal. Nobody would dare light a match called truth, right now. On we go.

Offline FESS67

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Re: Media Bias
« Reply #79 on: December 19, 2020, 12:14:12 AM »

So we should be working out these problems, finding truth in the process. But all we hear is the flush of change back to normal. Nobody would dare light a match called truth, right now. On we go.

This is a very powerful statement and I agree with all of it.  The problem is we need to examine everything with an open mind and therein lies the problem.  I firmly believe the establishment is corrupt and wants their version of the truth to be told.  I also firmly believe that Trump is equally as corrupt and wants his version of the truth to be told.

Where do we go from there?  Who is the adjudicator?  Certainly not the press, they have chosen their sides.  Is it the judiciary?  No, sadly they are also politically motivated.  Social media?  Hell no, they would have Kanye in the White House!!

I only hope that America finds enough voices of reason because from my side of the fence I see a very real threat of civil unrest even civil war because ultimately neither side of politics can be trusted to be truthful.  That is not a desirable situation.

Offline NatCigg

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Re: Media Bias
« Reply #80 on: December 19, 2020, 01:04:39 AM »
This is a very powerful statement and I agree with all of it.  The problem is we need to examine everything with an open mind and therein lies the problem.  I firmly believe the establishment is corrupt and wants their version of the truth to be told.  I also firmly believe that Trump is equally as corrupt and wants his version of the truth to be told.

Where do we go from there?  Who is the adjudicator?  Certainly not the press, they have chosen their sides.  Is it the judiciary?  No, sadly they are also politically motivated.  Social media?  Hell no, they would have Kanye in the White House!!

I only hope that America finds enough voices of reason because from my side of the fence I see a very real threat of civil unrest even civil war because ultimately neither side of politics can be trusted to be truthful.  That is not a desirable situation.

I dont see civil war or unrest on the horizon.  The government would have to do something really stupid like try to seize guns.  To develop responsible citizens we need to maintain a mandate for history, civic, and government classes in grade school and encourage productive dialogue by example in the media.  Like Greece.  :x

Offline FESS67

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Re: Media Bias
« Reply #81 on: December 19, 2020, 01:10:35 AM »
I dont see civil war or unrest on the horizon.  The government would have to do something really stupid like try to seize guns.  To develop responsible citizens we need to maintain a mandate for history, civic, and government classes in grade school and encourage productive dialogue by example in the media.  Like Greece.  :x

But sir, respectfully, there is another side in this.  So not only does the government have to avoid doing something really stupid, so does the opposition and their track record is not built on reasoned debate.

But on a lighter side, I found this on social media.  Trump is actually a great singer.

Offline NatCigg

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Re: Media Bias
« Reply #82 on: December 19, 2020, 01:11:27 AM »
It would not hurt to teach hunter safety in school like was done 50 years ago.  It is the knowledge of core values that is lacking.  Lacking in pop culture I should say. In my neck of the woods my point of view I prevalent.  Probably why I think the way I do.


Offline NatCigg

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Re: Media Bias
« Reply #83 on: December 19, 2020, 01:19:32 AM »
I'm not worried about a antifa guerilla war. Their acne medicine will wear off eventually.

But never say never.  :noid

Offline FESS67

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Re: Media Bias
« Reply #84 on: December 19, 2020, 01:20:51 AM »
It would not hurt to teach hunter safety in school like was done 50 years ago.  It is the knowledge of core values that is lacking.  Lacking in pop culture I should say. In my neck of the woods my point of view I prevalent.  Probably why I think the way I do.


As it is the world over.  It is the reason I grew up calling Germans Krauts, Japanese were Japs, Chinese were Chinks...............I did not mean anything by it, I did not know any better.  Now I am older I tend to think more and judge less.  I try to see both sides and when I do not agree with the other side I do not fight them I just agree to not agree on this point but tomorrow we may agree on something else.

Trump does not see tomorrow.  For him it is all about today.  Agree with him today for if you do not then you are not here tomorrow.

Offline NatCigg

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Re: Media Bias
« Reply #85 on: December 19, 2020, 01:26:12 AM »
As it is the world over.  It is the reason I grew up calling Germans Krauts, Japanese were Japs, Chinese were Chinks...............I did not mean anything by it, I did not know any better.  Now I am older I tend to think more and judge less.  I try to see both sides and when I do not agree with the other side I do not fight them I just agree to not agree on this point but tomorrow we may agree on something else.

Trump does not see tomorrow.  For him it is all about today.  Agree with him today for if you do not then you are not here tomorrow.

Lol yeah, to his own demise.

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Media Bias
« Reply #86 on: December 19, 2020, 01:29:21 AM »
It would not hurt to teach hunter safety in school like was done 50 years ago.  It is the knowledge of core values that is lacking.  Lacking in pop culture I should say. In my neck of the woods my point of view I prevalent.  Probably why I think the way I do.


shouldnt that be taken care of at home?  it's like lets teach the bible in school.  I never learned the bible in school. force kids to say a prayer in school means nothing to them.  not because they dont believe in god but because it's forced upon them.

lots of posts all over the place about bringing religion back to schools, but what does that mean?  who's bible?  who's religion?  would you accept mormon teaching? Scientology? i know you mean christian, but which christian?  we have about a billion religions in the usa.  who do you want to teach it, joel osteen? the guy from liberty school? catholic teaching, protestant, muslim, anybody else i didnt mention?

to me that's lazy parenting.  you want your kids to learn about guns, you teach them, and if you cant, find somebody who can.  you want religion, teach them yourself, according to what you believe. because otherwise you will raise hell if whoever is teaching them is not somebody you agree with.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline NatCigg

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Re: Media Bias
« Reply #87 on: December 19, 2020, 01:30:49 AM »
As it is the world over.  It is the reason I grew up calling Germans Krauts, Japanese were Japs, Chinese were Chinks...............I did not mean anything by it, I did not know any better.  Now I am older I tend to think more and judge less.  I try to see both sides and when I do not agree with the other side I do not fight them I just agree to not agree on this point but tomorrow we may agree on something else.

Trump does not see tomorrow.  For him it is all about today.  Agree with him today for if you do not then you are not here tomorrow.

To psycho analyze, I think of it more like a business mindset. If you are not in you are out. You do not talk certain ways in public against our image.  Not that he can't see tomorrow.

Offline NatCigg

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Re: Media Bias
« Reply #88 on: December 19, 2020, 01:37:08 AM »
shouldnt that be taken care of at home?  it's like lets teach the bible in school.  I never learned the bible in school. force kids to say a prayer in school means nothing to them.  not because they dont believe in god but because it's forced upon them.

lots of posts all over the place about bringing religion back to schools, but what does that mean?  who's bible?  who's religion?  would you accept mormon teaching? Scientology? i know you mean christian, but which christian?  we have about a billion religions in the usa.  who do you want to teach it, joel osteen? the guy from liberty school? catholic teaching, protestant, muslim, anybody else i didnt mention?

to me that's lazy parenting.  you want your kids to learn about guns, you teach them, and if you cant, find somebody who can.  you want religion, teach them yourself, according to what you believe. because otherwise you will raise hell if whoever is teaching them is not somebody you agree with.


Religion and civic duty are separate.  As is the church and state.  The notion of god represents if not is, what binds our collective will.  And that can be taught in school.

Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: Media Bias
« Reply #89 on: December 19, 2020, 01:56:08 AM »
Man you guys just don't get it. Trump is screwing the establishment to preserve America from the globalist communist take over. Its really that simple. He sacrificed a lot to do what he is doing.
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