my wife says i have a boot fetish, i have about maybe 50 pairs, most I have never worn. every few months i take them all out and spit shine them takes me about 3 days.
anyways, i cannot balance on my right foot since my back injury. that's why i mostly wear tennis, stand up to put on my right one but i have to sit down for my left one. when i wear boots i sit down and put on my left one and tie the shoe l laces because i can lift my leg up on the sofa, but i can't lift my right leg, so my wife ties the laces in my right foot.
I've given away some of my boots, think 200+ I paid for them. wifey thinks they're not manly. more like metro sexual.
edit: I think it's funny not that i got the boots but more like i have friends that are metro sexual