I’m writing this as a 22 year old who grew up watching his dad play Aces high and just dominating night in night out. This is my first time on this forum but I read every post you all had to say about my father. I find it hilarious how many bitter 40 year olds there were that got triggered by a guy enjoying the game and pushing others to be better. 999000 is a legend 1000 percent and for all the hateful posts i saw I saw my dad preaching kindness which isn’t something that was just online for him. He’s been flying B-17’s and coordinating missions for over 20 years he’s the MJ of bombers.
Ps if Fbraptor or Mars is out there still I would love to educate them on who 9er really is.
THE 999000 of today? Or Spawn Of Satan/999,000,....OP? If the later, I meant that comment IN LOVE! Scares the Hell out of me lol! I havent seen any posts on Forum, or in game for that matter, that disparages his BadAssery in B-17s
I am however, familiar with"The B-17s are Triple Nine, Careful!" Followed by "HOLY toejamE, there goes a wing!" Unless you witnessed a recent experience I wasnt in game for....all I saw was Total Fear and Shock, when he was around!
We have Jousted many the times and NOT ONCE have I EVER heard him/read a single disparaging comment from him! Do I go out of my way to get "easy bomber kills"? HELL TO THE NO NO! Unless I am in a 110
Just last week!!!! 999,000 comented on a 200 post from Notar towards me. I was in an F-6 and not my customary Spit 16. Notar was saying "BW, get back in the Spitfire. Those big bombs are like cheating for you!" 999,000 jumped in "Dude, he isnt in a 110, count your blessings(parphrased)
I am hoping something RETARDED didnt provoke your post? Your Dad is Family to me and I will have his "6" anytime! Unless I am fighting him..."6" is NO SAFE ZONE with that one