Author Topic: Heavy Metal Thursday Tank Fights and Training in AVA arena--4/15/21 at 8pm EST  (Read 610 times)

Offline captain1ma

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Heavy Metal Thursday Night tank fights and training

8pm EST in the AVA arena

this week in continuance of last week, we will be testing the new

Kassrine map. the battle will be a capture the flag setup, where

you will have to capture the base and then try to hold it.

there are 2 bases with a total of 6 spawns for each side.

Bring your friends, its going to get ugly! bring your enemies too.

Battle bases:
Bishops: V2 and V3
Knights: V5 and V6

**please refrain from spawn camping**
Radar: 30 second delay
Tank set:
Sherman M4/76

Panzer F

Offline captain1ma

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16 players, no bombers or fighters. you're all missing out!! what a blast tonight, literally!!

Offline JimmyD3

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I only got 1 kill on you last night.  :cry
Maybe better next week.  :rock
CO Sic Puppies MWK
USAF 1971-76

Offline DmdJJ

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As this was a test run for a capture the flag scenario, and based on Kasserine, I have a few suggestions.

1 - Use the M4/75 instead of the 76. The Panzer III was way outclassed by the 76.
2 - Remove the M-18. It wasn't available.
3 - M-3 should have the 75 available. It might have been, but I didn't try it.
4 - Turn off the field guns.
5 - No spawning available from captured field. It was literally impossible to recapture this base when your opponent can re spawn from the exact place he was just killed. Yes I know we could have taken down the VH, but there are 4 of them, with bad guys shooting at you, all the while you are fighting uphill.

Carry on :D
"The Damned"
"Damned if we do, no fun if we don't"
FSO Squad 412th FNVG
Target Rebaul-----> VMF-214   Fjord Fury RAF----> 315 Squadron

Offline captain1ma

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As this was a test run for a capture the flag scenario, and based on Kasserine, I have a few suggestions.

1 - Use the M4/75 instead of the 76. The Panzer III was way outclassed by the 76.
2 - Remove the M-18. It wasn't available.
3 - M-3 should have the 75 available. It might have been, but I didn't try it.
4 - Turn off the field guns.
5 - No spawning available from captured field. It was literally impossible to recapture this base when your opponent can re spawn from the exact place he was just killed. Yes I know we could have taken down the VH, but there are 4 of them, with bad guys shooting at you, all the while you are fighting uphill.

Carry on :D

thanks JJ, #1 was my fault, it was supposed to be that, it didnt register. my apologies.
2. M18 was only in there for fun, yes not realistic.
3. M3 was available with the 75
4. manned or auto guns?
5. actually 2bases per side, but yeah i get the idea. what would you suggest? spawns out to the edge of the base?

Offline RichardDarkwood

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Totally agree with disabling flight of field V8.

Was a really fun time.
A yappy back seater like Jester wasn’t popular or fun to fly with, more of an unnecessary distraction than anything else---Puma44
CO--The Bad Guys

Offline svaalbar

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One thing is that it takes about 1 min from spawn to action on the center base. Maybe either reset the map when one side wins or disable the spawn in the center. I like the fast paced action and drive, but having the spawn in the base is a little too much.

Was a ton of fun! Another idea is to enable most tanks for either side, so that you can up a Panzer or M4 or T34 or whatever.
"All fighter pilots were a little crazy, but mostly the nicest guys you'd ever meet." The Biography of a Rabbit, by Roy Benson Jr -

Offline DmdJJ

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Jaeger, for now I would say just disable the auto guns. They are a pain when you crest the ridge. You start getting pelted by then at the time you are looking for enemy tanks.
On point 5 I was talking about the vehicle hangers. There are 4 on each vehicle base. You would have to take down all 4 in order for the team that holds the base not to be able to spawn right back into the action after getting killed.
Also the spawn points from the outer bases may need to be moved. To easy to long range spawn camp from the center base ridge line.
"The Damned"
"Damned if we do, no fun if we don't"
FSO Squad 412th FNVG
Target Rebaul-----> VMF-214   Fjord Fury RAF----> 315 Squadron

Offline svaalbar

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Like one of the big "whirlwind" maps has a single VH - but its indestructible - maybe that could be the center hanger with a spawn timer? Like if you up and die in the middle of the captured field, then you need to wait 30seconds to respawn, or you can spawn from the other two main bases immediately Drive takes like 1-1.5min to crest the hill and get into the base.
"All fighter pilots were a little crazy, but mostly the nicest guys you'd ever meet." The Biography of a Rabbit, by Roy Benson Jr -

Offline RichardDarkwood

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Was a ton of fun! Another idea is to enable most tanks for either side, so that you can up a Panzer or M4 or T34 or whatever.

I enabled most tanks in the second hour.
A yappy back seater like Jester wasn’t popular or fun to fly with, more of an unnecessary distraction than anything else---Puma44
CO--The Bad Guys

Offline captain1ma

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the whole idea is to fight your way in, and then fight to hold it.

another option would be to use 4 bases in close proximity of each other and just capture the bases without having a base in the middle.

the reason for not enabling all tanks on both sides is because then its becomes just another MA without planes.
its Axis vs Allies for a reason. i personally keep to the planeset as listed because then you HAVE to use tanks you're not used to,
and you DONT have those UBER tanks.

would it be better if the base was not up high, but rather on flat ground? maybe thats the issue?

Offline DmdJJ

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Just make all vehicles unavailable at the center base. That way no one can spawn there after being killed.
Example - Your team holds the base. I fight my way up to the base, and kill 4 tanks defending it. Those four tanks immediately re spawn, and now I'm fighting the same 4 guys 2 seconds later. This makes it virtually impossible to get troops in to re take the base. Trust me, we tried, and the troops got massacred.
Not squeaking, just trying to make this a fun event in the future. No fun means no one comes.  :salute
"The Damned"
"Damned if we do, no fun if we don't"
FSO Squad 412th FNVG
Target Rebaul-----> VMF-214   Fjord Fury RAF----> 315 Squadron