Author Topic: ENY (again)  (Read 3529 times)

Offline Simon

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ENY (again)
« on: May 10, 2021, 06:21:17 PM »
Seems we should be encouraging people to want to play.

Does anyone log-off when the sides are imbalanced? They sure do when they can't get a decent plane.

Tonight I logged on to see a pretty good map, with a 3-way fight developing in the middle.

It fizzled due to ENY. Not a single F4U variant was available, so if I wish to remain Knight I need to up an F4F to fight Yaks, Doras and Ponies.

ENY had its place when the populations justified it, but nowadays it's just one more hindrance.

We don't need these archaic and arbitrary limiting mechanisms when gameplay is already challenged by the low population and maps that aren't designed for it.


Offline whiteman

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Re: ENY (again)
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2021, 09:54:22 PM »
That means eny was 40, thats some serious out numbering.

Offline BiPoLaR

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Re: ENY (again)
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2021, 09:55:28 PM »
Instead of making a post about a dead horse that was beaten 15 years ago. Switch sides to low numbers. Problem fixed.
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Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: ENY (again)
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2021, 11:16:24 PM »
Instead of making a post about a dead horse that was beaten 15 years ago. Switch sides to low numbers. Problem fixed.

Unfortunately the side with low #s is normally playing by themselves on the other side of the map. Generally they don't need fighter help and are either A. Not doing literally anything. B. Hoarding to get bases back by themselves. In a furball island situation the low #s (rooks) could actually be dictating the fight with their #s, while say the bish can fly what they want. This makes the knights (high #s) be forced to fly worse planes and actually be disadvantaged in the furball.

I still feel like perking these planes is the better approach rather than making them non flyable and force people to log. Many planes should be re-evaluated and put into a time zone eny, where planes are enyd based on the years of the planes. It would be more balanced rather than just off a perceived eny value.
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Offline guncrasher

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Re: ENY (again)
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2021, 11:50:24 PM »
"Unfortunately the side with low #s is normally playing by themselves on the other side of the map. Generally they don't need fighter help and are either A. Not doing literally anything. B. Hoarding to get bases back by themselves. In a furball island situation the low #s (rooks) could actually be dictating the fight with their #s, while say the bish can fly what they want. This makes the knights (high #s) be forced to fly worse planes and actually be disadvantaged in the furball.

I still feel like perking these planes is the better approach rather than making them non flyable and force people to log. Many planes should be re-evaluated and put into a time zone eny, where planes are enyd based on the years of the planes. It would be more balanced rather than just off a perceived eny value."

awesome idea violator, just a couple of questions. actually so many contradictions, think you should fix your statement.

« Last Edit: May 10, 2021, 11:54:32 PM by guncrasher »
you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline JimmyD3

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Re: ENY (again)
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2021, 09:22:20 AM »
The imbalance yesterday on the Baltic map was, I can't find the words to describe it, game killing. Rooks and knits had the bish out numbered 2 to 1 each. It turned into a beat down, I logged off twice hoping the map would roll. But no, Knits had no rook bases and rooks had no knit bases, it was just a gangfest on the bish. No country needs to be doing that, PERIOD.

You want to call this a whine? Go ahead but, be sure to understand this does more damage to the game than any eny, "having to fly 5 minutes to find a fight", or "the map is too big".
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Offline Lazerr

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Re: ENY (again)
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2021, 11:01:36 AM »
The imbalance yesterday on the Baltic map was, I can't find the words to describe it, game killing. Rooks and knits had the bish out numbered 2 to 1 each. It turned into a beat down, I logged off twice hoping the map would roll. But no, Knits had no rook bases and rooks had no knit bases, it was just a gangfest on the bish. No country needs to be doing that, PERIOD.

You want to call this a whine? Go ahead but, be sure to understand this does more damage to the game than any eny, "having to fly 5 minutes to find a fight", or "the map is too big".

Funny, I was complaining about this on knight country channel.  We had 40% plus of Bish bases, and people both sides kept pounding on them.

I organized a group of guys to do a on the fly mission to rook a9, and we took it, and a few other rook bases.

Then both the Bish and Rook were hitting the knights, and we were losing ground earned earlier in the evening. Bish had nearly the same amount of players by this time.

Not sure you balance that.  A matter of a couple hours it was night and day difference.

Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: ENY (again)
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2021, 11:11:36 AM »
"Unfortunately the side with low #s is normally playing by themselves on the other side of the map. Generally they don't need fighter help and are either A. Not doing literally anything. B. Hoarding to get bases back by themselves. In a furball island situation the low #s (rooks) could actually be dictating the fight with their #s, while say the bish can fly what they want. This makes the knights (high #s) be forced to fly worse planes and actually be disadvantaged in the furball.

I still feel like perking these planes is the better approach rather than making them non flyable and force people to log. Many planes should be re-evaluated and put into a time zone eny, where planes are enyd based on the years of the planes. It would be more balanced rather than just off a perceived eny value."

awesome idea violator, just a couple of questions. actually so many contradictions, think you should fix your statement.


Semp, it doesn't make any logical sense that the Yak3 is an 18 eny while a Seafire is 15 eny. That's "perceived" eny and apparently it's just too damn hard to re-evaluate that you Enyd a plane incorrectly. That's my problem with perceived ENY. The stats every month clearly prove that yak3 is a very superior fighter plane, in a game where most people fly in fighters.

Secondly, there is no "zone eny" in other words, nothing provides an incentive to go attack the other side. There should be zones on the map that provide more perks if you attack certain areas.

It's not forcing anyone to do anything but it provides incentives to fight in other areas.

Perking planes is far better than just making them non flyable. If it were my game, I'd have made La7s, spit16s, yak3s, NIKs, 190Ds, P47Ms, ect. slightly perked to make the game more balanced. A 5 perk cost isn't going to hurt anyone. But it will make the game much more fighter balanced. I'm tired of fighting the same 6 uber planes every fight on the same 4 maps every weekend. 😒
« Last Edit: May 11, 2021, 11:13:24 AM by DmonSlyr »
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Re: ENY (again)
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2021, 11:23:06 AM »
The imbalance yesterday on the Baltic map was, I can't find the words to describe it, game killing. Rooks and knits had the bish out numbered 2 to 1 each. It turned into a beat down, I logged off twice hoping the map would roll. But no, Knits had no rook bases and rooks had no knit bases, it was just a gangfest on the bish. No country needs to be doing that, PERIOD.

You want to call this a whine? Go ahead but, be sure to understand this does more damage to the game than any eny, "having to fly 5 minutes to find a fight", or "the map is too big".

That why I wish they would add a dynamic where after you take 2 bases from one country you MUST take at least one from the other front. It would bust up the "rolling" a country and bring action to the other front.

They had the base capture order before so it can  be done

Offline Tracerfi

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Re: ENY (again)
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2021, 11:25:09 AM »
We have the auto change country as an option I only see maybe 5 people use it including me when ever I am logged in. The only way I can see fixing that problem is forcing it on for everyone when it gets that bad but then people would complain and log off due to not being able to play with their squad mates and log off instead of trying new things.
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Offline guncrasher

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Re: ENY (again)
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2021, 12:25:36 PM »
Semp, it doesn't make any logical sense that the Yak3 is an 18 eny while a Seafire is 15 eny. That's "perceived" eny and apparently it's just too damn hard to re-evaluate that you Enyd a plane incorrectly. That's my problem with perceived ENY. The stats every month clearly prove that yak3 is a very superior fighter plane, in a game where most people fly in fighters.

Secondly, there is no "zone eny" in other words, nothing provides an incentive to go attack the other side. There should be zones on the map that provide more perks if you attack certain areas.

It's not forcing anyone to do anything but it provides incentives to fight in other areas.

Perking planes is far better than just making them non flyable. If it were my game, I'd have made La7s, spit16s, yak3s, NIKs, 190Ds, P47Ms, ect. slightly perked to make the game more balanced. A 5 perk cost isn't going to hurt anyone. But it will make the game much more fighter balanced. I'm tired of fighting the same 6 uber planes every fight on the same 4 maps every weekend. 😒

what does the yak 3 has anything to do with your previous post?

here's what i saw in your previous post.

- what is a time zone eny

- you mentioned low number country either do nothing or horde. so damn if they do, damn if they don't.

- a sentence later, they dictate the fight.  shouldn't the country in the middle dictate the fight.

- years of the plane? I thought all airplanes are brand new, just off the factory floor.

- if you talking about year introduced, then german and Japanese planes, would dominate.

the problem with zone eny is that it introduced a new problem. you up from a rear base and you can't fly missions because of eny.

you could have the lowest number and fly together and you can't, because of zone eny, you will be limited.


you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline Eagler

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Re: ENY (again)
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2021, 12:54:06 PM »

Perk ALL planes and gv's something...keeping the early war planes very low with the worse ones perkless..

Take an average perk point monthly usage and allot that to everyone with each tour reset

Not too many monthly perks so you are forced to fly the less lethal for more points

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Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: ENY (again)
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2021, 12:58:00 PM »
what does the yak 3 has anything to do with your previous post?

here's what i saw in your previous post.

- what is a time zone eny

- you mentioned low number country either do nothing or horde. so damn if they do, damn if they don't.

- a sentence later, they dictate the fight.  shouldn't the country in the middle dictate the fight.

- years of the plane? I thought all airplanes are brand new, just off the factory floor.

- if you talking about year introduced, then german and Japanese planes, would dominate.

the problem with zone eny is that it introduced a new problem. you up from a rear base and you can't fly missions because of eny.

you could have the lowest number and fly together and you can't, because of zone eny, you will be limited.


The yak3 proves that eny needs a revamp.

A time zone Eny refers to the time periods that planes were built in the war, rather than using a perceived eny value for eny. Maybe it would be more balanced. Maybe not.

Yes, low # country either has 0 action or are hoarding to get bases back with little resistance. Either option is a log off for me. I have it set for me to be on the lower country side. If it switches me to the side with no fighter action, I log. I can scream on 200 to try to get people to fight us, but it doesn't work like it use to. It's happened quite a bit, especially on huge maps where I cannot reach the other teams.

I'm talking about in a furball island situation, the low #s side could dictate the fight. Generally the low #s side just wants to fight, but has no one to fight. In a furball island situation, that's where most of them are, thus being able to crush the side that has eny against them. It creates an unbalanced fight. You cannot force the rest of your high #s team to fight in furball island. So if the #s are even in the furball island. The team with eny against them has a major disadvantage.

What I mean by zone eny is not to limit the planes based on Eny. But to have zones on the map the provide more perks when you attack them, get kills in them, or take the base. So it would incentivize players to attack certain areas of the map that they could get more perks with. This would possible create bigger fights, as players would have an idea of what is important to attack rather than other areas. When you log in and see the map, you have no clue where to attack, and most players just roll where the friendlies are, thinking there will be action there. There is no path to action sorta speak. Zones would provide a path and intice players to fight in that area for more perks. You could still roll from a back field, but if you attack the base inside the zones you get a perk multiplier. If you defend there, you get get the perk multiplier.

« Last Edit: May 11, 2021, 01:02:17 PM by DmonSlyr »
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Offline guncrasher

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Re: ENY (again)
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2021, 01:29:15 PM »
violator, we already get 3 time the perks with auto switch. you want a multiplier on top of that?

eny multiplier x 3 times the perks x a zone eny? not include plane multiplier.

and what makes you think if you attack a high value zone that it will be defended to bigger fights?

remember when they wanted strats close to the front because it would create bigger battles.  only thing that happened is strats are always down with no fights over it.


you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: ENY (again)
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2021, 01:46:41 PM »
violator, we already get 3 time the perks with auto switch. you want a multiplier on top of that?

eny multiplier x 3 times the perks x a zone eny? not include plane multiplier.

and what makes you think if you attack a high value zone that it will be defended to bigger fights?

remember when they wanted strats close to the front because it would create bigger battles.  only thing that happened is strats are always down with no fights over it.


I have 18,000 perks. Who really cares at this point. In a few years I'll have 25,000 perks. It makes no difference to me. I'm trying to look at ways to incentivize battles like you see in Combat Challenge. If the other side doesn't want to fight, what am I suppose to do? If I switch, I'm stuck for 6 hours and the fight could last 20 minutes and now I'm stuck on that for 5 hours twittling my thumbs.
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