Most of you old timers like me will remember how you went about learning this game from the start. You downloaded the game, got a basic setup on your stick jumped into the game and if you got off the ground you were repeatedly and unceremoniously killed over and over again.
Then the learning began. We didnt hunt for tricks and added software add-ons, no we did research. We hunted down all the information we could find on the internet on everything we could get to get better, make our computers better and so on. Through the years there were many that sought to help by building pages with helpful tips.
Animals TacticsTips on getting the very best out of your computer and your internet connection.
Soda's aircraft pageWrite ups on every plane in the game. Strengths, weaknesses, and best yet, how to fight in them or against them.
Doktor Gonzo's aircraft pageA side by side comparison of the fighters in Aces High.
All lost to time..... well maybe not all
I contacted Gonzo and he gave me all the code and files he had for his site. The data was still good, but the way the program worked wasnt. The program used "Flash" to generate the graphs and put them into a page. Flash is a big "no-no" now and browsers wont even load it. I reworked the opening page and got someone to help with the coding to get it working again.
This is the first step in putting together a big help page. Through the years playing this game we all love I have accumulated a lot of "helpful" sites/information. I hope to build a site with everything stored in one place. I will give credit to the originators and link back to there pages but I hope to have it all stored on one server. I dont plan on leaving the game anytime soon, and I hope the game is around for years to come. With that thought I figured having this information in a single easy to find site might help new guys pick up on the learning curve a bit easier.
So here is the first step,
The NEW Gonzo's Fighter Comparison Page