That looks much better, but the horizontal and vertical stabilizer looks a touch too grey. Appears light grey to me anyway. Rudder and elevator looks good though. 
Well, that's because the shade I suggested to him, and also the exact shade I used on my most recent skins with white tails, is distinctly light gray. The AH3 lighting engine takes light and bright colors and washes them out, so you need to compensate for this by using darker/duller tones for these colors - white being the worst offender.
Here is a chart I made discussing this in a thread about winter whitewashes:
"Now, here are the colors I used with actual pure white (RGB 225/225/225) and pure neutral gray (RGB 128/128/128) to show how much closer to neutral gray you need to make white paints to appear well in the game.
Colors left to right: pure white, (German) insignia white, whitewash white, pure neutral gray"
The white I used for my white tailed P-40's and P-39 is just slightly darker and more yellow then the whitewash white in the chart above - about 1% different in each aspect from the sample in the chart. Also, I have other subtle dirt weathering layers which will shift the final white color even more towards an off-white or cream.
The only aspect of the rudder and elevator that would make them appear different is the fact that they are at slightly different angles to their associated stabilizers. This will change the angle of the reflected light and not appear washed out as much from the viewpoint compared to the associated stabilizers. A change in view angle or plane position relative to the viewpoint could make the rudder and elevators washout more than the stabilizers. The idea of using darker colors and making them more glossy in the specular maps is to lessen the effect and to focus/reduce the area of the inevitable washout.