Did you try moving your head position when the controllers are not plugged in? The point is simply to see if something is miss-mapped.
I would not reinstall Win 10 or AH. It seems like a waste of time. All you usually need to do is restore settings to default by deleting or renaming the settings folder. BTW do not use old saved settings.
Did you change your FOV?
Sorry I wasn't clearer. Try adjusting the head position without the controllers connected. AH assigns the controller functions automatically when you connect the controller to your pc.
I agree with FLS about not reinstalling windows, or AH again. Just disconnect your controllers delete the settings folder, and with the controllers disconnected launch AH, and before you reconnect the controllers see if you can adjust the head position. If you can, then there is something being assigned to your controllers that prohibits you from adjusting your head position normally.
What controllers are you using?