Author Topic: Wrecks... fire and smoke  (Read 1161 times)

Offline toddbobe

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Wrecks... fire and smoke
« on: November 26, 2021, 02:42:32 PM »
AH is the cleanest battlefield known to man, would it be possible to have wreckages of destroyed tanks and crashed planes that burn for a time. The wrecks of tanks could also be temporary objects to hide behind, this would help solve the spawn camping problem. Of course make this an option that can be toggled.

Offline SpinDoc1

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Re: Wrecks... fire and smoke
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2021, 12:21:32 PM »
Really cool idea, actually!
Spin Doc's Aces High VR Video channel!

Offline oboe

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Re: Wrecks... fire and smoke
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2021, 02:05:37 PM »
I like it, but it'll cost some fps.

I think see a problem though.   You may think your tank is hiding behind a wrecked hulk, but a guy has you in his sights because he has the option toggled off?

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Wrecks... fire and smoke
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2021, 05:19:36 PM »
I like it, but it'll cost some fps.

I think see a problem though.   You may think your tank is hiding behind a wrecked hulk, but a guy has you in his sights because he has the option toggled off?

In the old days this (bolded) was always the first thing said, but I was thinking today and I think it might have been misinterpreted.

In the ols days the game was setup so it could be played by as may types of computers as it could and yet be playable by all. This meant that weak computers and laptops had to be able to play right along side the super gaming computers. This is why we had option to turn off this or that thing to get better frame rates.

Seeing as the "game" is played on your computer, your computer dictates how well the game runs on it. Id be curious to know how many players are running things at full tilt these days. Most players I think get "gaming rigs" that have come back, and those new players that are here for the first time more than likely have gaming rigs as well seeing most  new players ARE gamers.

So if this is the case, is the old  "we'll lose FR" really an issue any more? If people arent turning down the graphics any more way would they need to have that as an option? No worries about someone getting an advantage by dropping the graphics because it will no longer be an option. I dont think it would matter too much to lag as the only thing running across the internet is the data packets and what a few more numbers for a burned out tank location?

Could it work?

Offline Volron

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Re: Wrecks... fire and smoke
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2021, 09:17:31 PM »
In the old days this (bolded) was always the first thing said, but I was thinking today and I think it might have been misinterpreted.

In the ols days the game was setup so it could be played by as may types of computers as it could and yet be playable by all. This meant that weak computers and laptops had to be able to play right along side the super gaming computers. This is why we had option to turn off this or that thing to get better frame rates.

Seeing as the "game" is played on your computer, your computer dictates how well the game runs on it. Id be curious to know how many players are running things at full tilt these days. Most players I think get "gaming rigs" that have come back, and those new players that are here for the first time more than likely have gaming rigs as well seeing most  new players ARE gamers.

So if this is the case, is the old  "we'll lose FR" really an issue any more? If people arent turning down the graphics any more way would they need to have that as an option? No worries about someone getting an advantage by dropping the graphics because it will no longer be an option. I dont think it would matter too much to lag as the only thing running across the internet is the data packets and what a few more numbers for a burned out tank location?

Could it work?

Don't necessarily need fire/smoke, which are one of the biggest FPS hogs in any game, just the destroyed "hulk" of the tank/plane.  The questions become, how long does this effect last?  Is it tangible, or "illusion"?

Honestly I don't see a point if it is not tangible, as it would take a simple check of a box and it's a non-issue, much like grass.  Plus it will very likely frustrate newer folks: "WTF!? I was hiding behind this dead tank!".  As for how long it lasts, X seconds and/or until the person respawns/logs out should work.  War Thunder did it well, so basically take that and make adjustments to better suit AH's much grander scale.
Quote from: hitech
Wow I find it hard to believe it has been almost 38 days since our last path. We should have release another 38 versions by now  :bhead
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What on Earth makes you think that i said that sir?!
My guess would be scotch.

Offline popeye

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Re: Wrecks... fire and smoke
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2021, 10:18:18 AM »
If people aren't turning down the graphics any more why would they need to have that as an option? No worries about someone getting an advantage by dropping the graphics because it will no longer be an option.

Seems to me that the most significant advantage to be had by adjusting graphics is disabling shadows while fighting in a tank.  I'd guess that my GPU is pretty much "entry level" by today's standard:  GTX 1660 Super, and I still get decent frame rates (55+) in a GV with graphics mostly maxed out on a 2560x1440 monitor.  (Environment mapping set to "none".)  So, my system would be fine if shadows couldn't be disabled.  That said, shadows can make a huge (40%) difference in frame rate on my system, so it could be a problem for older equipment.  (Although, minimizing tree detail gets that 40% back.)

Maybe Vulkan would improve graphic performance enough to allow forced shadows enabled while driving GVs.

Of course, a change like this would probably inspire more rage quits than new recruits.   :D
« Last Edit: December 02, 2021, 11:07:27 AM by popeye »

Where is Major Kong?!?