Its looking very playable to me.
- There are some fields that seem too close to each other; I've put pink rings around them.
- Regarding the "tank town: in center, if you don't group them closely together, they will appear as part of the overall land-capture part of the game - grouping them together might help players recognize these bases are for GV battles only and should not be captured, similar to other terrains with tank towns. Grouping these VBases also opens up some more territory to spread bases out where needed.
- I've shown flakbases; one per strat, just to give an idea of their density on the full map. Personally I would expect strats to be protected like this, your earlier version showed 2 flakbases per strat and perhaps that was too much in areas where bases are a bit close to each other.
As always, take my suggestions with a grain of salt - I don't have a lot of experience in terrain design considerations. Just trying to help and show I'm following your progress with interest!