I believe once upon a time in the day during Wednesday Snapshots. There might have been a Mitchell setup. I don't know for sure. This is only possible in SEA or custom arenas.
Main arena doesn't have that option.
Doing a Mitchell setup is very tricky. We have a Japan terrain. I'm working off memory at work and not in front of my gaming rig. There might be a CV group to launch Mitchells.
Historical setup:
16 players with single B-25s launch and bomb ground targets.
No opposing force.
Special Event:
Teams challenge.
Players organize 16 player teams and hit ground targets for points. Highest score wins.
How many players would want to do this? What amount of energy needed to bring in 5 teams or more?
Historical Setup with what if:
16 players in single Mitchells
4 players in Axis fighters indictive of what was available
Teams challenge like above but with enemy contact. Dedicated Axis team to challenge each team.
This might get more interest.
Non-historical setup with just Mitchells:
More than 16 players in single B-25s
More than 4 axis players.
One life or unlimited lives. Possibilities.
No where close to history:
Allied has B-25s and Wildcats
Axis has fighters for defense
Axis has bombers for CV group
These are just the top of my head. Being a CM, the hardest part is BALANCE. Also, it helps to get a sense of what the players like and being interested. We only have those who speak up on the forum and the silent majority either show up or not at all.
Those who want to see this happen. You're welcome to get some interest. Work out what you want. I or one of the other CMs can reserve a night in SEA 2.
The "non-historical" or "what-if" options will be the ones used. Just look at our Pearl Harbor runs. The only issue I see is the number of players in general. This would likely pull 2 to 3 times the max number, and to run with too much more than the "historical" would ruin the immersion. 24 v 6 would be pushing it, but could be "workable". 32 v 8 would be the absolute max in my opinion, but you'd likely want two CV's for this vs everyone taking off from one. Ack would definitely need to be adjusted if they're to stick to the historical altitudes, but to my understanding that would be the easiest thing to do. I don't remember exactly what the Japan Terrain looks like, but is there anywhere the 25's could land after they've hit their targets?
IF I recall correctly, there was a bases in the far NE corner of the map (which answers my own question), but again, I don't remember exactly.