15 years from now I hope to be there too...if I'm not still playing AH here
I am a reincarnation catholic convert myself which puts a different spin on the entire thing...
<S>TC .. missed you at KOTH sir
Heya Eagler brother..I've missed being there for all 3 KOTH events this year myself, heh
I understand your position and we all have our own way of thinking, doing and believing and I cast no stones!
I am just being me! Nothing more, except this last little bit: I, myself am Christian ✝️ read that as Christ's man, and
growing up in a Baptist church, I walked away from Man's creation of denominations of religion around the time I was 11 or 12, because being a Christian is not and has nothing to do with being religious or religions...I am my LORD'S servant and I kneel only kneel to HIM !
to each there own...no worries
I'll be back soon, just dealing with real life stuff